Luo Heng was still glad that she was safe. When she was questioned, his face turned pale and blue.

People around the theatre were also stunned by this reversal, thinking: my God! In order to frame Yun Xiuyi, the Luo family has poisoned their own family. It's really cruel.

It seems that we can't stand in line casually in the future. We have to wait and see first.

Luo Heng just wants to defend for oneself, be the cloud in the border says in advance.

"Luo Heng, you said that Xiuyi had hurt Miss Luo Er. Now you are beaten in the face by Miss Luo Er. What else can you say?"

"Magic, you must have confused rouer."

"You don't even let go of your own niece. Now that you've been exposed, you don't know how to repent. I'm really sorry for the Luo family leader. I have a younger brother like you. I'm afraid you can't find any other reason to frame up our Xiuyi except for witchcraft! "

For a moment, Luo Heng was too eloquent to solve the problem by force. What's more, he couldn't stand the sneer of the onlookers.

In a hurry, he left the stall and did not care about Luo rou.

When Luo Rou's mood stabilizes, she blinks her big tearful eyes and asks Yun Xiuyi, "are you the pharmacist of the Yun family? Are all the medicines in Yunxiu's clothes yours? "

Yun Xiuyi nodded.

She asked, "you really don't want to come to my house?"

Cloud Xiu clothes continue to nod.

"You saved my life twice, and I don't want to embarrass you. If you regret it in the future, the door of the Luo family will be open for you. "

Luo Rou said and took out a stack of paper from her arms, which turned out to be the title deed she had stolen.

"I'll do what I promised. Please tell yunxiuyi, and don't forget what she promised me, to detoxify all of us."

Yunxiuyi took over the title deed and counted twenty-four copies, one for many.

She took out a small white porcelain vase from her sleeve. "She will not break her promise. Here are 24 antidote pills. They will take effect within 12 hours."

After all the people of the Luo family are sent away, yunxiuyi gives the title deed to yunjinyan, still lowering his voice.

"Exchange, in fact, should be regarded as return. The owner of the cloud family should manage these lost and recovered industries well, and don't let the Luo family rob them any more."

Yun Jinyan's hands trembled several times and he couldn't hold the title deed.

It's lost and recovered!

These industries were snatched from him bit by bit by Luo family! I didn't expect that in his lifetime, he would wait for the day when the Luo family returned.

At this moment, Yun Jinyan takes the real title deed and finally completely takes off his guard against Yun Xiu's clothes. He also sincerely thanks her.

"I don't know how to thank Xiuyi and Mr. Wang."

"Xiuyi's wish is the same as that of the cloud family. They all hope that the cloud family will get better. If the cloud family really wants to thank her, let's tell her with practical actions!"

"Yes, I'm going to take over these 24 shops."

Yun Jinyan has turned around and is ready to leave. He remembers that he hasn't formally said hello to the pharmacist and turns back again.

"Look, I'm so excited that I don't know what to call this pharmacist?"

"Cloud ink."

Hearing that he was also surnamed Yun, Yun Jinyan was overjoyed, "we are still our own family! No wonder, first of all, Luo Rou certainly does not have so much power to give the 24 shops to the cloud family, so the only way she can think of is to steal them.

Since it's a title deed, it's not easy to steal it, so Luo Rou will be found.

According to the previous urine of the Luo family, they will not miss the opportunity to frame the cloud family. They will bring Luo Rou to the theory.

In this way, no matter whether Luo Rou succeeds in stealing the title deed or not, the only result is that they have to hand over the title deed of 24 shops anyway.

After all, there are so many lives, even if the Luo family really want to give up, they have to worry about the image of the Luo family and try their best to save them under external pressure.

Then he walked and talked. After a while, he went to the small yard of Yunxiu clothes.

She stopped and said to the cloud behind her, "master cloud, I don't like to be disturbed. Don't let the unimportant people appear in this yard in the future."

Yun Jinyan was stunned at first, and then said clearly, "of course, alchemy is a matter of no distractions. I'll give you an order. No one is allowed to step into the yard without the order of Mr. and Xiuyi in the future."

"That's good."

Finish saying cloud Xiu clothes then the head also don't return of walk toward the yard, and the cloud behind her carefully says to just lift foot to prepare to stride into the yard, hear the voice that the front spreads."Master Yun, don't disobey orders."

A word immediately let cloud Jinyan back feet, it seems that this small yard, he also can't come into.

When her ear finally quiets down, yunxiuyi plans to water the herbs first, and then go back to the room to refine some pills. However, before she goes to fetch water herself, Qingyao staggers in front of her with a big bucket of water.

She was startled and immediately went to pick up the bucket.

"Mother, just tell me what you want to do." Although it is concerned about words, said from the mouth of cloud Xiu clothing, but no half silk temperature.

And Qingyao has long been used to her alternative care.

"Niang, I want to help you. At this time of the day, you have to draw water to water the flowers and plants. It's rare that my Xiuyi is so interested. Niang also wants to do something for you."

"I can do it myself."

Qingyao felt the clothes of Yunxiu with her hands, and her tone was very helpless.

"There's nothing else I can do for you. I can't even see what the flowers you planted look like. Fortunately, I'm still familiar with the yard. It's OK to get a bucket of water."

Although Yun Xiu's clothes are changed into other shapes at this moment, they are useless in front of Qing Yao. She is just her daughter.

See cloud Xiu clothes for a long time did not respond to himself, green Yao pulled her sleeve.

"Well? You promise me! My mother is idle too. I don't want to find something to do! I'm afraid the arm and leg will rust! "

Looking at Qingyao's empty eyes, Yunxiu's clothes were lost for a long time.

She searched the memory of the original cloud Xiuyi for several times, but she didn't find Qingyao's gentle eyes. It seems that Qingyao is like this from the beginning of her memory.

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