The atmosphere of Xuanshui class once fell into embarrassment, all the disciples stood there at a loss, which swept away the previous humiliation of Xinyue, thinking that they were all bullies.

She slowly stopped crying, but her anger didn't dissipate. "Holy, you must make the decision for me, they deceive people too much!"

Crescent has never been a easy to get in touch with the Lord, at the moment you support her, how can you miss the opportunity to revenge that group of disciples!

"The emperor, they not only ridicule me for my low cultivation, but also ridicule me for not getting married after I came to the East moon empire for four years. I didn't force the emperor to give me a marriage because of the overall situation, but I didn't expect to be the butt of their jokes!"

Crescent this words although half true and half false, but also not without reason, if she had a stronger attitude, four years ago can force Jun Fu give marriage.

But she never gave Jun Fu pressure, which is the main reason why Jun Fu came out to help her.

After hearing the accusation of Xinyue, Junfu glanced at the disciples again. "Tianji pavilion has trained many talents for Dongyue Empire all the time, but I never thought that insulting the princess would happen in Tianji Pavilion."


Those disciples had been spoiled before they came to Tianji Pavilion. After they entered Tianji Pavilion, they came into contact with some students of the same age. They had never experienced any big storm. How could they bear the heavenly power of Jun Fu.

Scared to kneel down on the ground, "holy mercy! It's because we don't know the rules. We know we're wrong. "

A few timid disciples were afraid to cry, and there was a lot of noise in Xuanshui class.

Cloud Xiu clothes not bear of Cu start eyebrow, toward that pile of people saw one eye, think oneself should leave this place right and wrong of place to seek a quiet.

But there is only one door. If she gets up at this time, it will attract everyone's eyes

Junfu on the other side is dealing with the dispute between Xinyue and her disciples, but he also glances at Yunxiu's clothes from time to time. Naturally, he doesn't miss any change of expression on her face.

Knowing that she is too tired to delay such a small matter for too long, "Jinyao, how do you punish the disciples who make mistakes in Tianji pavilion?"

Jun Jinyao immediately replied, "if a disciple in Tianji Pavilion makes a mistake, he will be sent to the criminal law hall, and the master Su Mei, who is in charge of the criminal law hall, will punish him according to the seriousness of the mistake."

"Then send them all to the criminal law hall." Jun Fu said, did not forget to consult the new moon's opinion, "how does the princess feel?"

Crescent thought for a while, she knows where Tianji Pavilion is, and also knows that the background of the disciples here is not simple. Junfu can stand on her side and punish them, which has given her enough face.

If she refuses to let go, she doesn't know what she will be like after being discussed by these disciples, and Yunluo is still here, she wants to leave a good impression on him.

Think clearly these new moon nodded, "the holy decision is good, new moon everything listen to the holy."

When the group of disciples were all sent to the criminal law hall, Xuanshui class immediately restored silence, but Yunluo suddenly said.

"Those disciples should be punished for their mistakes. Should the princess also be punished for her mistakes?" He said and pushed nalandot to Jun Fu, "Holy See, what kind of a good little girl has been beaten?"

Jun Fu glanced at nalandot and Yunluo, then looked at the new moon and said, "bullying the princess belongs to state affairs. I have to take care of it. You are a family affair. Master Yun will solve it by himself."

"You..." how did he remind you to help me last time? If you want to be his brother-in-law, you have to please him. How can he not learn? Forget it. It seems that he is doomed not to be his brother-in-law.

After being ignored by Junfu, Yunluo asked nalandot, "what, you or I?"

Nalandot frowned. It took a long time to understand Yunluo's words, "you beat a woman?" She looked at Yunluo in shock. Suddenly, she didn't seem to be so excited about him.

"It's not a fight!"

Yunluo stares at nalandot. He is kind enough to help her to get justice back. He even goes against him“ All right! I'll take it as if you refused my help. " He doesn't care about these women anyway.

Although Junfu didn't intend to interfere in their business, junjinyao kindly advised, "let's give way to each other! This is Tianji pavilion after all. "

If nalandou really fights with Xinyue, the one who is injured must be Xinyue. At that time, it will make the emperor's brother upset. For nalandou, it's not good for Dongyue to make an enemy soon.

Nalandot naturally understood these principles. Since Jun Jinyao came forward to persuade her, she didn't need to pester any more. She went down the steps."Since those people have taught her a lesson for me just now, forget it!"

Seeing that nalandou was willing to make peace, junjinyao turned to ask Xinyue, "what did Princess Xinyue say?" Crescent is not silly, know oneself and nalandou hands have no chance of winning, so also nodded, this matter is over.

Jun Fu originally just wanted to see Yun Xiu's clothes, but he didn't think it was very difficult to see them. Now he looked at her again, as if he had been searching for a treasure map for a long time and finally saw the treasure.

He walked slowly to yunxiuyi and said politely, "listen to Jinyao saying that you saved her. I've come here to thank you."

"A little help."

Yun Xiuyi's tone is still light, but when she looks at Jun Jinyao, there is a little more tranquility. Jun Jinyao immediately walks over with a smile, "it's just a little help for sister Yun, but it's a disaster for Dongyue empire!"

"Hall leader Su has interrogated Qi Yuan. It turns out that he kidnapped me to coerce my brother to hand over the throne. Such a mean man owes sister Yun not to let his plan go on."

Although knowing that Yun Xiuyi didn't ask for anything in return for saving Jun Jinyao, Jun Fu still asked, "I don't know what Miss Yun's wish hasn't come true. If I can help, I will do my best to help."

Wish? Now she really has a wish.

Although LAN Feiyu is not a dishonest person, she still doesn't know when to wait for her to find a way to enter the cloud Pavilion. Now that you help her, you might as well push the boat along the river and ask him to help, so Yun Xiuyi returns directly.

"Before I came to Tianji Pavilion, I heard that there is a place called Yunxiao Pavilion in Tianji Pavilion, which contains many treasures in the world. Can the Emperor help me broaden my horizons?"

Yunxiao pavilion? Why did she enter the cloud pavilion? Jun Fu's heart flashed questions, but did not ask why.

"Since it's Miss Yun's wish, I'll do my best to help her." Although Yunxiao Pavilion is an important part of Tianji Pavilion, it is not impossible to enter.

As long as you help, xiaoyaozi naturally has no reason to refuse. However, he wondered why Yun Xiuyi wanted to enter the cloud Pavilion. She never did anything meaningless. Was there something she wanted to find in the cloud pavilion?

Outside Xuanshui class, zuolin has been standing there. Originally, she was chatting with xiaoyaozi and the three Hall leaders, intending to make zuolin's position in Dongyue more secure.

Unexpectedly, chatting and chatting, some disciples came to find the master of Su Mei's hall. They said that a group of disciples insulted Princess crescent and were sent to the criminal law hall by Jun Fu.

When Su Mei just went to the criminal law hall, she also rushed to the Xuanshui class. Before she went in, she saw Jun Fu talking with Yun Xi. They may not have noticed, but she found out immediately.

Jun Fu even claimed to be me when talking to Yun Xi. Although it was just a small detail, it set off a storm in Zuo Fu's heart.

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