For nearly an hour, yunxiuyi did not meet any restaurants or hotels. Occasionally, she saw a thatched cottage shaking in the snow. But when she knocked on the door, there was no response.

One family is like this, two families are like this... Yun Xiu clothes has been walking until his hands and feet are numb, his face is frozen unconscious, and he has not found a resting place.

At this moment, yunxiuyi finally realized how poor a place can be!

This kind of poverty directly leads to the stagnation of this place, which makes her unable to tell whether it is poverty because of backwardness or backwardness because of poverty.

In this situation, no one even wants to work hard, willing to move forward, so it is like falling into an endless cycle of growing poverty.

It doesn't mean that she must be prosperous and self-sufficient, instead of being so devastated as she sees now. In the boundless expanse of white, yunxiuyi has a little understanding of Ye Ling.

Whether he is out of ambition or wants to lead the people out of this predicament, at least he is willing to take the first step.

The snow-white figure and the snow scene blend together, only vaguely see a black spot moving very slowly between heaven and earth.

Just when Yun Xiuyi plans to change her route to sneak into the mountain when she can't find shelter from the cold, she sees a dilapidated thatched cottage that seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

She quickened her pace to the thatched cottage, and after making sure there was no one inside, she pushed the door in. The house is full of dust and cobwebs. It seems that no one has lived here for a long time.

Yun Xiu found a slightly clean place to sit with his knees crossed, and took a few pills of pills from the heaven and earth cauldron. It was not only to restore his physical strength, but also to satisfy his hunger.

Because she was suddenly hijacked by Nangong Chen to the far north, the reserves in the heaven and earth cauldron were not abundant. After Yunxiu confirmed what else was in the cauldron, she sighed, which seemed to satirize her present situation.

There are an amazing number of gold coins in the heaven and earth cauldron. She has even forgotten when they were put in, but there is no food.

No matter how much money can't buy food and clothing, that's what she is facing now!

Although the thatched cottage was dilapidated, it finally blocked some wind and snow for Yun Xiu's clothes. Because she was frozen to numbness, she was afraid of physical injury. Yun Xiu's clothes ran "floating ashes" in her body again, but without waiting for her to stop, there was a sudden agitation outside the house.

Then the shaking door was kicked open, and a large amount of wind and snow came in. With the chill, several tall and thin men came in.

They were also looking for a place to take shelter from the wind for a while. Unexpectedly, they found that there were already people in the thatched cottage after sweeping around.

"Woman!" See cloud Xiu clothes of the moment, a few people at the door were very excited, eyes immediately flashed evil light, "brother a few good luck! It's snowy. I have all the houses and women. "

Those people walked slowly towards Yunxiu's clothes and commented, "it's not so ugly! It's really uninteresting. "

"What do you choose at this time? If you're not interested, just let it go and don't affect us. " This person said then toward cloud Xiu clothes pounce in the past, he "hey hey" smile a few, very wretched of say, "as long as is a female of I all have interest."

Because the end is too hasty, cloud Xiu clothes was "floating embers" anti injury, at the moment can only look at these people to come towards themselves, but sit in place.

In addition, after walking in the snow for a long time and resting for a while, he felt hot and dry, as if he was being gnawed by a hundred insects. It was a multiple torture for Yun Xiu's clothes.

Those a few people pounce on to come over, can't help but say, then push cloud Xiu clothes down on the ground, and then tear her clothes in a hurry.

Large areas of skin exposed to the outside, immediately by the piercing cold package, even a little hot and dry down, alleviate some physical discomfort.

Yun Xiuyi tries to adjust her breath to make her limbs move as soon as possible. However, she has tried many times, but there is no response. Can't she escape from this disaster in her countless lives?


There was another harsh sound of cloth breaking. Yunxiu saw the white gauze floating up and down, and she was left with only a set of dust-free clothes to cover her body. Just when she closed her eyes, she was no longer willing to face the tragedy of being bullied.

There were several screams in her ears. She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a familiar face. Was it because she was in a trance?

But the smell of blood between the nose reminds her that all this is true, in front of this person is really Mo Xi Lou.

When Mo Xi Lou comes, she will be fine.

Tight heart suddenly relaxed down, cloud Xiu clothes closed his eyes again, and then open her limbs can move. I don't know if it's a joke or a reminder that she's not strong enough.Mo Xi Lou always knew that the little girl in front of him could easily stir up his heartstrings, but he never knew that he was so manic and angry.

Even if those who bullied her had been lying dead on the spot, they still could not eliminate the anger in his heart. However, when the sight touched the scarred cloud Xiu clothes, his eyes were full of heartache, and he had no extra thought to take care of others.

He took off his robe and quickly came to Yunxiu's clothes. He wrapped her in his robe and held her tightly in his arms. "It's OK."

In the face of all the desperate situation, yunxiuyi, who has always been tenacious and indestructible, at the moment, her eyes are a little sour because of the words Mo Xilou said. She sniffed, thinking that it might be mo Xilou's voice is too good!


Hear his family never show weakness of the little girl said cold, Mo Xi Lou is a burst of heartache.

He hugged Yun Xiu's clothes harder, and his voice was as soft as water? You've been freezing for too long. If the ambient temperature rises suddenly, it will hurt your body. If you persist for a while, it won't be cold later. "


Yun Xiuyi understood all these principles, but she felt relieved when she heard Mo Xilou say it. She took the initiative to surround Mo Xilou and drilled into his arms, and then said in a vague tone, "it's also hot."

When his little girl seldom gets bored, moxilou has been looking forward to it for a long time. However, at this moment, he is really not happy.

"It won't be hot later." Can't solve her suffering, Mo Xi floor can only coax her again and again, even hold cloud Xiu clothes hand gently breathe cool air, want to let her a little more comfortable. Then he said to himself, "I should have found you earlier."

"Very soon." Before and after a total of not a few days, say earlier or later is not important, the important thing is that he saved her.

"I didn't expect you to escape so soon." If he hadn't been in the magic palace for a long time, he would have found her.

"Yuanyi let me go."

Cloud Xiu clothes have a don't have a word of talk with Mo Xi Lou, seem to distract some attention not so uncomfortable, "do you go to the devil's palace to have to meet Nan Gong Chen?" In fact, the cloud Xiu clothes more want to ask is "did you fight with Nangong Chen?"? Did you get hurt? "

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