A few days later, the fox was spoiled by the cloud family as a little princess. Yunluo, in particular, bought all the small things he thought were interesting on Zhuque street for the fox to play with.

And the Fox also gradually opened his heart to everyone, told the story after the collapse of the magic way.

It turns out that nalandot left the magic path intact because the fox protected her and irrigated her with Demon power. After successfully sending them out, the fox was ready to escape quickly.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast she was, she was not faster than the speed of the collapse of the magic way. Finally, she fell to an unknown place like Yun Xiuyi.

What's different is that Yun Xiu's clothes have their help, while the fox has to rely on herself from the beginning to the end.

Relying on her Demon power, she successfully left the unknown place, but somehow she lost all her Demon power and became a waste that could do nothing.

Not only that, she can't turn herself into a fox, or lose her ears and tail. She can only maintain the appearance of half human and half demon in the human world, and even her daily activities are restricted everywhere.

After accepting this fact, fox's attitude is still optimistic, and she plans to return to the collapse of the hallucinogenic path with the road in her memory.

She must go to confirm the safety of Yunxiu clothes and irrigation! And go back to the empire with them.

But the fox was caught before she went abroad. The man forced her to do some strange actions, forced her to laugh at others, forced her to please others.

At first, the fox fought to death, but her strength was equal to that of a three or four year old baby. How could she bear the attack of an adult man. So no matter how the fox escaped, how he ran, how he resisted, his final fate was to be caught and beaten.

In this way, the past two years, although the fox has been scarred, but still did not give up resistance.

Who is she? She is the king of ten thousand demons. How can she yield to human beings? Even if she died, she would die with her head held high.

Until the Fox began to get sick, began to get sick endlessly, her strength was gradually disintegrated.

Because the wound was inflamed, the fox had a high fever, and the man was reluctant to spend money to buy medicine for her. The fox had to rely on her own willpower to carry it. Later, her body became weaker and weaker, and many times she thought she would not survive the night.

But when her consciousness is confused, she always thinks of Yunxiu clothes, little broken birds and moxilou. What she wants most is her demon world.

Fox regrets that she should go back to the demon world to have a look after escaping from Jiuyin temple. She is never a good Lord. She is not only irresponsible but also reckless. She will not think about the consequences ahead of time when she does anything.

Fox seems to have few things to regret, even with the demon force to protect nalandot and small broken bird to leave the magic way, even if she exhausted the demon force to leave that broken place, she did not regret.

The only thing to worry about is her demon world!

The more regretful the fox is, the less she wants to die. She is the king of ten thousand demons. How can she die easily in the hands of a human? If she is known by the people of her demon world, I'm afraid she will become the most ridiculous and useless demon king in the history of demon world.

In this way, the fox muddled through more than three years of being beaten. In the past year or two, she always tried to forget that she was the king of ten thousand demons.

It seemed that only in this way could she feel less humiliation and less pain.

"Girl, I'll take you back to the demon world to have a look!" On this sunny day, the fox squinted and nestled in Yunxiu's arms. She used to like squinting very much.

At that time, her slim fox eyes always gave people a very dangerous smell, and she was always scared to hide every time she irrigated.

Now, it's a violation to do this action with a pink baby face, but Yunxiu likes to see it, because this action can always let her see the shadow of the fox before.


Yun Xiuyi then picked up the fox and went back to the room. She first put the fox on the bed, then went to the Shennong cauldron and took out the pills that had been refined for several days.

As soon as the cauldron opened, thick white smoke came out, and the fox on the bed immediately said in surprise, "this is the taste of moon grass."

Voice just fell ink Xi Lou then walked in, while walking while laughing at the fox, "did not expect the Demon power lost, this nose is still very smart."

The fox did not pay attention to Mo Xi Lou, but asked Yun Xiu Yi, "moon grass is not an ordinary thing. Where did you find it?" She suddenly asked nervously, "can't it be for my injury? Are you in danger? "

"Yes, I haven't recovered after a long injury."

Seeing that Mo Xi Lou was still teasing the fox, Yun Xiu Yi interrupted him at the right time, "the moon eating grass was unintentionally obtained from tianque." Then she glared and went to Mo Xi Lou beside her. She scolded him with her eyes for "no more nonsense".Who knows the fox continues to ask, "that was injured for a long time to have not recovered is how to return a responsibility?" In her memory, Yunxiu clothes didn't seem to be injured for long.

"He didn't recover because of him, not because of you." While explaining, Yun Xiuyi took out the pills made from the moon eating grass and went to the bed. She fed the fox and patted her on the back for fear that she would choke.

The fox quickly swallowed the elixir, and did not forget to scold Mo Xilou, "old man, you hurt the girl!"

"What if I hurt you?" Mo Xi Lou laughs twice, and then the old god sits at the table and pours a cup of tea for himself.

The fox immediately jumped, "you... You... You wait for me. I will teach you a lesson when I recover."

"OK, I'll wait."

Nandando outside the room listened to the room and whispered, "Yun Er, when did you make complaints about the environment becoming so childish? They're so miserable, and he's going to piss them off. "

"Jingzhu was helping her get out of the haze earlier, and it's hard to be Jingzhu." With that, Nalan Yun knocked Nalan duo's head hard. Although he lowered his voice, his tone was a little angry.

"What did you just say? Are you naive? I'll send a letter back to Wuji later and ask my father to take you back

"I'm kidding!" Nalandot pitifully covers his head, but complains in his heart that "Yuner is really fierce, and no one will want him in the future.".

Who knows that she just finished her abdominal Fei, and nalanyun hit her hard, tone is more severe than just now, "even the master's joke dare to open, duo'er, you are really tired of living?"


This time nalandot didn't know how to refute. She might be tired of living! Yun'er is right. It's the master of the realm! The Lord of the Nalan people who has been serving for generations! She was so bold as to talk about Jingzhu behind her back!

After reflection, nalando really knew that she was wrong. She bowed her head and confessed, "I will correct my attitude in the future. You must not tell your father about this."

Nalanyun was just bluffing her. Seeing her repentance, he gave her a step down.

"If you know it's wrong, we should always keep in mind our mission and the mission of Nalan people, and we should not forget what we are carrying. We should never say these words of disrespect in the future."

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