In the past few years of Dongyue Empire, Xinyue spent almost all his time on Yunluo, but he either disappeared behind closed doors or sneered at her. The relationship between them not only made no progress, but even reached the freezing point.

Although Yueyue is a small border country around Dongyue, she is also a princess. When was she treated like this?

Even now, for the sake of survival and stability of Yueyue's going abroad, she had to come to Dongyue Empire to make peace with her, and Junfu never treated her badly.

Crescent originally thought that sooner or later, her love for Yunluo would be consumed by Yunluo's ruthlessness. At that time, her eyes would never stay on Yunluo. Even if Yunluo asked her to look back, she would never look at him again.

But what happened?

The result did not expect that she was the first to be polished edges, her pride, her self-esteem to the end all become humble, humble to know that Yun Luo tired of her, she is not willing to miss any chance to see him.

Even this time Yunluo followed the saint to Tianji Pavilion. She didn't hesitate to come, but no matter on the way or now, Yunluo always regarded her as nothing.

What's more, he even flirts with those vulgar looking women in front of her now. If she knows that it will be the present picture, she should listen to ah Luo's advice not to come. Why do she suffer these grievances in vain? To be insulted?

Crescent more think more gas, expression also can't help of ferocious rise, but from Tianji square will follow in her left and right of those male disciples but imperceptible.

Seeing that the new moon didn't move for a long time, they asked curiously, "what's the matter? Are you going to enter Xuanshui class? "

These male disciples spoke with Xinyue carefully, and their tone was too excited to hide. After one person opened his mouth, others also asked excitedly, "are you a princess, too? I didn't expect Dongyue to have such a beautiful princess! "

"That is to say! Princess, do you want to visit Tianji pavilion? I'll take you to it

"Why do you bring it? I can't take you These male disciples even quarreled when they said that. Xinyue only felt that there were a group of flies buzzing in his ears.

However, they flatter her, but a word is not bad to listen to go in, for a moment, the new moon did not know whether it should be happy, yes! Once she thought she was beautiful and charming, but in the end she couldn't even get the people she liked.

Compared with the complexity of Xuanshui class, Junfu and junjinyao have a good picture of years.

Because junjinyao knew nothing about what happened to the outside world during the period of closing the door, the so-called saying for a while was that Junfu told junjinyao what happened in the past four years.

When it comes to yunxiuyi leaving the Empire of Dongyue and going to the limitless continent to look for the artifact, junjinyao stops.

In her previous cognition, leaving Dongyue was nothing more than going to the neighboring small countries. The word "limitless continent" never appeared in her life.

"Is there such a place in the world?" Jun Jinyao just thought about it and then complained, "brother, how can you let sister Yun take such a risk? How many times did she survive before she settled down. "

"Yes! How can I let her take such a risk. "

In the past, he was limited in ability, but he wanted to protect her. Later, he became the master of Dongyue, but he still put her in danger.

Now... The situation of the cloud family is not good, and the purpose of her coming to Tianji Pavilion is also related to it.

Jun Fu looks slightly at Jun Jinyao and asks, "if Xiuyi and xiaoyaozi meet one day, what will you do?"

"Why does brother Huang ask like this?"

Jun Jinyao did not let go of any expression on Jun Fu's face. After confirming that he had a different meaning, she asked nervously, "what happened between master and sister Yun? No wonder sister Yun will appear in Tianji Pavilion, but she hasn't shown her true face yet. "

She wanted to continue to ask what was the conflict between Shifu and sister Yun, but then she thought that if sister Yun could not resolve it, she would be helpless.

"If the master and sister Yun..." for a moment, Jun Jinyao fell into a deep meditation. For her, the master is the same as her father, the one who raised her up, but sister Yun is also the one who gave her a second life.

"It's hard, isn't it?"

Seeing that Jun Jinyao hadn't spoken for a long time, Jun Fukou broke the silence between them. "What you are in trouble about is your friendship with them, but what I am in trouble about is my throne. How ridiculous. I would have been dead if it hadn't been for her. "

"No, brother Huang never cares about these people. He just doesn't want to make Dongyue turbulent again and make Dongyue's people displaced again."

The more Jun Jinyao said, the more excited she was. However, Jun Fu was always calm. "How can you know that I won't change in these four years? Unlimited power will destroy its possessor. ""Brother..." Jun Jinyao stood there at a loss and didn't know what to say.

Seeing the topic more and more heavy, Jun Fu suddenly laughed, "I just casually said, how can you take it seriously?" He said, looking up at the sky.

The rain seems to have stopped. Although the sky is covered with thick clouds, there is a trace of light through it. It is so thin and weak that it can be ignored. It gradually brightens the clouds. Jun Fu put the umbrella away and said, "go and find your sister Yun."

Xuanshui class because of the arrival of Yunluo and Xinyue become lively, Xinyue stood outside for a while, finally went in.

Yunluo has long been used to her soul, and continues to joke with nalandot. However, nalandot is not suitable for being watched like this. The original playful atmosphere suddenly becomes strange.

Crescent princess's obsession with Yunluo, nalandot knew more or less in those days of Yunjia, and now of course, she also understood why she was here.

Look at the new moon staring at her eyes should be her as the enemy of it! Nalandot looks at yunxiuyi awkwardly. He wants to ask her for help, but finds that she never looks at them from the beginning to the end.

She has no choice but to see Yunluo. As a result, Yunluo goes too far and deliberately moves towards her. Isn't he clearly using her as a shield to make Xinyue misunderstood?

Sure enough, see cloud Luo close to narandot crescent, angry eyes out of fire, fire up at the same time, reason has also been burned, crescent suppressed for a long time anger all burst out in a moment, "bitch, you let him go!"

She then reached out to lanarandot, but Yunluo protected her and asked impatiently, "do you know why I hate you?"

A pair of cloud Luo, crescent momentum will be completely weak down, "why do you hate me?"

In fact, until now, Xinyue never knows why Yunluo hates her so much. If she knows the reason, she will change it.

Yunluo just ready to speak well with her to explain the reason, but shook his head, four years later, she did not know why he hated her! Maybe the reason why he dislikes her is just her nature, and she takes it for granted!

"Why bother?" Yunluo looked at the new moon contemptuously, "do you think you need a reason to hate someone? It's just because you're this person. "


Crescent is still looking forward to find out the crux between her and Yunluo, then she can symptomatic, medicine to improve their relationship, but did not expect to hear such a hurtful words.

She looked at Yunluo, then at nalandot and Yunxi beside him. Tears came out of her eyes, "you..."

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