When the scene in front of her became clear, she saw a face that was too beautiful to be true. The man was also looking at her. When she woke up, she asked, "who are you? How can four soul jade be with you? "

Although she had woken up, yunxiuyi's head was still buzzing. She closed her eyes again and opened them again after a long time.

Consciousness at this moment finally fully recovered, she suddenly straightened up to push away the person in front of her, but the other side did not spend any effort to imprison her, "want to escape?" Just now, his eyes are still calm. He has already brewed the intention of killing, and the arms that imprison Yun Xiu's clothes suddenly make force.

Yun Xiuyi has just escaped a disaster, but she can't make any effort, and the enemy she faces is not ordinary, so she can only tolerate all his actions.

Clattering clattering - yunxiuyi heard her bones being pinched. She had no doubt that as long as this person increased her strength a little, she would be crushed to pieces.

"Master, don't kill her."

Just at this time, Yuan Yi came running panting and looked at the person who had been thinking about it for 15 years. He was very excited. But he didn't wait for him to look at the cloud Xiuyi in his master's arms. As soon as he heard the news that the cloud Pavilion had been destroyed, he went immediately.

But when he arrived, the cloud pavilion was empty, and he came to Jiuyin temple in a hurry, only to see such a picture.

He has tried the seal outside Jiuyin temple for many times. He knows that it is not easy to crack it, and xiaoyaozi will never let the seal slip. So when something happens to Yunxiao Pavilion and Jiuyin temple, he immediately thinks of Yunxi.

"Master, it was she who saved you. It was her subordinates who asked her to help save your master. The subordinate promised her that if she found a way to break the seal, no matter what she asked, the master would never kill her! "

"Help me? Is that her

Think this person is trust Yuan Yi, listen to Yuan Yi's words unexpectedly slowly loosen cloud Xiu clothes, but didn't completely let her leave.

No wonder the seal of the broken tower suddenly weakened. It turned out that someone was saving him. But even if there was no one to help him, he could easily leave the tower. He was brought back because he was sleeping.

"I knew it! It must be because of you. " Xiaoyaozi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He was still thinking about why Qi Si wanted to touch the array on the bamboo slips. It was all because of her. Did she come to Tianji Pavilion for this man?

Xiaoyaozi thinks about it in his heart. His eyes are more unfathomable when he looks at Yunxiu's clothes, and he is more firm. This little girl can't stay.

Yuan Yi's words are heard by Qi Si and Tian Jun, and they are also shocked. They thought that she accidentally untied the bamboo slips, which led to everything that happened behind. Now think about it, did she have an improper intention since she entered the Yunxiao pavilion?

But if her goal is to save the person in Jiuyin temple, she can leave alone after they fall into the array. Why do you want to save them?

And just now when the cabinet leader repaired the seal, she didn't have to heal them!

This one thing entangled together, do not want to clear, finally Qi Si shook his head, intend to ignore these things.

Su Mei doesn't believe that yunxiuyi will save this person in Jiuyin temple. The purpose of her entering Yunxiao Pavilion is to break the last seal on the misty record of the sea of clouds, so as to get the secret of heaven's heart.

But even if she doesn't plan to save the person in Jiuyin temple, the loose seal must have something to do with her.

It is estimated that the seal outside the Jiuyin temple was also moved by mistake when cracking the seal on the misty record of the sea of clouds. Su Meipo shook her head and sighed helplessly, and did not know whether the girl's luck was good or bad.

"They don't seem to like you." The man said with great interest.

"Now that you have saved me, I will fulfill your wish. Say it! What do you want? As long as there is something in the world, I can satisfy you. "

This person's tone is very arrogant, cloud Xiu clothes but believe that he really can do, she slowly looked up to xiaoyaozi, said without hesitation, "wish? If he wants to kill me, I hope you will kill him immediately. Since I have saved you, you can also save me once! "

Although she does not want to take revenge on others, but now she is not xiaoyaozi's opponent, and xiaoyaozi will never let her go if she survives.

"Interesting. Don't worry, even if you don't say it, I will kill him. Change your wish

Without waiting for yunxiuyi to say no, heresy arose outside the Jiuyin temple. The clouds that had been pushed aside rolled up again. Yunxiuyi felt that his body fell into a familiar embrace.

She looked up and worried about the ink floor, vaguely mixed with a trace of panic, "not worry about the little girl."

Mo Xi Lou dotes more than blames. He protects Yun Xiu's clothes in his arms, as if he doesn't want anyone to see her. Then he looks at her with great nostalgia."I haven't seen this face for a long time. I didn't expect that the first person I saw was not me." Originally, the tense atmosphere outside Jiuyin Temple suddenly became sweet and greasy because of Mo Xilou's words.

Then Mo Xi Lou asked, "no matter what your wish is, I will help you realize it. Why ask others?" Especially this disgusting person.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

It seems that I didn't expect that Yun Xiu Yi would reply like this. Mo Xi Lou was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of her mouth rose, showing a big smile. She was very happy in her heart, but complained, "I'm so easily hurt in your eyes?"

"No Xu is because just now almost died in nine palace gather spirit array, cloud Xiu clothes suddenly become more words up, "even don't want to."

What happened to the little girl? Finally enlightened by his training?

Mo Xi Lou was flattered and worried at the same time, "are you scared? Sorry, it's my fault. Yun'er is here. He has reported something and delayed it. "

Say Mo Xi Lou hang head to fall a kiss on the forehead of cloud Xiu dress, "hereafter I will always guard you, no longer let you have danger."

Not far away, Su Mei looked at the two people who were bored and crooked, and said, "usually I will tolerate you. What's the situation now? Will it be a good match? Will it depend on the timing? "

This side Su Mei just finished saying, immediately rang out another voice again, "I say she how can have four soul jade, originally you are here."

Mo Xi Lou is finally willing to move his eyes away from Yun Xiu's clothes. He chuckles and says, "you've become noisy."

That person smell speech tiny Cu brow, after waiting to sweep the eye Mo Xi floor bosom of woman, instantly comfortable spread out again, "since met, not as good as we calculate the old account." He stretched out his index finger and ordered Yunxiu's clothes. "How about just using her?"

Mo Xi Lou robbed him just now because of his negligence. He will never let him succeed again.

The man then attacked Mo Xi Lou. Mo Xi Lou held Yun Xiu's clothes in one hand and quickly stepped back. He did not forget to say to Yun Xiu, "hold me tight."

"Put me down."

Although yunxiuyi knows how powerful moxilou is, she also knows that the man's strength is not weak. Their fight must be a tough battle. If moxilou holds her all the way, she will not only distract and protect her, but also limit his action.

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