Junfu's affection for yunxiuyi has always been well known, so she extremely does not want yunxiuyi to return to Dongyue empire one day, but now yunxiuyi has not come back, but a cloud appears for no reason.

Zuo Ruan couldn't connect her with Yunxiu's clothes, but the tone and temperament were exactly the same.

In addition, Junfu is not someone who will be close to other women for no reason, and the doubts in Zuoli's heart are growing.

She thought, is it because the temperament of Yunxi is similar to that of Yunxiu, and it's also because of the cloud family, so Junfu will treat her differently? And the tone of her voice became tender and intimate?

Once the seeds of suspicion are planted in the heart, they will only become deeply rooted and cannot be easily removed.

Zuoli finally looked at Yunxi and turned to the criminal law hall. Even if she had nothing to do with yunxiuyi, she could never leave her!

In the criminal law hall, Su Mei's head aches when he is quarreled by the group of disciples, and Zuoli just takes the opportunity to run in.

She went to a dark cell, looked for a long time to see donning curled up in the corner, she chuckled, this is retribution!

That day, the slut stepped on her feet and humiliated her in every way. Now she has become a prisoner before she can help herself. It's really exciting. She kicked the prison door and said sarcastically, "if I didn't know it was you, I wouldn't recognize it."

Downing raised his head slowly when he heard the voice. At the moment when he saw Zuoluo, his anger immediately surged up. "Are you coming to see my joke?"

"What's the point of your joke?" She opened the cell door and walked in slowly, for now Downing's hands and feet were all locked in heavy chains, and she was not worried that she would attack herself.

Zuoluo stepped forward and squatted down, laughing like a blooming flower.

"What did you say last time? Let me beg you? How many cuts do you want in my face? You want to kill me? " He tilted back slightly, pretending to be very scared.

"What to do? I'm so scared! My accomplishments are not as high as yours. It's easy for you to kill me. Besides, you are the eldest lady of the Tang family. Even if you kill me, Tang Yishuang can help you solve it! "

After talking a lot, Zuo suddenly got up and kicked Downing, "what do you think if I kill you now?"

She raised her foot and stepped heavily on Downing's face. She bent slightly and said with a smile, "Miss Tang has an affair with her brother-in-law in the front, and takes Princess nine in the back. Because she has no face to face her mother and sister, she is afraid of committing suicide. There are many good reasons!"

"You dare!"

Downing gnashed her teeth and spat out two words. Because she was trampled under her feet by Zuo Fu, she couldn't move. Her eyes were staring at the dirty wall in front of her eyes with indignation, and she wanted to cut Zuo Fu to pieces and raise her ashes!

"To tell you the truth, I really dare!"

Zuoli's tone was quite proud, "I'm different from you. When you die, at most, there is a miss missing from the Tang family. As one of the four major families, if there's something wrong with me, it's Dongyue! Do you think I'll be ok if I kill you? "

Hearing this, Downing was afraid at last. What Zuo said was right. Now she can kill herself easily without any responsibility.

Even in Tianji square, when so many people were staring at her with disgusting eyes, Downing never really wanted to die. If she died, she would never have a chance to turn over. "I'm wrong! I apologize. It was all my fault before. Please forgive me! "

In the face of Downing's sudden apology, Zuo Li was stunned for a moment.

After the reaction, she looked up and laughed. At the end of the laugh, she trembled and covered her stomach.

It's so funny to see downing wagging her tail like a lazy dog. She's going to laugh to death.

When the laughter gradually stopped, Zuo Chou's face turned gloomy again. "Originally, I wish you had died earlier, but now I suddenly feel that you died earlier. Wouldn't I be bored?"

Zuoli slowly moved her foot away from Downing's face and squatted down again to look her in the eye.

"I'm afraid you don't know! The emperor has arrived at Tianji Pavilion today. You said, "what would he look like if he saw you?"

"Here comes the Lord?" Even if you know that Junfu is not here at the moment, Downing is still flustered and shrinks in the corner.

She kept pulling her hair to block her dirty face, and her mouth was still repeating, "don't let him see me like this! He can't see me like this

Qi Yuan said that she wanted to marry Junfu because of power and status.

She doesn't deny it! But what she can't deny is that she really likes Junfu! The first time I saw him, she fell in love with him!He is the first double cultivator in the history of Dongyue empire. He is so beautiful that it's hard for all young girls to extricate themselves from him. At the same time, he is also the king of Dongyue, and his inborn spirit of king makes people both afraid and addicted.

At the beginning, Qi Yuan said that he wanted to cooperate with her. In the end, it was not the Dongyue empire that really moved her! But after you get the Empire of Dongyue, you can have Junfu.

Downing's eyes are full of despair. Why? Why did this happen?

It's all Qi Yuan's fault. If it wasn't for him, she would not have fallen into such a situation. It's all Qi Yun's fault. If it wasn't for her, it would not have been exposed.

Up to this time, Downing didn't feel that she was wrong. Her mistake was that she didn't plan well that night. If she was Jun Fu, not Qi Yuan, she would be the queen of Dongyue Empire now!

Seeing Downing's humble appearance, Zuo was even more proud, and the anger he had accumulated outside Xuanshui class also dissipated.

"Afraid to be seen by the emperor?" Zuo's tone suddenly changed greatly. She comforted Tang Ning in a soft voice. "Don't worry, the emperor won't come. Naturally, it's impossible to see you like this!"

After a pause, Zuo continued, "my Lord, I'm with Yunxi now! There's no time to think of someone like you. "

"Cloud? Cloud again

Tang Ning suddenly remembered what Qi Yuan said in Fengming palace that night. He said that it was Yunxi who told him that she was in Fengming palace. At that time, she also guessed whether it was Yunxi who knocked herself out!

Now think about it carefully, it's all Yunxi's conspiracy. She first made herself unclean, and then exposed her in public.

She even said in front of everyone that she was pregnant. How did she know what she didn't know?

Then, this time, Qi Yuan's plan was known to them from the beginning to the end. Why did Yunxi appear in time to save the ninth princess? Unless it's all designed by her, she can't think of any other reason!

"What if it's her?"

Zuoli step by step led Downing, "although she looks ordinary, you should not forget that she is a member of the cloud family. Her voice and behavior are very similar to that of Yunxiu clothes. Maybe she is deliberately imitating Yunxiu clothes."

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