At night, there are many stars, the lights are blurred, the silver stars and the lamp beads are connected together, and the Tianji Pavilion is quiet and serene. However, in this piece of peace, there are two furtive figures.

The slender figure is obviously much lighter and more agile, and the one following is slightly slower.

Two figures walked quickly along the corner for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a rockery. A gloomy voice then sounded, "there is a path in the rockery. Find the mechanism first."

With that, he stepped back and let the slender figure next to him enter the rockery. The slender figure hesitated for a while and walked in carefully.

This slender figure is Downing, and the other person beside her is Qi Yuan.

After entering the rockery, Downing fumbled for a long time in the dark, and finally found the mechanism Qi Yuan said. She gently twisted the mechanism, and the rockery immediately vibrated slightly.

"You come out first." Outside the rockery, Qi Yuan called in a low voice. The next moment, Downing trotted out. Then they waited for the door of the secret room to open.

With the shaking of the rockery slowly stopped, a deep entrance appeared in front of Qi Yuan and downing. Qi Yuan looked around to make sure that no one signaled Downing to go down first. When downing was completely in the dark, he followed him down the steps.

It was thought that the underground temperature of junjinyao's closed chamber should be very low. However, Tang Ning and Qi Yuan found that it was extremely warm here.

When they finished walking, the front of the steps gradually lit up, and there were crystal stones on both sides of the passage.

Both of them are xiaoyaozi's apprentices. Qi Yuan needs to watch xiaoyaozi's face carefully, but Jun Jinyao enjoys such considerate treatment. Qi Yuan's heart is filled with jealousy and resentment.

But as soon as he thought that junjinyao would fall into his hands later, he got excited and quickened his pace.

In front of the stone gate of the chamber of secrets, Qi Yuan and Tang Ning stop at the same time. Tang Ning looks at Qi Yuan and asks him what to do next, but the latter goes up and knocks on the stone gate.

Then Qi Yuan didn't know where he touched it. The stone gate shook slightly and moved away.

Downing looked inside slightly, and found that the secret room was totally different from what he had imagined. Behind the stone door, it was not a cold stone room, but a boudoir full of a little girl's gentle atmosphere.

She followed Qi Yuan to go in, saw a furnace of smoke curling up constantly, light sandalwood filled her side in an instant, it is refreshing.

Further on, Tang Ning and Qi Yuan saw the Guqin standing in the corner. On a hollowed out carved dressing table, there was a half person high bronze mirror. The room was so fresh and comfortable that even the ground, which had not been moved for four years, was spotless.

Walking to the entrance of the inner room, Downing felt the breath of people. She gently opened the bead curtain door and went in. Finally, she saw Jun Jinyao sitting on the bed with her knees crossed.

Because in the cultivation, Jun Jinyao closed the five senses and six senses, and was not aware of everything that happened outside.

Qi Yuan motioned to Downing to let her come forward to control the person, while he himself took out the already prepared hemp rope and cloth.

Although Tang Ning has done countless psychological construction for herself in recent days, she is still so nervous that she is sweating. Even her hands are shaking slightly. The closer she gets to Jun Jinyao, the more she shakes.

When she was in front of Jun Jinyao, Tang Ning was ready to knock her out. As soon as she raised her hand, Jun Jinyao unexpectedly opened her eyes.

Her smart eyes with blurred fog, after a long time gradually clear, looking at two people in front of Jun Jinyao doubt asked, "I know you, but how can you two appear here?"

Facing the sudden situation, Downing is scared to withdraw her hand, but Qi Yuan is still holding the hemp rope and cloth.

Jun Jinyao immediately realized that something was wrong, and the atmosphere in the secret room became tense.

"Don't you do it yet?" With Qi Yuan's loud reminder, Jun Jinyao gets up first without waiting for Tang Ning to respond. She claps Tang Ning in front of her and quickly flashes to the exit of the inner room, intending to leave here.

Downing was stunned for a moment, and then quickly caught up with them. The two men immediately fought hard, and the secret room was in a mess.

Because Jun Jinyao had been closed for four years, and he had lost all his accomplishments before, now he was in a bad situation when he suddenly fought with others. After several rounds, he was even suppressed by Tang Ning, and Qi Yuan applauded.

Just when Jun Jinyao concentrates on coping with Tang Ning, Qi Yuan quietly walks up behind her and uses a hemp rope to catch her when she is not aware of it.

Jun Jinyao's action was limited, and soon she was defeated. Qi Yuan immediately grabbed the hemp rope and pulled her back. When he forced her to the corner, he threw the cloth strip to Tang Ning, "stop her mouth quickly, so as to prevent her yelling from attracting other people."After taking the cloth, Tang Ning hesitates again. She stares at the cloth in her hand and looks at Jun Jinyao. Finally, she follows Qi Yuan's order and walks over.

After completely subduing Jun Jinyao, Qi Yuan happily walks around in front of her, then squats down and stares at her with obscene eyes, "the ninth princess is worthy of being the ninth princess, this beauty..."

Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll call you elder martial sister! You must not know! Xiaoyaozi took me as an apprentice after you shut up, but I didn't expect that it would be like this when we met again. "

"Well, if you have anything to say, it's too dangerous here."

"Danger?" Qi Yuan glared at Tang Ning impatiently, as if she was no longer needed. "No one will come here. It's the safest place in Tianji Pavilion."

The more Qi Yuan said that, the more upset downing was. If it was really safe, how could they be here?

However, at this moment, Qi Yuan is immersed in the joy of the smooth progress of the plan. He doesn't listen to any advice from Downing. He excitedly reaches out his hand to touch Jun Jinyao's face. Just touching the skin makes him excited.

"Actually! I sympathize with elder martial sister. Zuo sangyan is such a jerk. Elder martial sister is so beautiful that she is cruel and vicious. "

Qi Yuan said and forward together some, Jun Jinyao want to avoid him back, because behind is the wall of the reason, can't retreat, can only repel the face away, don't look at the person in front of.

"Elder martial sister, don't look at me like this. Don't worry. I'm different from Zuo sangyan. I'm a person who cherishes fragrance and jade."

"Are you going or not?"

Tang Ning was obviously in a hurry. Their original plan was to kidnap Jun Jinyao successfully and then take her to the back mountain. Because the back mountain is huge and easy to hide. In addition, there are few people going to the back mountain today, so no one will find them.

But now Qi Yuan ignored their plan and wasted time here. Downing asked again anxiously, "if you don't leave, I'll leave."

"You go, you go!" I thought that Qi Yuan would follow her when he was urged by Downing, but I didn't expect that he would drive downing away.

When he found out that downing didn't leave, he turned around and complained, "don't you want to leave? Why are you still standing here! Do you want to serve me with Princess nine? "

"You --" at this time, Qi Yuan was still thinking about this. Downing suddenly regretted it. How could she listen to this man's words and help him kidnap the ninth princess? Now, even if you want to get off the stolen ship, it's too far from the shore!

Downing took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. "Qi Yuan, our plan is only half way through. Do you want to fall short?"

"Bah bah, don't you know that women's curse is very effective? Bad luck Qi Yuan glared at Tang Ning and said impatiently, "OK, OK, no matter how good your virtue is."

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