After listening to Tang Yishuang's words, they were silent in the bank for a long time. At first, they were confused and then surprised. It turned out that Miss Tang had done all these things.

But why did she do it?

Then they thought of the affair that Miss Tang Ning and her brother-in-law Qi Yuan were together. What Miss Tang did was really puzzling. Maybe she did it.

Besides, Tang Yishuang is her mother. No matter what, the master of Tang family will not frame up his own daughter for no reason!

Then they thought of some recent rumors about Downing, some said she was crazy, some said she was dead, did she really have an accident?

I've heard that Tang Yishuang is very strict and inhumane for a long time. I didn't expect to treat my daughter so ruthlessly. Tiger poison doesn't eat son! She has lost a daughter, did not expect to have the heart to poison the other daughter.

In the heart of all the people in the bank, another person came in. The man was pretty and thin, with a little fat left in his arms.

As soon as he came, the shopkeeper welcomed him with joy. "Mr. Du, please explain to them quickly. There's no big problem with the ghosts of our juqian bank! They're forcing me to kill all the ghosts! How can that make you feel? "

"Kill all the ghosts?"

When she said this, she covered her fat head in her arms. Even if she didn't know where the bird's ears were, she couldn't bear to let it hear such terrible words.

"Why kill all the ghosts?" When Du pansy hugged Xiao Feiyi, she asked, looking at the troublemakers around her intentionally or unintentionally.

The shopkeeper complained bitterly, "because this little fat left some problems some time ago, they insisted that all the ghost beasts in our bank had problems, and they also put the matter of the fierce beast hurting people on our head. Mr. Du, please help us!"

"Who is he?" Although the troublemakers were afraid of Tang Yishuang, they didn't care about dugong at all? Never heard of it.

The shopkeeper immediately replied, "this Duchess is the one who was hurt by the little soul beast out of control last time."

"It turned out to be the victim, too!" Those people immediately became more energetic, went directly to dugongzi and said, "the shopkeeper is also funny. He wants you to help them. You can rest assured that we will help you get justice."

The man said that he was ready to put his hand on Du's shoulder and wanted to pull him to her side. At the same time, he thought that they forced juqian bank to come out of nowhere.

Let this man make a scene to force Tang Yishuang to have nothing to say, just to cover up the fact that he took a few animal yuan.

Before the man put his hand on his shoulder, when Duchess stepped back in disgust, "don't touch me with your dirty hands." It was a very cruel sentence, but it was a little weaker when she said it from Du Jin's mouth.


It seems that the man didn't expect this attitude when Du pansy took her hand back and scolded, "if you don't know what's good, you should be killed by that little soul beast." With these words, he retreated.

Who knows this person has not yet stood firm feet, Du pansy arms of small fat left suddenly flapping wings fly past, the accident happened only in a moment, that small fat left unexpectedly hard peck that person's face a few mouthfuls, immediately called that person destroyed the face.

"The ghost beast killed! The ghost beast of juqian shop has killed again The man covered his face in pain and cried out, "help, help

But the people who stood around him saw that they were all scattered in the shape of birds and beasts. It was important for them to save their lives. At last, when she called, "come back! Money. "

When Xiao Feiyi heard the call "Wuwu" in response to Du Gong, he obediently flew back to his arms again, and did not forget to stretch out his head and look out.

When the gathering bank was quiet, the injured man complained angrily, "master Tang, you can see with your own eyes this time that the soul beast in the gathering bank hurts people's lives! You must make the decision for me and punish them severely

Tang Yishuang sees this series of farce all in the eye, but does not argue a word all the time, on the contrary, he looks at the opposite Du Jingshi and the little fat left in his arms.

The other party is also looking at her. After a while, Tang Yishuang listens to Du Jin and says, "this ghost beast is raised by me. You have also seen me come in with it. How can I become the ghost beast of juqian bank?"

The man whose face was full of blood pecked by Xiao Feiyi was speechless by this sentence. Yes, this little beast was brought in by this man.

Just when he didn't know how to refute it, she continued, "don't resent. All ghosts and beasts have spirit. They all understand what you just said. You should be grateful for not killing you directly."Just then Tang Yishuang said, "yes! I advise you to be careful. If those fierce beasts that hurt people everywhere are really from juqian bank, you are making such a fuss today... "

Tang Yishuang said that half of the speech stopped, and then shook his head, "I don't know if I can get through tonight."

These troublemakers are just talking nonsense. There is no concrete evidence to prove that those fierce beasts are owned by juqian bank. However, Tang Yishuang thinks it is very reasonable to listen to them.

If they offend juqian and Yunjia in this way, it's hard to ensure that yunxiuyi won't retaliate against them. If those fierce beasts are correctly guessed by them, it's not worth being happy at all! Wan Meng gets angry and kills them all, including the whole family. What should we do?

It's not worth it. It's not worth it!

The more they thought about it, the more they regretted why they had come to juqian bank to make such a fuss. After they figured it out, they immediately confessed to Tang Yishuang and said, "master Tang, you must help us! We just want the shopkeeper to kill the spirit beast in the village out of kindness. "

"I can't help you."

Seeing Tang Yishuang's crisp refusal, those people immediately became more flustered. They turned around and asked the shopkeeper, "shopkeeper of the cloud family, you see, you didn't kill any of these ghosts. Do you think that nothing happened?"

"It didn't happen?" The shopkeeper was so angry that he trembled all over. He pointed to the mess of the place with trembling fingers. "How do you let me treat the appearance of juqian now? Nothing happened?"

Hearing this sentence, those people immediately began to help organize the juqian bank. There were so many people and great strength that they soon restored the juqian bank to its original state. It was just that the bamboo frame was empty and there was a broken chair beside it.

After a stalemate for a long time, Tang Yishuang finally came out. Her fierce eyes swept all the people, and immediately scared all the troublemakers to bow their heads.

"As I said before, if you know your mistakes, you will be spared once." She reached for the nearest line of people, "you go back first! If I know you're going to make trouble again, you should know the consequences. "

"No, no, thank you, master Tang. Thank you, manager Yun." While thanking them, they ran out of juqian as if in a hurry.

Seeing those people leave, the rest of them are in a hurry and ask, "master Tang, can we also leave? I have something else to do! It's too late to go again. "

As the voice fell, others echoed, "master Tang, we also know that we are wrong. Let's spare this time!"

For their begging for mercy, Tang Yishuang is not moved. She stares at them tightly. After a long time, she says, "don't you hand over the animal yuan?"

After hearing this, those people were shocked. They thought that the story of the beast yuan had been turned over. But Tang Yishuang kept it in mind all the time. But if they handed over the beast yuan at this time, wouldn't they beat themselves in the face?

"Master Tang, what are you talking about? What animal yuan? "

One of them plans to muddle through. As long as he insists that he doesn't take the beast yuan from the juqian bank, he can't do anything to them. How can he expect that Tang Yishuang will say to Tang Jiajun outside the door just after he has such an idea.

"Take them all back, and I'll see if it's their hard mouth or the depth of our Tang family's water prison! Take them all away

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