When Yunluo tells yunxiuyi the rumor that Jun Fu wants to stand, yunxiuyi's reaction is very calm, and there are many rumors about her. This rumor is not the most ridiculous one, and it will never be the last one.

But I don't know why, she thought of Mo Xilou's words. Occasionally, she followed her family and stepped back to learn how to compromise.

Yunxiu looks at Yunluo with a sad face in her clothes. A funny idea flashed in her heart. Maybe before going to manghuang, she should fulfill Yunluo's and Qingyao's wishes and marry Mo Xilou.

The reason why she feels funny is that she knows very well in her heart that getting married is a big event. If it's just to make others happy, it doesn't seem necessary.

Just like before, she also felt that in order to make Xinyue's identity more reasonable, it was unnecessary to marry Mo Xilou.

This thought flashed in her heart, and she was thrown aside by Yunxiu's clothes. She looked up at xiangyunluo again, but she didn't know how to talk to him about going to manghuang.

The last time she decided to go to Yunluo, Wuji continent, she was very opposed to it. However, she insisted on her own way, and no one could shake her mind. It was clear that she had not been too long before, and she had become a woman. The disadvantage of too many feelings was that she would worry more.

After going to manghuang for two days, without waiting for yunxiuyi to mention it to Yunluo, an unexpected guest came to the cloud family.

That afternoon, as soon as Yunluo came back from juqian, Chu Heng came with him.

Because of the rumor after the establishment, there will be people making trouble in the cloud shop every day. Those people only dare to insult Jun Fu behind his back, but they dare to resist the cloud shop on the surface.

They encourage others everywhere not to go shopping in Yunjia shops, which leads to the declining profits of Yunjia shops since rumors spread. Despite Tang Yishuang's help, no one goes to snatch things and smash tables and chairs, but no profit is still a serious problem.

But Chu Heng's appearance brought another bad news, when he told yunxiuyi and yunluohou that Junfu intended to make zuoling the latter.

Yunluo's reaction was great. "Is he crazy? Since you know that Zuoli may be the real murderer of the former Emperor, how can you make her the queen? Even if you want to control her, you don't have to sacrifice yourself

"Master Yun is careful."

Knowing that Yunluo didn't mean any harm, he didn't really commit the following crimes, but being heard by others always had a bad influence. Wan repeatedly speculated that his intention might lead to other troubles. Chu Heng kindly reminded him.

Yunluo nodded to him and continued, "it's hard to be holy. Even if he came forward to explain this, it's estimated that those stupid people would not believe it. Instead, they would feel that the holy is protecting my sister."

"Yes! I originally asked to lead several teams of bodyguards to guard outside the cloud family shop, but they were also stopped by the emperor, saying that at this time, no one can talk to me any more. "

"Neither that nor that! Can't we just be fooled around by Zuoluo? "

Yunluo turns around angrily. Suddenly he turns his head to look at Yunxiu's clothes and hesitates to say, "elder sister, it's not hard to stop the rumors. As long as you get married with your brother-in-law, they won't talk nonsense any more... Or..."

Finally, Yunluo carefully finished word by word, While testing the reaction of cloud Xiu clothes, for fear of making her angry.

Who knows cloud Xiu dress but lightly return a way, "good, I with Mo Xi Lou get married."

With a heart in his arms, Mo Xi Lou, who has just stepped into the front hall, suddenly stops when he hears this sentence. His eyebrows are slightly frowning. What did he just hear? Is this little girl going to marry him?

Before Mo Xi Lou could digest this sentence, Xin Yue in his arms struggled, "Wow! Ah, ah! I've made it to this day at last

What's going on when she suddenly wants to cry? I was so excited that I burst into tears!

Xinyue struggles to jump down from Mo Xi Lou's arms. She flies into Yun Xiu's arms and asks in a milky voice, "does mother really want to marry mo... father?"

See cloud Xiu clothes nod, heart month "cackle cackle" laugh out a voice, then she again jump down from cloud Xiu clothes leg, ran a few laps in the front hall, rushed into cloud Luo's arms, "uncle, uncle, you hear, mother want to marry father!"

Yunluo nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking rice. "I heard it. It seems that I spent so much time to plan a marriage proposal successfully."

Different from the excitement of these two people, yunxiuyi didn't have too much emotional ups and downs from the beginning to the end. She looked up at moxilou and saw that the other party was also looking at her. Then she heard the idea from moxilou: say it! What's going on?

Cloud Xiu dress picked next eyebrow, intentionally tease him, "not happy?"

If she really wants to marry him, he will be happy, but... It's too sudden and strange, so he must have a greasy understanding of her.Mo Xi Lou walked slowly to Yun Xiu Yi and said, "happy, especially happy, Mrs. mo."

They were also amusing her, but they were stunned at the same time. Mo Xilou thought that the three words "Mrs. Mo" were very nice, which was better than the three words of little girl.

Cloud Xiu dress is inexplicable heartbeat, she can't help but swallow saliva, Mou Guang also followed to shake. When she regained her composure, she raised her face and began to smile, as if the wind was shining on her face. "Would you like to marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

These two people you come and I go, as if nobody else, just listen to cloud Luo covered his little heart, he was emotional repeatedly nodded, "willing to, willing to marry also willing to marry!"

Xinyue also covers her little heart and answers, "yes, very much!"

Chu Heng, sitting beside them, smiles awkwardly. At this moment, it seems that it is unnecessary for him to stay here, but it is strange that he suddenly gets up and leaves.

When Yunluo and Xinyue's mood finally calmed down, Chu Heng began to congratulate and said, "then my father and I are waiting to drink their wedding wine. Now I will go back and report this to the emperor. I believe he will be happy for Miss Yunda and Mr. Mo as well."

I don't think he will be happy! Yunluo murmured in his heart, but he didn't say it.

When Chu Heng got up and left Yunluo, he said, "go back and persuade more saints. Don't be impulsive. Since my elder sister wants to marry my brother-in-law, he doesn't have to make Zuoluo the queen."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Chu Heng nods, embraces Yun Xiu's clothes and Mo Xi Lou, then turns around and strides out of Yun's front hall.

After standing? Mo Xi Lou immediately understands the abnormality of Yun Xiu's clothes after hearing Yun Luo's words, and he spreads a divine idea to her: you don't really want to marry me! This sentence is very wronged, but he did not really care.

In fact, moxilou has thought it over carefully during this period. Even if they get married, it should be him who is the master of the divine change, not the adopted son of the Jimo family.

"You come with me." Don't want to let cloud Luo and heart month worry, cloud Xiu clothes get up to take Mo Xi Lou's hand and then walk out.

In the end, I don't forget to say to Yunluo and Xinyue, "I'll say a few words to him. Don't follow me." Wait to see cloud Luo and heart month nod, she just leads Mo Xi Lou to continue to walk outward.

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