One night, while Qingyao was sleeping, yunxiuyi sneaked into her room to diagnose and treat her eyes, but the result of the diagnosis shocked her.

Qingyao's eyes were actually poached by Shisheng.

She didn't know what happened at that time, and she didn't know who had done so much harm to her. She only knew that the man's technique was extremely cruel, which led to the tissue damage in Qingyao's eye socket and could not be repaired at all.

During this period of time, even though Qingyao was puzzled by many of yunxiuyi's behaviors, she never asked her why.

So yunxiuyi also endured his doubts, and never asked about Qingyao's eyes, mainly for fear that she would recall the unpleasant past.

"If my mother really wants to help me, why don't you help me water those flowers and plants?"

See cloud Xiu clothes finally take care of themselves, green Yao face this just had a smile, "Niang don't want to help, destroy your flowers and plants."

"No way."

Yun Xiuyi, holding a bucket in one hand and Qing Yao in the other, went straight to her medicine garden.

But when we got to the medicine garden, we didn't stop. Instead, we went further ahead. When we finally stopped, we were overgrown with weeds.

"Mother, I'll give you these flowers and plants."

Hearing Yun Xiuyi's words, Qing Yao let go of her hand and felt happily. When she touched the long Dogtail grass, her face flashed a moment of consternation and soon recovered as usual.

"My mother will take care of them."

Cloud to Xiu, flowers speechless, smoke across the forest, mountain deep far, a crescent moon is gradually clear.

Since the aura of the hidden fog forest dissipated and became an abandoned forest, Dongyue Empire has lost a good place to upgrade and cultivate.

After several days of being addicted to alchemy, Yun Xiuyi had to look for the next place where the ghosts and beasts gathered.

After several days of searching and comparison, she finally set her goal at Daiyun mountain, a majestic and precipitous peak with an altitude of 1856 meters, on the southwest side of the hidden fog forest.

Because Dai Yun Shan touch the sky and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, the spirit on the mountain is more dense than the hidden forest, and the animals that are bred are naturally more powerful.

Because of the steep terrain of Daiyun mountain, no matter which family or sect wants to monopolize it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, there are more practitioners going to Daiyun mountain than to yinwu forest.

With a large number of people, it's easy to cause trouble. Therefore, it's not unusual to see several teams of people fighting for a high-grade ghost beast in Daiyun mountain.

In order to facilitate action, as soon as it was dark, Yunxiu clothes went out of the cloud house and went straight to Daiyunshan.

As soon as he arrived at Daiyun mountain, Yunxiu clothes released the heaven and earth tripod. The heaven and earth tripod is a magic weapon that is hard to find in the world.

At this moment, as soon as it is released, it floats in mid air and rotates rapidly.

Then an incredible scene happened. The heaven and earth cauldron sucked all the treasures left by others in Daiyun mountain into the cauldron.

Cloud Xiu clothes a rough look, the vast majority are weapons, should be the owner of the accident fell.

The rest were some animal yuan that no one had taken away for some reason. Seeing that the year was not low, she accepted them all.

She walked all the way through Daiyun mountain, quickly judging which ghosts and beasts were worth her doing.

With a bang, a 500 year old Unicorn fell to the ground, and yunxiuyi began her hunting tonight.

Now she is a first-class spirit Master, and her strength is very different from before, but the process of upgrading is also more and more difficult. The ordinary animal yuan and pills can't play any role.

Therefore, if she wants to be promoted to the second level Lingshi as soon as possible, she must find a new way. Mo Xilou's suggestion is to practice.

The powerful people in Dongyue Empire were basically in several big families. It was too easy to expose themselves against them. Yunxiu Yi thought that the ghost beast was relatively simple.

When another 600 year old soul beast burst out of the animal yuan, the forehead of Yun Xiu's clothes finally came out with thin beads of sweat.

She tiptoed to the ground and jumped up to an old tree nearby for a rest. As a result, as soon as she sat down on the branch, a young man came down.

Gasping for breath, the man kept looking back, as if following a flood of beasts behind him.

Then, another group of people rushed over and quickly surrounded the man under the tree. Coincidentally, renyun Xiuyi, the leader, even knew the elder Xingchen of Tianji Pavilion.

"I have a good discussion with you, but you don't know how to praise me. Are you running away?"Xingchen is still Xingchen, but her temper is totally different from what she saw last time. At night, Dai Yunshan was as cool as water, but he was very angry.

"I can't run any more. What do you want! It's impossible for me to cheat anyway. "

Hearing the word "cheating", Stardust was furious, "I don't know how to change. If you do my convenience, I will not lose your advantage."

"Don't mention it. You're very accurate. I'm a man! Everything is good, but I don't know what is flexible. "

In the face of Stardust's persecution, the young man was not afraid at all. Instead, he put his face back one by one with a playful smile, a posture of breaking the jar.

"In that case, I can't keep you."

"Ah, ah, ah! How can I fight and kill all the time? You said I came to Daiyun mountain to collect some herbs, but I didn't invite anyone to offend, did you

Seeing that Xingchen's eyes had been killed, the man held his chest in both hands and complained, "or I'll give you some excellent pills, and you'll let me go?"

"How many pills do you think Tianji Pavilion will lack you?"

"That's not negotiable?"

"Yes! If you tell me what the three ghosts in the third inning are, I'll let you go immediately, and today's event will never be revealed. Not only that, I'll be grateful when I become the leader of Tianji Pavilion. "

After listening to Stardust's words, the man helplessly spread his arms, "I don't know what's flexible is you! All said don't cheat don't cheat, how do you just don't understand? "

"Well! Then you must die! "

Seeing the star dust split, the man who said he couldn't run started to hide around the ancient tree.

"You have some confidence in yourself," he said! Even if I don't tell you the answer, you may not be able to guess it! "

At the moment, Stardust can't listen to any words, and wants to kill him. Every move is more vicious than every move. Several times, he missed hitting the man, but he got away with it.

Yun Xiu, who has been sitting on the tree, looks at this scene without expression and does not intend to participate in other people's disputes.

Until the man under the tree said, "I'm also a pharmacist of zhulanglou. You can kill me without saying hello. It's too shameful of zhulanglou!"

Zhulanglou? This man is actually the pharmacist of zhulanglou!

Hearing these words, there was a wave on Yun Xiuyi's face. If he was the pharmacist of zhulanglou, it would be another matter.

Seeing that Xingchen under the ancient tree was about to hit the man in the middle of the eyebrow, Yunxiu quickly took out a veil from the heaven and earth cauldron to cover his face, and a miraculous power fell on Xingchen's hand.

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