"I see." Nalandot answered listlessly, and then honestly stood outside the door. Before she could raise her spirits again, Yunluo suddenly came down from the sky with a pile of things.

He looked at nalandot with his head down and said clearly, "I've been scolded by yun'er again! You deserve it

"Yun'er, he bullied me." Nalandot was already depressed! Being stimulated by Yunluo, she immediately became irritable. She pointed to Yunluo and told nalanyun, "he bullied me when I was still in Tianji Pavilion. Yuner, you must teach him to take revenge for me."

No matter how they scold and fight, it's all their housework, but if others dare to bully nalandot, she will not let this person go.

Nalanyun turned to look at Yunluo and warned him, "stay away from Yuner in the future."

Yunluo looked around the two sisters and said, "you should tell her to stay away from me." Then Yunluo suddenly approached nalanyun, "you don't know! She had fights with other women because of me

"You're bullshit. You didn't make it in the end."

Aware of the slip of the tongue, nalando immediately covers her mouth. She stares at Yunluo and explains to nalanyun, "Yuner, it was the crescent princess who provoked me and hit me first. I didn't argue because of him."

"Why is it not because of my dispute?" Cloud Luo does not depend on not Rao a way, "at the beginning is who say that if the new moon lost, then forbid to approach me half step again?"

"That's... That's... That's what I said casually. I didn't take it seriously. Why do you care?" Nalandot would like to rush over and tear Yunluo's mouth. How could she blush when she saw him? It's a shame in her life.

"This casual remark is the most true. I don't think you should deny it. It's extraordinary to like me. I've been used to the adoring eyes of you little girls for a long time."

Cloud Luo said to throw down the horsetail of high bundle, very arrogant walked past in front of two sisters from Na LAN cloud.

As soon as he left, nalando did not forget to explain to nalanyun, "Yuner, it's not what he said. He hates me so much. How can I like him?"

"It's very annoying."

"Yes! Yes Nalandot seemed to find a resonance in general, "or cloud son most understand me." Then she Tucao, "you make complaints about how well a cloud sister is so good. It's not like a family at all. "

But as soon as she finished, nalanyun said, "I'm also very surprised that my father and I have such a character, how can we have a family like you."


Yunluo went into the room and threw all the gadgets in his arms on the table. "Xiaoyueyue, my uncle has made great efforts to find it. Come and see which one you like quickly?"

He picked two and went to the fox. Suddenly he was surprised and asked, "where are xiaoyueyue's ears and tail?"

"It's hidden." At the moment, the fox is standing on the bed, and his little face is so cute because he is so excited that Yunluo can't wait to squeeze it.

"Hide?" He saw that her clothes were so flat and neat that it didn't look like she had hidden such a big tail. Besides, how could a pair of ears on her head be hidden? It's impossible to hide in your hair!

Xu is in a good mood, fox's words also more up, "mother fed medicine, ears and tail are gone." She can finally go out and meet people!

The medicine in the fox's mouth is the elixir made by Yun Xiu's clothes with the moon grass. The moon grass can quickly improve the cultivation of the monster. Even if the fox's Demon power can't be completely restored, it can also let her freely change the fox's real body and human form.

This call made Mo Xi Lou's eyebrows tremble. He suddenly became playful and said to the fox, "come here, Dad."

"Go away!" This old thing took advantage of her! She called her mother Yunxiu because it was against her will to shout the word "girl" out of her tender voice. In addition, Yunluo was always uncle long and uncle short, so she unconsciously put herself into the role.

But the mother cried very kindly! Always feel cloud Xiu clothes will never be separated from her, so think fox even called several times.

"Mother, mother, mother hug!"

Xu is the fox just now that "roll" word too hoarse, cloud Luo incomparably sympathized looked at the eye Mo Xi floor, "brother-in-law, don't care with children in general, but this daughter shouldn't be more intimate with father!"

After hearing Yunluo's words, the fox yelled, "I don't like him. He will rob my mother from me."

"It's because of this! Then there's no way Cloud Luo patted Mo Xi Lou's shoulder, comforted a way, "perhaps wait for her to be a little older to won't think so."Then Yunluo took a few steps closer to the bed. He put down the gadget in his hand, opened his arms to the fox, and called with great enthusiasm, "xiaoyueyue, come to my uncle. It's a fine day today. My uncle will take you out to have a look."

The fox looked at Yunluo's arm, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. Before, the man always yelled to hold her, so she didn't want to be held by him!

But when she heard Yunluo say that she would take her out for a walk, her eyes lit up immediately.

In recent years, she has been locked in the iron cage covered with black cloth, almost forgetting what the world looks like. Since Yunluo wants to take her out, she readily agrees to take him as her own mount.

The fox turned his head and looked at yunxiuyi. It seemed that he was waiting for her to agree. After receiving the fox's signal, yunxiuyi nodded, "go! Come back early. "

After getting the consent of Yunxiu clothes, the fox immediately pours into Yunluo's arms. Yunluo holds the soft little Tuanzi and smiles happily, "sister, don't worry, I will bring xiaoyueyue back safely, so we'll go out first!"

Yunluo just stepped out of the door of the cloud family, but an unexpected guest came to the cloud family.

Looking at Yunluo's delicate but emaciated little doll, Zuo Li asked suspiciously, "Yo, are illegitimate children so big?"

No one in the East moon Empire knows that Yunluo, the owner of the cloud family, goes to Ningxue building when he's all right. Besides the girls in Ningxue building, he usually has a lot of affairs. It's really not unusual if a few illegitimate children suddenly appear.

"What are you doing here?"

Yunluo can't help but protect Xinyue in his arms. It seems that he doesn't want Zuoli to see her face. After strictly blocking her face, he sarcastically says, "are you in the wrong place? This is my cloud house, not the entrance to the palace. "

"I came to the cloud family." Zuoli has something hidden in his heart, but he doesn't take Yunluo's words to heart.

She looked at the front door of Yun's house. Her expression was indescribable. After a long time, she asked, "I heard that Yun Xiuyi has come back."

Yunluo is a little surprised that the news of her sister's return has not been made public. The news of Tianji Pavilion will not be spread easily without xiaoyaozi's consent. Where does she know it?

However, since she already knew that Yunluo didn't want to hide it, he replied frankly, "what if she came back?"

"I want to see her."

"See? As far as I know, do you wish she would never go back to Dongyue? " Yunluo sneers twice. Over the past few years, the left family has been beating down the cloud family, but the left one can see at a glance that he is guarding Junfu.

Yunluo is not stupid. He can see what kind of thoughts someone has when he thinks about it a little bit, especially for Zuoli. He doesn't need to think about it to know what kind of abacus she is making.

"Don't frame me up! I have told you many times that I have a deep feeling with Yun Xiuyi. I will never hold such a vicious idea towards her. I hope she will return to Dongyue safely than anyone else. "

The more excited Zuo Li's mood is, the calmer Yunluo will be. When she finishes these words, she will expose her without any emotion.

"You don't look like you have a deep relationship with my sister!" Then he looked down at xiangxinyue, "isn't it? Little moon

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