The fox was seriously injured. The new wound overlapped the old wound. There was no intact place in the whole body. Several wounds were so ulcerated that the bones under the rotten meat could be seen because they had not been treated for many years.

Yunxiuyi was too excited and didn't pay much attention to it. Now she calmed down and smelled that the fox was filled with a strong smell of putrefaction.

She slightly opened the fox's Cape, and when she saw a wound being gnawed by maggots, her eyes suddenly darkened.

Cloud Xiu clothes line of sight slowly move up, more see more frightened, the anger in the heart rises again, unexpectedly feel that only a move to kill that trick boss is too cheap for him, should a knife a knife to his death.

I don't know whether it's because of emotional excitement or shock. The fox in his arms has been shaking. His small face is wrinkled together and looks very pitiful.

Her dirty hands tightly grasped the front of Yun Xiu's clothes, for fear that the person in front of her would disappear as soon as she let go, and she would fall into the terrible dark abyss.

Looking at the high fox in the past, now so cautious, Yun Xiu's clothes are full of flavors.

"It's OK. Don't be afraid." Cloud Xiuyi patted the fox on the back to comfort her, and said to the ink corridor beside her, "let's go back to cloud's house first. There are so many people here that it's not convenient to check the injury of Xinyue."


Cloud home, cloud Luo early received cloud Xiu clothes was expelled from Tianji Pavilion news, nervous and relaxed.

Nervous is that he worried that xiaoyaozi would let his sister come back and kill her on the way? Relief is because my sister finally left Tianji pavilion that broken place.

It's only half a day since he got the news, but Yunluo keeps pacing in the front hall. As soon as there's wind and grass outside, he immediately looks up, but every time he looks back in disappointment.

In this way, until the evening, Yunluo finally can't help looking forward to and nervous heart, decided to go out to meet Yunxiu clothes.

Before he stepped out of the threshold of the front hall, there was another movement outside. Yunluo looked up and saw that yunxiuyi came in in a hurry with a baby in his arms. This was the first time he saw his sister so flustered and flustered.

He rushed up and asked, "what's going on? Who is this little doll? "

Yunluo couldn't help glancing at the baby. When he saw her injuries, he was even more puzzled, "who is so cruel that he should do something to a child..."

Before he finished speaking, Yunluo saw a pair of ears on the top of the baby's head. His vision moved down slowly and saw a big drooping tail.

"Damn it."

Yunluo exclaimed in amazement. Before he continued to ask, he found that his brother-in-law, who he had not seen for a long time, was still with him. "When did brother-in-law come back?" He thought it was just his sister and Dor! I didn't expect that my brother-in-law was also here.

Cloud Xiu clothes at the moment the mind is all in the fox, ignore to take care of cloud Luo then went back to the small yard.

Looking at yunxiuyi and others who flashed by in front of his eyes, Yunluo's brain was blank for a long time, and he couldn't think until their figure completely disappeared, and then he followed them in a hurry.

After arriving at the small courtyard, Yun Xiuyi kicks open the door and goes to the bedside to put the fox gently. She doesn't turn her head back to nalandot.

"Dor, get hot water and bring a clean dress."


Nalandou answers and rushes to the kitchen. As soon as she leaves, nalandou takes the initiative to help Yunxiu untie the tattered clothes on the fox. They are so gentle that they are afraid of hurting the fox.

Finally, he peeled off the clothes from the rotten wound. In an instant, countless light or heavy wounds were exposed in front of Yunxiu's eyes. Yunxiu's fingers trembled slightly.

It's not that she has never seen a patient with severe injury, but she has never seen so many wounds appear on such a small body at the same time.

After a short pause, the golden character of "floating ember" slowly climbs up and entangles the little baby fox.

Those golden characters seemed to float up and down as if they were alive. As the golden light suddenly disappeared, the terrible scars on the fox disappeared with the disappearance of the golden light.

The surprise in nalandot's eyes flashed and soon recovered. At the beginning, Miss Yun should have used the same method to save her and duo'er.

After curing the fox's skin and flesh injury, Yunxiu clothes washed her again. When she changed into clean clothes, she was still a little person like a porcelain doll, but what she changed into was the clothes Yunxiu clothes had worn in earlier years, which was a little strange.

After eating something, the fox's spirit is a little better. Her big watery eyes are turning, but she just doesn't speak.After a while, she slowly raised her arm and said timidly to Yunxiu, "want to hug." See cloud Xiu clothes didn't respond, she quickly explained, "I'm just talking about it, you don't want to hold it doesn't matter."

The more the fox is like this, the more distressed yunxiuyi is. Looking at her humble appearance, yunxiuyi has anger in her heart. She would rather ask Xinyue why she found her for such a long time than see her groveling.

Can turn to think of who had more than three years of bleak days will also become so! Maybe not as strong as Xinyue!

Cloud Xiu clothes slightly sighed tone, lean over to embrace the fox, "if you like, I will always embrace you."

"Good!" The fox happily put his arm around Yunxiu's neck and happily rubbed her with his little face. Then he asked nervously, "am I heavy? Are you tired? "

"It's not heavy."

When she was a fox, yunxiuyi always held Xinyue in her arms. Now she is in human shape, and her weight is the same as that at that time. Yunxiuyi sighs several times at the thought of her thin little body.

Cloud Luo endured for a long time, finally couldn't help a voice, "that, who will tell me this in the end is how to return a responsibility?"

Originally, he thought that the little doll was picked up by his sister, but looking at the atmosphere between her and the little doll, he didn't think that was the case.

Cloud Luo suddenly stares big eyes to hope to Mo Xi Lou, "is this small baby the child of elder sister and brother-in-law?"

If it's their two children, let alone a pair of ears and a tail, it's not unusual for him to have another pair of horns.

"You think so for the time being!"

Mo Xilou calmly returns to Yun Luo. He thinks Yun Luo's words are always very pleasing. He used to call him brother-in-law. Now when he sees a little baby, he thinks that he and Yun Xiuyi have children. This kind of thinking logic is very correct.

"Really?" Cloud Luo doesn't doubt to have his double eyes to suddenly stare of bigger, then then then angry voice quality ask a way, "who is in the end hurt my niece so?"? I must kill him

"He's dead."

Nalandot said, "shh." she pointed to the fox in Yunxiu's arms and whispered, "she's asleep. Keep your voice down." The voice fell into silence in the room.

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