As soon as nangongchen's figure disappeared, moxilou and yunxiuyi were surrounded by six monsters several feet high. Although these monsters were more strange than the soul eaters in the infinite continent, they were real.

At the moment, their scarlet eyes showed excited light, as if they had found two interesting prey.

Before the two sides had a stalemate for a long time, the six monsters attacked yunxiuyi and moxilou. Yunxiuyi quickly turned the spiritual power in his palm into a lightsaber.

She injected a trace of soul power into the lightsaber and stabbed the monster facing her without hesitation. However, the monster's body was harder than she expected. Unexpectedly, she scattered the golden lightsaber that she had transformed with spiritual power.

The color of surprise flashed in Yun Xiu's eyes, and soon he was back in the fight. The golden baby in the body is spinning rapidly, and the red rosefinch in the middle is flapping its wings fiercely.

She did not turn her head back to the ink corridor behind her, "you step aside, I'll deal with them."

At the end of the words, the dazzling golden light burst out from Yunxiu's clothes in all directions, and the golden light, like a Golden Snake dancing, imprisoned the six monsters at the same time.

With an earth shaking scream, the six monsters were surrounded by fiery golden awns. The rosefinch in Yunxiu's clothes may have been sleeping for a long time. Now, without being called, the rosefinch wants to fly out with its red wings.

In a flash, the golden and red lights were like two rounds of scorching sun shining in the sky. The bright light was shining on people's eyes, and the huge energy burst out like torrents.

Two rays of light in the hidden fog forest wantonly flow, actually make the past as dead as the hidden fog forest restored a trace of life.

When the golden and red light gradually dissipated, the six monsters around yunxiuyi turned into a pool of vermicelli. The wind blew and there was no trace.

When the dark fog forest regained its dead spirit, Mo Xi Lou came over leisurely, "I like the feeling of being protected. If you are threatened again in the future, you must stand in front of me."

Cloud Xiu Yi Yu Guang glances at Mo Xi Lou, who is daydreaming, and somehow comes up with the word "eat soft rice".

She didn't follow Mo Xi Lou's words, but asked, "these fierce beasts belong to that man?" But she always felt something was wrong.

"Not him. He disdains to use these tricks and has no interest in Dongyue. "

Heard Mo Xi Lou very firmly for that person to explain cloud Xiu clothes, casually said, "you seem to know him very well." It is not difficult to guess from their several conversations that the relationship between the two is not good.

Even Mo Xi Lou was scattered by that man with four soul jade, and that man also fell asleep for many years because of Mo Xi Lou.

"I understand." After all, they have known each other for many, many years, but no matter how well they know each other or how well they know each other! It doesn't mean the relationship between them is good.

"You didn't want to fight him just now because there was no chance of winning?" But why is that man so scrupulous?

"There is a chance of winning, but the cost may be very high, not worth it." Mo Xi floor side answer side walked to cloud Xiu clothes side, "now my soul is still incomplete, in case of injury again, I don't know what the consequences will be.". I don't want to leave you, so I have to protect myself. "

The original serious atmosphere because of Mo Xi Lou this sentence a little more strange, cloud Xiu clothes off the way, "Su Mei is right, glib."

"Only for you."

It seemed that Yun Xiuyi could hardly win Mo Xilou, and he didn't want to hold on to this kind of thing, so he immediately pulled the topic back, "since it's not him, where are those fierce beasts coming from? It doesn't seem to be owned by Dongyue. "

"Cleverness does come from elsewhere." Mo Xi Lou said, holding the hand of cloud Xiu clothes, "take you to a place, we walk and say."

Mo Xi Lou didn't directly tell Yun Xiu Yi where to take her. He just went further north along the hidden fog forest.

On the way, he said with Yun Xiuyi, "when I was in Tianji Pavilion, I said that the extreme north is not peaceful now. Counting the days, that person should be unable to restrain himself."

"You mean those fierce beasts come from manghuang?"

Yun Xiuyi just finished saying this, suddenly a long piece of yellow sand in the distance came into her eyes, farther away is the rolling hills, is also made of pure yellow sand, continuous yellow sand and the sky, I do not know where is the end!

She just went with Mo Xilou, but she didn't know when the scenery around her changed, or did she say that the desert was further north of the hidden fog forest?

Seeing the doubts in Yun Xiuyi's eyes, Mo Xilou explained, "what you see is not the real desert, but the illusion I created." Without a pause, Mo Xilou continued, "but it's a boundless desert connecting Dongyue and manghuang."

"It's called Longshi desert."Longshi desert? Yunxiuyi looked at the dreamland again. At this time, it was almost dusk, and the desert in front of him was golden. Countless folds of sand and stones, like solidified waves, extended to the golden horizon in the distance.

Yun Xiuyi thought for a long time, but he still didn't figure it out. "If it's this desert that connects Dongyue and manghuang, how do those fierce beasts come from?"

She really can't imagine where that wild Lord wants to swallow Dongyue and lead his troops through this desert? Not to mention the time-consuming and laborious test of their survival ability, I'm afraid that when they arrive in Dongyue, Dongyue will be ready to fight.

It seems that such a thankless campaign is not worth Mo Xilou and Su Mei being nervous at the same time. "Do they have other ways to enter the East moon?"

"The reason why Ye Ling didn't attack Dongyue and Wuji is that there are boundless deserts on all sides of the wasteland. It's not easy for him to go there alone. Now the fierce beast appears, I'm afraid he has found a way to enter the East moon. "

An empire has been quietly cut a hole, if the people can freely enter and leave Dongyue, yunxiuyi dare not imagine what kind of disaster Dongyue will face.

"We must tell Jun Fu about it as soon as possible." Yun Xiuyi never thinks that she is a hero to save the suffering, and she doesn't think that saving Dongyue is her responsibility.

Even now she knew how critical the situation was, she didn't have the brain to rush forward. On the contrary, she felt that Junfu was the master of Dongyue Empire, and it was up to him to decide how to face the enemy.

"It's time to tell him." However, Mo Xi Lou has long guessed that no matter how winding in the middle, the last thing you can rely on is Yunxiu clothes.

Although he didn't want to let her take risks in his heart, he always knew that he shouldn't stand in her way. Only after suffering again and again could she become stronger and stand higher and farther.

For a long time, Mo Xi Lou has never actively mentioned the state of spiritual change. At the moment, he even said to Yun Xiu Yi without warning.

"When the manghuang problem is solved, I'll take you to the land of divine change. You will love it there." No inquiry, no discussion, as if to go home together as usual.

Cloud Xiu clothing extremely slowly digested this sentence, then nodded to answer a, "good."

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