Crescent sad words can't say, pointing to cloud Luo fingers tremble, gas to the last crescent step in front of a slap in nalandou face.

At the moment, everyone was stunned, especially Yunluo, who was protecting nalandot. After reaction, he clapped the new moon open and immediately went to check nalandot's condition. After seeing her red and swollen face, his eyes were full of guilt.

On the contrary, nalandot looked at Yunluo and the new moon on the ground, thinking what just happened? She was beaten?

Realizing this, nalandot suddenly woke up. She was beaten by a person whose accomplishments were lower than her own! If you let yun'er know that she has to laugh to death, if you let dad know, she must think that she has abandoned her cultivation.

If you let the master know... You can't let the master know!

Nalandot pushed aside Yunluo and got up quickly. "What's the ability of sneak attack? Let's fight. If I lose, I'll walk around when I see you. If you lose... Don't get close to Yunluo in the future!"

In fact, nalandot is just looking for an excuse to find face, but Xinyue thinks that she is going to pick out Yunluo with her, and her face is even worse.

Including Yunluo himself, he thought that nalando would be red before he saw him. How could he suddenly become so bold? Is it stimulated by the new moon or because of his charm?

See crescent half day don't respond to, Na Lan Duo provocation way, "don't you dare to fight with me?"? All right! You'd better give up now. "

Yueyue is a small country that doesn't pay attention to cultivation. As for Yueyue, she just made a little effort to fight nalandot. She must be unable to fight any disciple in Tianji Pavilion. If she agrees to nalandot's request now, wouldn't she be embarrassed?

But facing the expectant eyes of the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, she couldn't say no.

Originally, these disciples just ran to the appearance of Yunluo and Xinyue. Unexpectedly, they saw a wonderful play for free.

They are clear about nalandot's cultivation. Although she ranks ninth in the list of wind and cloud, because she is a rare soul cultivator, people all recognize her strength, so they have a special appreciation for her.

But at the same time, because nalandot was always with Yunxi, they didn't contact her much, and they also rejected her because of Yunxi.

Today, it is rare to have a beautiful princess, but also to fight with nalandot, their interest immediately rose.

However, after waiting for a long time, Xinyue always stood there and said nothing. Until then, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion vaguely guessed that although the princess was beautiful, her accomplishments were not so good.

Because I don't know what the identity of crescent moon is, plus she came to attract all men's eyes.

Many girls' disciples were hostile to Xinyue from the beginning. When they learned that her cultivation was not high, they began to sneer at her in a low voice, "it's a vase after a long time!"

"I dare to come to Tianji Pavilion even if I have low accomplishments. I'm so cheeky! I think she should go to the low spirit class. Maybe she can find a bosom friend or two! "

"Don't look down on the low spirit class! No matter how bad she is, she has accomplishments. I've been exploring her carefully for a long time, but I can't find that she has spiritual power. Do you think she has hidden spiritual power or no spiritual power at all? "

Crescent where heard this kind of cold words, immediately stare to that group of female disciples, ferocious warning.

"If you dare say one more word, the princess will tear your mouth at once! Although we are a simple and small country, we are by no means easy to bully. "

"Going abroad in May?"

After listening to Xinyue's words, not only the female disciples were discussing, but also the male disciples joined in, "it's not the princess of our Dongyue empire! I said it! When will Dongyue have another princess

"Have you ever heard of going abroad? How come I've never heard of it? "

"I've heard of her. I've heard of her. She is the princess of Southern Xinjiang who was married four years ago." The man said and laughed. "I heard that no one wants to marry her now."

As soon as the words came out, there was an enigmatic silence around, followed by a roar of laughter.

"When you said that, I remember that she was the princess who nobody wanted to marry! It's no wonder that no matter how beautiful you look without cultivation, you are a waste. "

Although Yunluo doesn't like Xinyue very much, he feels that he can't ignore her because of morality when she is attacked by these people for no reason. However, as soon as he turns his head, he sees nalando's red and swollen left face, and immediately hesitates.

"What are you talking about?"

In recent years, Princess crescent has been treated with great courtesy in the East moon empire. For the first time, she was surrounded and ridiculed by a group of people. She stomped angrily, "shut up! Shut up, all of youOne side of narandot rubbed his face, for a time, felt that the crescent princess was hateful and pitiful.

As soon as she was ready to make a voice to stop those people who liked to talk about others when they had nothing to do, there were two more people who shocked all the disciples outside the Xuanshui class.

"Holy One?"

"Why did the emperor come to Xuanshui class? Did you come to find master Yun? "

When Junfu and junjinyao entered the Xuanshui class, all the disciples bowed respectfully. In fact, Jun Fu has been here for a while, and he has seen all the scenes just now.

Although the New Moon Princess was a little arrogant and arrogant, and had countless shortcomings, fortunately, she never did anything evil.

No matter how much I like Yunluo, I don't use some mean means like downing.

In addition, although the purpose of Xinyue's coming to Dongyue for peace and stability, it helped Junfu to check and balance the small border countries.

Yu Qing and Li Junfu shouldn't put her in this kind of embarrassment. He walked slowly to the side of the new moon, and his voice was not angry. "What's the matter with the princess? But what's wrong with you? I'll make up my mind for you. "


From being ignored by Yunluo to being provoked by nalandot, to being attacked by these disciples, Xinyue's grievance has been choked. Now Junfu's warm question makes her cry.

When the disciples saw this situation, they were flustered. They thought that the emperor would not pay attention to a small princess who had not been married for four years.

But I didn't expect that the emperor would come to her side without asking. If she complained to the emperor, wouldn't they be finished?

It's a small matter to be driven out of Tianji Pavilion. If the whole family is involved, not only their parents, but everyone in the family will not forgive them.

The group of disciples lowered their heads and aimed at each other with the remaining light, with fear in their eyes. I don't know which disciple didn't know whether she was alive or dead. Suddenly, the villain complained first and cried out, "holy, just now this princess hit our younger martial sister Nalan of Xuanshui class."

Who is your younger martial sister? Nalandot immediately glared at the disciple.

"Oh? What else Jun Fu's eyes swept in the past. He was so scared that the disciple immediately lowered his head and didn't know whether to go on.

The emperor made it clear that he wanted to help the princess. Didn't he have nothing to say? Standing on both sides of the disciple, he was so angry that he secretly hit him twice with his hands, and then kept waving to him to stop talking.

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