The weather is gloomy, and the cold wind blows on the sleeves and skirts, whistling. Under the yellow sky, there are several withered trees far and near. On the ground, there are countless branches. There is no vitality in the whole forest.

There is no one in the fragrant path, and the moss and yellow dust are very complacent.

Once upon a time, the hidden fog forest was also a rich land, but now it has become barren and desolate. The sky is blue and the ground is yellow. Apart from blue and yellow, there are no other colors in the forest.

Yun Xiuyi is walking forward on the withered branches. Just as she is ready to release her spirit power to explore the whereabouts of the fierce beasts, she suddenly steps on a charming red flower.

She moved her foot away, and there was a twinkle in her eyes. Then she remembered that xiaoyaozi had said that he had found the man he had locked up in Jiuyin temple in the hidden fog forest. It seemed that there were gorgeous flowers everywhere in the hidden fog forest at that time.

Now, although there is only one red flower in front of Yunxiu's eyes, she can't help but connect it with the man. Is it the man who owns the fierce beast?

Just thinking about this, there was a light smile not far away. Cloud Xiu looked up and saw a soul stirring face.

Under the beautiful, feminine eyebrows are a pair of attractive, deep blue eyes. At the moment, the man's lips are slightly pursed, and the corners of his eyes are slightly lifted, which adds to the charm.

In the cloud Xiu clothes trance God, the man immediately came to her body, his voice soft, smile warm, "pear fall."

"I'm not a pear drop."

Cloud Xiu clothes immediately come back to mind, only feel this man's breath is too dangerous, want to keep away from him, but he can't help but imprison her with his arms.

Being enveloped in a strange atmosphere, Yun Xiuyi is very angry, but she also knows that there is a huge gap between her strength and the other party, and she doesn't even have the opportunity to resist in front of him, not to mention whether it is useful to resist.

Realizing this, Yun Xiuyi calms down instead. She emphasizes again, "I'm not Li Luo."

"You are!"

The man seems to be more stubborn than the cloud Xiu clothes imagine, "I say you are you." Then he put his whole face close to Yunxiu's clothes, but the next moment he suddenly threw Yunxiu's clothes away from his arms like frightened, "why does your breath change? What about the smell of pears

Cloud Xiu clothes back a few steps to finally stabilize the pace, and then look at the man, the impatient silk in her eyes did not hide, "I have never been pear drop."

Hearing this, the man seemed to be crazy, "no, no! How can you not be a pear drop He suddenly looked sad and then said to himself, "if you are not a pear, where is my pear?"

While the man is immersed in sadness, cloud Xiuyi intends to leave quickly, who knows just came up with this idea, he even forced to himself again.

"Yuanyi said you were born 19 years ago! That day, the life palace of rosefinch fluctuated, the four spirits resonated, and the heaven and earth were strange! You can't be wrong. You are the pear The man said and then went forward to cloud Xiu clothes into his arms, "I will make you think of everything."

Hear the man's words, cloud Xiu clothes unexpectedly don't know how to refute him, right! On the day when Yun Xiuyi was born, rosefinch's palace of life did suffer from fluctuations, and even the last trace of rosefinch's spiritual consciousness entered her body.

But she also knew that she could never be the pear of this population, but it was obvious that he would not listen to what he said.

I don't know how long he was held by a man. He suddenly whispered in yunxiuyi's ear, "nangongchen, you must remember this name. This name is the most important person in your life, no matter in previous life or this life."

"Is it?"

Just when Yun Xiuyi frowned slightly because of the man's words, a strong force suddenly came behind her. She fell into another embrace, but she was much more familiar with it.

At the moment, Mo Xi Lou hugs Yun Xiu's clothes tightly in her arms. Her eyes are full of anger, but her words are full of grievances. "You have his taste."

"Just go back and wash it." Today's cloud Xiu clothing has already understood Mo Xi Lou's temperament, a word will let his anger disappear.

But then he said, "can I wash it for you?" In response to his nature is a white eye cloud Xiuyi, this person seems to be very easy to advance.

Looking at the two of you Nong and me Nong, Nangong Chen is very angry and smiles. With his smile, there are many colorful flowers around him. "Mo Xi Lou, since I can break your soul once, I can also make you lose your soul forever."

"The four soul jade is broken. I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

Said Mo Xi floor canthus pick to take a look at South Temple Chen two eyes, "a sleep ten years almost can't wake up of person, which come of face threaten me?"

"YouBefore nangongchen retorts, moxilou looks at Yunxiu's clothes in his arms and says, "if my little girl didn't break the seal, you should still be locked in the broken temple at the moment. Even if you don't appreciate it, I hope you stay away from my little girl. "

"Liluo has always been mine. You should be the one who should stay away from her!"

"You're hurt. Are you out of your mind?" Mo Xi Lou one eye knife sweeps past, "I don't know if she is Li Luo?"? Don't forget that pear fell in front of you at the beginning. "

"Shut up At the moment, Nangong Chen finally gathered his smile, and his face was full of murders. "If it hadn't been for you, I would have saved her!"

These two people talk about a woman named Li Luo. I don't know why Yun Xiuyi is so curious about this woman that he wants to know what kind of love and hatred has happened between them.

"Are you sure you want to do it?"

Seeing that the battle was imminent, Mo Xi Lou suddenly said such a sentence. What's more strange is that Nangong Chen calms down his anger slowly after listening to it. He hums coldly, "it's not the best time. If you want to kill you, you'll hit it."

"Since it's not the best time, should you leave here soon? I don't like having a third person when I'm making out with my little girl. "

"You mustn't touch her!"

Before Nangong Chen's voice fell, he saw Mo Xi Lou stooping down and kissing Yun Xiu's forehead. He said possessively, "why can't I touch my little girl? It's you. It's too easy. If I were you! It's good to stay here. "

It's clear that each of them is more complicated than the other. However, at the moment, their conversation sounds like a three-year-old quarrelling in Yunxiu's ears. It's very childish.

Just when one of them had to be angry with the other, and the other was so angry that he had to stay, the cracked soil under their feet suddenly shook, and then Yunxiu felt an unusual breath.

She quickly released her aura to find out what had happened, and then she found a group of strange things that looked more strange than soul eaters coming towards them.

Seeing this, Nangong Chen looked at Mo Xi Lou, "these little things ate some of my poisonous flowers and herbs, and their temper seemed to be more irritable." Then he jumped back, "I don't want to fight with you, let them play with you first."

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