"That's right!" Xinyue is stifled in Yunluo's arms and replies with a smile. This little girl is much worse than her father's and her brother's grades. She has a bitter face and can't even hide a knife in her smile.

"Good boy." Cloud Luo dotes on to knead the head of kneading heart month, "later uncle buys sugar gourd to eat for you."

After that, he looked up to the left again, and gave the order of passing away in a stern voice, "if you come to see my sister with other thoughts, then go back! You are not welcome in our cloud family. "


For more than four years, Zuo thought that she had been able to keep her face in the face of strong winds and waves, but now a cloud Xiuyi made her square inch in a mess, and her head hurt so much that she couldn't think normally.

Finally, she didn't even know how to leave the cloud home.

Walking on the Zhuque street, Zuoluo is not as tall as she used to be. She is like a defeated Rooster walking head on.

In the heart thinks all is cloud Xiu clothes to come back! Yunxiuyi is back! If she goes back to Dongyue, she and Junfu will never have a chance again. She has done so many things, and even killed Qi Yuan for downing. In the end, she failed.

Thinking of Downing, Zuo Juo suddenly stops. Yes, and Downing, what if he comes back? She can also use Downing to get rid of her!

Apart from Tianji Pavilion, there are not many people in Dongyue who know that Yunxiu's clothes have come back. It's sure that downing doesn't know about it at all.

She could keep it from her, so that downing would not have any scruples. She just thought that Yunxiu's clothes were the ugly Yunxi who had made her famous. She had a plan in her heart, and she immediately turned around and walked towards the Tang family.

It took a long time for the doorman of the Tang family to report that someone came and led Zuoli to see Downing, but before she saw Downing, she heard a very fierce quarrel.

"You've made me so miserable. It's good to show me that there are so many men in the world. Why do you want to mix with Qi Yuan? If you want to be a man, you can find another one. "

"Don't irritate me with such filth!"

"Foul language? Do you have ethics in your heart when you lie under my prime minister? Since you don't love yourself, it's no wonder that others say you are

"It's Qi Yuan's fault. I don't blame you for not taking good care of my husband. Instead, you blame me. Please make it clear before you trouble me. I'm also a victim. I've been hurt more deeply than you, and I can't be forgiven."

"Victims? What a victim

The woman who spoke suddenly burst into a crazy smile, "if I can still treat you as unintentional, after all, I am the same as you, drunk and confused, and it's not impossible to recognize the wrong person. But! Why are you exposed in Tianji pavilion? "

The woman gritted her teeth and complained, "it's you who go to Tianji Pavilion, not me. It's a well-known thing. Over the years, I've been criticized because my accomplishments are not as good as before, but I've never complained. Why do you think this is? Because this is what I should suffer. I chose Qi Yuan, and I chose to give birth to his child even when I was young. Since it was my own choice, I should suffer whatever the result is. "

Because the emotion is too excited, the woman's eyes look very terrible, but she does not know.

"You are different from me. You have a high heart and a long vision. Your accomplishments have been improving over the past few years. Your mother values you and so many people in Dongyue admire you. So you have the capital to compete with Zuoluo. As your twin sister, I am also happy for you!"

The woman gasped, first choked, and then cried intermittently, "do you know how proud I am to hear people praise you and admire you?"

With these words, the woman was already sobbing. She suddenly lowered her voice and said, "I have nothing left. My mother has already given up on me, and my Yuanying has been damaged due to dystocia. She can no longer fight with you as before. I only have Qi Yuan and Yuan Er left. Why do you have to put a knife in my heart? "

The two women who quarreled were Tang Ning and Tang Wan. Listening to Tang Wan's accusation, Tang Ning couldn't make any sound for a long time. Why didn't she complain?

Her accomplishments are high! Good life experience! Beautiful, too! Even Zuoli, she never paid attention to it. She had a chance to become the queen of Dongyue Empire, but now it was all destroyed.

As soon as she thought of her miserable life in the future, Downing's chest was blocked up. All these resentments turned into hatred at last. She must break that bitch Yunxi to pieces!

"What's the noise in front of the child?" Tang Yishuang used to be proud of the twin daughters, but now she is disappointed with them. She shakes her head and pulls Tang Wan's grandson to her.

Looking at her grandson's bewildered face, Tang Yishuang doesn't care how much she loves him. Although she doesn't like Qi Yuan, she loves him very much."Yuan'er is not afraid. There is grandma here!"

The child named yuan'er didn't know whether he was scared or mentally developed late. He didn't respond to Tang Yishuang for a long time. After a long time, he slowly rushed into her arms and called timidly, "grandma, yuan'er is afraid."

"Not afraid, not afraid." Tang Yishuang coaxes yuan'er and stares at Tang Ning and Tang Wan. "You have to fight outside. Don't affect everyone's mood here. If you go out, don't come back!"


Downing gently called a voice, then no longer words, subconsciously she is afraid of Tang Yishuang, afraid of her severe, more afraid of himself and Tang Wan as she gave up.

"Alas! What evil has the Tang family done? " As soon as Tang Yishuang finished this sentence, someone came to inform Zuo Fu.

In fact, Zuo Qiong had been standing there for a long time, because just now the two sisters of the Tang family quarreled so fiercely that the man didn't dare to report. When Tang Yishuang came, he summoned up the courage to walk over.

Left wing? Tang Yishuang followed the man's line of sight and saw the man at the end of the corridor. He thought to himself, what is she doing?

Seeing the moment of Zuo Li, Downing was in a panic. Her mother had never met Zuo Li. That is to say, she came to the Tang family to find herself.

Today, she is in a difficult situation in the Tang family. Naturally, she can no longer let her mother know that there are other disputes between her and Zuoyu, let alone let Tang Wan know that Qi Yuan did not commit suicide, but that she asked Zuoyu to murder him.

Seeing Zuoluo step by step towards them, Downing's brain was running fast for fear that she would say something against her.

"Master of the Tang family, two Miss Tang."

Zuoli walked slowly to the front and back of Tang Yishuang's face, politely said hello to them, and then explained, "I'm here to see Miss Tang today. I heard that she's not very well. I thought I should care about her if I get to know her."

Although these words don't sound like a big problem, it seems that they are not well intentioned from Zuoli's mouth. Tang Yishuang immediately frowns.

"Little girl, it's OK. The left owner has seen it. If there's nothing else, please go back!"

Although Tang Yishuang has tried his best to hide the scandal between Tang Ning and Qi Yuan, the Empire of Dongyue has never had an airtight wall, and Tang Ning's return from Tianji Pavilion will naturally arouse the suspicion of others.

As long as they have the heart to go to Tianji pavilion to inquire, they will know the scandal. As soon as it spreads, everyone will know it.

Today, Zuo Chou comes to the door at this time naturally with the attitude of watching the crowd. Where she cares about Downing, she comes to the well.

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