It's still the purple Zhijin short Ru, or the crescent white light smoke Luo Baidie wearing a flowered skirt. Only three years later, the purple has been dirty and dark, while the crescent white can't see what the original color is.

The red silk wrapped around the flower bud is broken, and there are messy silk threads floating around the end. The golden bell originally tied below has disappeared.

Cloud Xiu clothes want to reach out to touch that is full of blood stain scar delicate small face, but soon to touch when she suddenly stopped.

Her fingertips trembled violently. She tried to control it, but she trembled even more violently. At last, she dropped her hand weakly.

The little doll in the cage moved a little, and then slowly opened her eyes. Maybe the sun was too dazzling, and she quickly closed it. After a long time, she opened it again. Her confused eyes suddenly flashed a light when she touched Yun Xiu's clothes.

But soon recovered the dim, she murmured in a low voice, "how to hallucinate and see the girl?"

After a long time of anger, yunxiuyi grabs the cage with both hands and grinds it into powder.

Regardless of the surprised eyes of the people around her, Yunxiu clothes trembled and carefully carried the fox into her arms. She swallowed the bitterness in her throat and finally asked in a very gentle voice, "does it hurt?"

But the fox in his arms gave a bitter smile, "am I going to die? Not only hallucination, but also the girl in hallucination

The boss who plays tricks only thinks that Yun Xiuyi wants to hold the little thing when he sees that it's cute, but the little thing doesn't give face. He is so angry that he immediately reaches out his hand to pull the fox, and the other hand has already taken out the whip around his waist to beat it.

The fox uttered a scream, holding his head in both hands and pleading for mercy, "I dare not, I dare not, don't hit me, don't hit me."

"That's the king of ten thousand demons, the Lord of the demon world!"

Nalanyun said with emotion, and nalandot beside her had already sobbed. She choked for a long time before she said, "it's so pathetic."

Yunxiuyi was originally afraid that she would hurt the fox if she held it too tightly, but she didn't expect to be easily pulled away by the man. She had found the fox, and the fox was already in her arms. She even watched her hurt.

The onlookers around were still sighing that the little monster in the cage was so exquisite, and a strange energy suddenly surged around.

They still don't know what happened. The boss who played the trick was bloody and fleshy. Almost in the blink of an eye, the man who was waving the whip immediately turned into a pool of mashed meat in front of them. The scene was extremely violent and bloody.

Those people round stare at double eyes, a heart all mentioned the throat, some bear ability poor unexpectedly eyes a turn dizzy past.

And cloud Xiu clothes still completely don't care, at the moment her eyes only fox, also can only accommodate fox, she hurried forward to hold still beg for mercy of small person.

"It's all right, it's all right, we won't be separated any more."

Hearing this, the fox suddenly stopped crying. She suddenly looked up at Yunxiu's clothes, then raised her skinny little hand and nodded Yunxiu's face. After a dull moment, she was ecstatic and asked, "is it really a girl? It's really you

"It's me."

"I thought... I thought I would never see you again." The fox said, "Wow," and cried. She sobbed off and on and said, "I miss you so much! I miss you so much

Looking at this scene, nalanyun can't help crying in a low voice, but she is still worried that she will be ridiculed by nalanyun. She secretly takes a look at nalanyun, and finds that after a while, she cries red, and her eyes have swollen into walnuts.

Mo Xi Lou didn't want to disturb their reunion, but she couldn't bear Yun Xiu Yi to cry so sad, so she stepped forward to hold Yun Xiu Yi and fox in her arms.

On the one hand is the joy of reunion, on the other hand is the shocking blood, not chaos, but also not harmony.

Jimochuan shakes his head and looks very helpless, but he doesn't forget his mission here. The host wants to find him to solve the man secretly.

Even if the result is not satisfactory, he has to put things back, thinking that mochuan cleared his throat and solemnly explained to those around him who haven't recovered from the panic.

"To tell you the truth, this baby is my son who was born four years ago and was stolen by human traffickers. I haven't found it for a long time. I didn't expect that..."

Jimochuan said, shaking his head in grief, "this child got a strange disease when he was born. He has a pair of ears and tail longer than ordinary people, but no matter what he looks like, he is always the child of his parents!"See around these people have been immersed in their own story, jimochuan brewing emotions to go on.

"As soon as I got the news today, my son came here. You should all know what happened later. Originally, we wanted to buy the child back with less fighting, but that man really cheated too much."

It turns out that there is such a story in the middle. Those people thought that the pudding was very disgusting just now, but now they think it's very refreshing.

The Jimo master is right. No matter what kind of deformed children they are, they are always their own children. Since they were born, they are naturally more cherished as parents, but they would never expect that they were stolen by the unscrupulous traffickers as a tool to make money.

Look at the injuries on the child. I'm afraid he's often beaten. The boss who played tricks just now admitted it in front of so many of them.

Originally, he just took the money deed and left. He even beat the child in front of his mother's face. Let alone the child's parents were angry, even they could not bear to see it in the eyes of outsiders.

"Master Jimo, don't blame your daughter-in-law. She's also angry and lost her mind. Besides, such a villain deserves to die."

Originally, they didn't have a good impression of the trickster, but now they think he is extremely hateful.

For a moment, everyone stood on jimochuan's side. If they were not disgusted, they would like to step on the meat mud and sympathize with Yunxiu's clothes.

At first, nalandot cried well and was attracted by the story of jimochuan. She wiped her tears and rubbed her eyes. She whispered to nalanyun, "the master of Jimo looks serious, but she didn't expect to be so skillful in lying."

"No nonsense." Although Nalan cloud heart is also the same idea, but in time to stop Nalan duo mouth unstoppable.

When he was with her before, nalandot was restrained. Now he seems to be too indulgent with Miss Yun for a while. Nalandot thinks it's time to restrain her.

A potential crisis was easily resolved by jimochuan's words. In order to draw a successful conclusion, he also generously invested money to find someone to deal with the boss's affairs, and won the applause again.

In the end, everyone only remembers the kindness of the Jimo family and the fact that the Jimo family's daughter-in-law killed a heinous man.

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