"No Mo Xi Lou side to avoid each other's attack, while to cloud Xiuyi explained, "his goal is you."

After hearing this, Yun Xiuyi was full of doubts. This man just said that he wanted to satisfy her wish. How could he change his mind and kill her after a while?

According to Mo Xilou and his conversation, it is not difficult to infer that these two people had a grudge a long time ago. Is it because of Mo Xilou?

The more Mo Xi Lou attached importance to the woman in his arms, the more excited he was. His long hair, which was not tied up, fluttered wantonly in the direction of the wind, and his picturesque eyebrows loomed. It was so beautiful that people forgot that he was in a mortal battle at the moment.

"Once I thought you were a person who didn't care, and I didn't know what it was all about in my life. I didn't expect that after I just had a sleep, you even had someone who cared."

He said with a sudden smile, "it's so good. I'm worried about how to revenge. It's too cheap to kill you, so I should let you taste the loss of your loved ones."

His voice fell, and a strong hatred suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the attack was more rapid than before.

The two men, one in front of the other, one in attack and one in defense, seem to be willful, but in fact, the dark tide surges, while xiaoyaozi and others can only see two lights and shadows flash quickly outside the Jiuyin temple.

Even they can't see how they made the move clearly. They were surprised and began to guess what their identities were.

Is it true that the demon brought back comes from the demon world? But this demon world only exists in the legend. No one has ever been to it for thousands of years. It is just like the fairy world, the demon world and the underworld. It's just a story made up by people.

I can't figure out what the magic thing is about. Xiaoyaozi starts to remember every bit of it before Mo Xi Lou enters Tianji Pavilion.

As early as four years ago, he heard that jimochuan had an adopted son. It was rumored that jimochuan had come to inherit Jimo's family.

But strangely, the adopted son's health seems not good. No matter when he is wearing a hat, he can't see his true face. Because of his poor health, he has never practiced. Undoubtedly, he is useless.

For a time, all the people in Dongyue Empire were speculating about jimochuan's intention, including xiaoyaozi, who was very concerned about the situation in Dongyue, and wanted to know what jimochuan was doing.

Some time ago, on the day xiaoyaozi left the pass, jimochuan came to Tianji pavilion to find him, saying that he wanted his adopted son to study in Jialan class.

At that time, xiaoyaozi only thought it was a joke. An uncultivated waste, let alone entering the jialantian talent class, had no chance to enter the Tianji Pavilion. If jimochuan was willing to let him go to the low spirit class, he would have reluctantly agreed.

But jimochuan's attitude is very tough, saying that his adopted son can only go to Jialan class, so xiaoyaozi politely refused his request.

As for why he changed his mind later, it was because xiaoyaozi met moxilou himself. It was also the first time he met moxilou. Xiaoyaozi asked himself that he had read countless people, and his eyes were always accurate.

Mo Xi Lou didn't feel like an uncultivated waste to him. With doubts, he secretly explored it with his spiritual power.

Unexpectedly, I found that Mo Xi Lou's aura was unfathomable. It was not a sick person as the rumor said. Xiaoyaozi asks the reason of jimochuan directly, but jimochuan only says that the rumor is not credible.

A poor-health waste in the population suddenly becomes enigmatic, and this person is the only adopted son of Jimo family, one of Dongyue's four families.

Xiaoyaozi naturally wants to find out what's going on, so he agrees to let Mo Xi Lou enter jialantiancai class to observe him closely.

Looking at the two light and shadow not far away, xiaoyaozi's heart twists and turns.

The demon easily subdued him and trapped him in the air, which was enough to prove his ability. However, the Mo Xi Lou could not let him have the upper hand even with one person. Xiaoyao didn't dare to think about his terrible strength.

Subconsciously, xiaoyaozi is a little flustered, even more nervous than his own life being threatened. When did so many strange people come to Dongyue?

On the other side, Mo Xi Lou and the man were fighting hard, as if the war would never end.

After so many moves with moxilou, yunxiuyi still has no distinction between the top and the bottom. In his memory, moxilou is not an ordinary person, and this person is an old acquaintance with him. Who is he?

Cloud Xiu clothes tightly around the waist of Mo Xi Lou, for fear that it will drag him down. In the process of their recruitment, they are also thinking about how to help Mo Xi Lou.

However, she has not yet come up with a way to deal with it, but the speed of the person opposite suddenly slowed down.

Although he was fighting with Mo Xi Lou, his eyes were always on her. He was shocked to see Xiang Yunxiu's clothes, and then he was overjoyed. This series of changes only happened in a moment. Even Mo Xi Lou couldn't figure out the man's changing mind."Pear drop?"

A moment ago, the man who was still fighting stopped without warning. He walked forward quickly, and seemed to be calling a person's name, "are you Li Luo? When you finally came back, I knew you would not leave me! "

Who is Li Luo? Look at his line of sight, this word should be said to her, cloud Xiu clothes carefully search this name in the brain, but did not find any information.

"Sorry, I should have recognized you earlier. Are you angry with me?"

See cloud Xiu clothes has not responded to himself, that person showed a sad look, but that sadness with a trace of joy.

He continued chagrined, "I tried to kill you just now. I almost killed you again."

Listening to these inexplicable words, cloud Xiu clothes looked up at Mo Xi Lou, "what's the matter with him? Who is Li Luo? "

"Maybe he's lost his mind after sleeping too long. Don't pay attention to him."

Mo Xi Lou says to stretch out a hand to cloud Xiu clothes face side disorderly hair to lift behind the ear, and worry of ask a way, "can have unwell?" How fast was he just now? He knew in his heart that this little girl had been injured, and she could not stand such a toss.

"I'm fine."

Cloud Xiu clothes shook his head, gave him a reassuring look. This is a very common conversation, but it is very harsh to hear in that person's ear. He stepped forward and wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Yunxiu's clothes.

Mo Xi Lou had been on guard for a long time. While avoiding, he clapped his hand on his shoulder, but he didn't give in as if he didn't feel any pain.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Mo Xi Lou, the man's eyes on Yun Xiu's clothes were always smiling. His whole body's anger was dispersed and his aura became soft. His beautiful face was like the ice melting in early spring because of the sudden tenderness.

"You... Don't remember me?"

Li Luo's eyes don't seem to remember him. A trace of loss suddenly flashed in her smiling eyes. Yes, if you remember, how could she be in the arms of other men? But what if I don't remember? As long as she comes back.

The man quickly adjusted his mood and said, "it doesn't matter. If you forget the past, let's get to know each other again."

"She's not a pear drop."

Don't want to entangle with that person again, Mo Xi floor tone coldly explained a sentence. However, the man didn't believe it at all. "I will judge whether she is Li Luo or not. It's you, the Lord of the changing world, who robbed other people's daughter-in-law."

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