Tang Ning first step out of the inner room, Qi Yuan is responsible for Jun Jinyao out, he will Jun Jinyao from the ground at the same time also don't forget to touch two take advantage of.

"Ah --"

However, without waiting for Qi Yuan to pull the hemp rope out, the scream of Downing came from the secret room. Without waiting for Qi Yuan to go out to see what happened, Downing flew in. She fell heavily on the ground, rolling with pain on her face.

"Yunxi... Here comes Yunxi..."

"What?" Hearing the word "Yun Xi", Qi Yuan suddenly became pale and panicked, "what's the matter with her? How did she come here? " Qi Yuan wanted to escape, but there was only one exit, not even a hiding place.

When Qi Yuan was so flustered that she didn't know what to do, Yun Xiuyi came in slowly, and her sight fell on Jun Jinyao who was tied.

Voice cold like a thousand years of cold pool, "let her go."

"By... By what? No... don't let go... "Qi Yuan wanted to retort a few words, but he was so scared that he couldn't even speak quickly.

If at ordinary times yunxiuyi encounters this kind of thing, some of them are patient. However, this time, she is so urgent that she doesn't want to talk more nonsense with Qi Yuan. With a few spirit powers flying out, Qi Yuan immediately falls down and howls in pain.

Cloud Xiu clothes ignore his instant flesh and blood fuzzy body, walk to a foot to kick him to come to Jun Jin Yao in front.

She did not say a word, personally help Jun Jinyao untie the hemp rope, and gently pulled off the hemp cloth in her mouth, "is there any injury?"

Jun Jinyao looks at the strange face in front of her and shakes her head blankly. However, although she is very strange to the face in front of her, she feels that her breath is very familiar. Jun Jinyao can't help crying, "sister Yun? Are you back? "

Because of this sentence, Yun Xiuyi's action of holding Jun Jinyao suddenly froze. She didn't know whether she should be happy or feel it, or whether she should reflect on whether her technique of changing face was retrogressive.

Just for a short time, Jun Jinyao affirms what she thinks in her heart. This person is really her sister Yun.

With Yun Xiu's clothes, Jun Jinyao suddenly felt relieved. She went to Tang Ning and asked, "aren't you one of the two ladies in the Tang family? Why do you want to break into the secret room and murder me? "

"I..." Downing's eyes twinkled. Her only pride made her unwilling to beg for mercy, but her fear made her have to beg for mercy.

"Nine princesses, I am forced, he is the mastermind." Tang Ning pointed to Qi Yuan and said in tears, "if I don't cooperate with him, I will die."

From the conversation just now, it can be seen that they are obviously in the same group, and the man has no cultivation. How can he force the woman? Jun Jinyao thought a little and then debunked Downing's lie, "neither of you can get away with it."

"Is Princess nine really not me? Just now that scum wanted to do something wrong to you, or I stopped him! Princess nine, for the sake of helping you, please forgive me

Wrong? These two words quickly appeared in Yun Xiuyi's mind, "what did he do to you just now?"

Afraid that sister Yun would worry, Jun Jinyao denied, "nothing, I'm not good! Let's get out of here

What kind of temperament is Jun Jinyao? How can Yun Xiuyi not know? She took her eyes away from her and went straight to Qi Yuan. The cold voice rang out again, "which hand? Which hand did you touch Princess nine just now? "

"I didn't... I didn't..."

The previous miraculous powers cut Qi Yuan's skin like sharp soft silk, but the wound was not fatal though it was deep.

Qi Yuan looked down at her bloody face, but she still didn't dare to tell the truth in the face of Yun Xi, for fear that she would die if she was angry.

"No? Then I'll cut off your hands. " Cloud Xiu clothes voice fall, then take out a sharp weapon from the heaven and earth Ding.

Seeing cloud really want to start, Qi Yuan immediately changed his mouth, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, it's my lustful mind that shouldn't defile nine princess, it's my sin, please forgive me! Give me a break

"Which hand!"

"Give me a break!" Qi Yuan didn't want to lose any of his hands. He wailed bitterly. He thought that Yun Xi would not really do it if he delayed. Then when he was thinking of taking a chance, sharp pain came from his shoulders on both sides.

Not far away, Downing exclaimed, and was stunned by the picture in front of him, while Qi Yuan watched his two arms fall to the ground in front of him.

Pain and fear occupied his whole body for a moment. He was so scared that he convulsed violently. Jun Jinyao asked anxiously, "what's the matter with him?"Who knows cloud Xiu clothes calm reply way, "lose blood too much." Then she took a clotting pill from the heaven and earth cauldron and fed it to Qi Yuan. She couldn't let him die yet. Qi Yuan gradually wakes up after taking coagulation pills, but he is not pale and unwilling to face reality.

Then yunxiuyi went to Downing and kicked her. When she woke up, she said without any emotion, "go out."

Downing got up from the ground and walked out slowly. Cloud Xiu Yi looked at Qi Yuan again. Maybe he was tortured and a little confused. Qi Yuan yelled, "what's wrong with touching her twice? Anyway, she's not sleepless! "

Without waiting for Qi Yuan to go on, Yun Xiuyi raised his hand and sealed his acupoints with a silver needle. Qi Yuan could only make a sound like a mute.

Afraid that Jun Jinyao will be sad, Yun Xiuyi turns to see her, but unexpectedly Jun Jinyao comforts her in turn.

"Don't worry about me! Besides, what he said is not wrong! And there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not that vulnerable. "

However, the more Jun Jinyao pretends to be strong, the more he can't bear it. No matter where he is, he will cry and make trouble before he has sugar to eat. On the contrary, the more people who swallow their grievances are ignored.

She went to Jun Jinyao and silently took her hand, "you can make trouble or cry in front of me in the future."

It's a very simple and ordinary sentence, but Jun Jinyao's whole body is stiff and her eyes are red. She shakes her head to keep her tears from falling.

Leaving the chamber of secrets, yunxiuyi and junjinyao walk out of the rockery with Tang Ning and Qi Yuan along the steps.

It was dark, and it should have been quiet, but I don't know why there were dozens of people outside the rockery.

The leader is Zuoli and Su Xian, surrounded by the disciples of Tianji Pavilion.

Seeing someone coming out, the disciples immediately picked up the lantern to light them up. After seeing Yunxi, Downing and Qi Yuan, they were surprised and said, "elder martial sister Zuo, you're too good!"

"Elder martial sister Zuo, how do you know that Tang Ning and elder martial brother Qi are going to harm the ninth princess? But how could Yunxi also be here? "

This question is exactly what Zuo Li wants to ask. She is waiting here with so many people. She wants to wait for the rabbit. When Tang Ning and Qi Yuan tie Jun Jinyao to appear, she will take them down. In this way, she has both credit and sanction for Tang Ning.

But why is Yunxi here? She took the lead to capture Tang Ning and Qi Yuan and saved nine princesses. In this way, the credit is not her?

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