In the backyard, Yun Xiuyi held Mo Xilou's hand. Mo Xilou let her take it. After walking for a long time, Yun Xiuyi said, "it's not just because of Li Hou."

She stopped and looked back at Mo Xi Lou. "It's extremely dangerous. It seems that the only thing I can do for them is this."

"For their marriage?"

Mo Xi Lou frowned slightly. She was just about to correct the little girl's idea, but she said, "it can not only make rumors break themselves, but also make them feel at ease. Isn't everyone happy? The most important thing is that it's you. It's not grudging

Although it's hard to believe that the first few words of Mo Xi Lou came from the mouth of Yun Xiu Yi, the last sentence is always good, "because I'm willing to compromise?"

"Well," she said, taking the initiative to go forward and encircle Mo Xi Lou's waist, "I don't know whether this decision is right or wrong."

Mo Xi Lou patted Yun Xiu's back and comforted her, "I'm here. As long as you want to marry, I'm willing to marry whenever and wherever."

The news that Yun Xiuyi, the eldest lady of the cloud family, was going to marry Mo Xilou, the adopted son of the Mohist family, soon spread all over the East moon Empire, and instantly suppressed the rumor that Jun Fu wanted to make Yun Xiuyi the queen.

Because Yunluo has been planning for a long time, and with the help of Jimo family and Tang family, it doesn't take long to prepare for the wedding. The two families have just decided the date, and Yunluo is almost ready to marry her sister.

But the thought that his elder sister would live in Jimo's home after she got married immediately diluted Yunluo's joy. For several days before he got married, he was immersed in the sadness of parting.

As for Yunxiu's clothes, except for the custom-made wedding clothes, which she needs to measure, she doesn't care about anything else, and gives Yunluo the full power to deal with. On the other hand, she had already made plans to tell Yunluo and Qingyao about going to manghuang when she became a good relative.

With each passing day, time soon came when Yun Xiuyi got married.

In the early morning, Yunxiu's clothes were pulled by nalanyun and nalandou to sit in front of the dressing mirror, while Qingyao had been waiting by the side with a wooden comb.

As soon as yunxiuyi sat down, Tang Yishuang helped Qingyao to yunxiuyi's back. She covered Qingyao's hand on the 3000 green silk of yunxiuyi. She joked, "look, your nervous hands are shaking. Don't comb Xiuyi's hair more and more disorderly."

"What shall we do?"

After hearing Tang Yishuang's words, Qing Yao immediately retracted her hand, then slightly leaned forward and handed the comb, "Yishuang, why don't you comb it! It's the same with you. I can't see with my eyes. What should I do if I can't comb well and miss the auspicious time? "

"Is Xiuyi your daughter or mine?"

Tang Yishuang has no choice but to smile, and then he is ready to push back the hand that Qing Yao has stretched out. As a result, when he just meets her, Qing Yao suddenly throws the comb out.


With a dull sound, the comb fell to the ground and broke into two pieces. Tang Yishuang's eyes flashed a trace of worry. On the other side, nalanyun and nalandot also showed panic. Their faces were not very good-looking.

Hearing the voice, Qingyao immediately asked anxiously, "is it broken? You see, I'm so clumsy that I can't even hold the comb well. "

"It's not broken."

Yunxiuyi turns back to hold Qingyao's hand to comfort her, and signals nalanyun to get a new comb. When the new comb is handed back to Qingyao, Qingyao finally makes up her mind.

"No break, no break." How unlucky it would be if it were broken! For fear of getting rid of it again, Qing Yao held the comb tightly in her hand.

Knowing that Yunxiu doesn't want Qingyao to worry, and even less to blame herself, several other people in the room don't say much. Tang Yishuang is still smiling, "hurry up! Come on! Don't make the bridegroom wait. "

This time, Qingyao did not flinch any more. With the help of Tang Yishuang, she stroked Yunxiu's hair and combed it gently.

"A comb, comb to the end; Two combs, white hair with eyebrows; Three combs, combs to the children and grandchildren everywhere

With the words of Qingyao, the atmosphere in the room is lively again. When Qingyao combs Yunxiu's hair, nalanyun and nalandot are busy dressing Yunxiu's clothes.

When Yun Xiu's dress is finished and dressed up, and everything is ready, Qing Yao asks Tang Yishuang, "how about Xiu's dress?"

"Good! good-looking! I've never seen such a beautiful bride Tang Yishuang said this not just to reassure Qingyao, but from the bottom of his heart.

At the moment, the woman in front of them is charming and charming, slowly moving lotus. She looks like Wang Yi and looks like a Chu girl. Like a flower, like the fragrance of jade; The color of the country is clear and the orchid is fragrant.She seems to be the only one who has a unique style!

Hearing Tang Yishuang's praise, Qingyao finally laughs happily. She holds Tang Yishuang's hand and says, "fortunately you are here, otherwise I will be so nervous that I don't know what to do."

"What are your sisters doing?" Tang Yishuang patted Qingyao's hand, and then said to nalanyun and nalandou, "help Xiuyi out!"

Hearing this sentence, Qingyao's heart began to pull up again. She felt that her chest was stuffy and her throat was dry, but she always followed Tang Yishuang without saying a word. Until she came to the door of Yun's house, she finally could not help but call softly.


Although there are only two words, it contains too much emotion. Yunxiuyi stops and turns to hold Qingyao's hand. "Niang doesn't have to worry, I will take care of myself."

"That's good, that's good." Qingyao holds the hand of yunxiuyi tightly. She wants to cry, but she can't shed a tear.

Over the past few days, Qingyao repeatedly thought about what to say to yunxiuyi at this moment. She thought a lot, but she was denied by herself. At this time, she felt that she didn't have to say anything, and her daughter would understand.

After Yunxiu clothes are sent to the wedding car, Qingyao always stands at the gate of the cloud family. She asks Tang Yishuang the direction of the wedding procession in advance.

So she kept looking there, even though it was dark in front of her eyes and she could see nothing

Tree around tree around tree, always knot the same root tree. We embrace each other until we are old. When we raise our eyebrows together, we all admire each other. All her expectations are hidden in her heart. I wish her daughter well for the rest of her life.

I don't know whether it's because of Qingyao's sadness of parting, or because of something else. From the beginning of stepping on the happy car, yunxiuyi felt a little restless.

For fear of accidents, she repeatedly explored the surrounding visions with her spiritual power all the way, and imposed several barriers around the welcoming team. But even so, still can't suppress the silk irritability in her heart.

With the car on one side of the Na LAN cloud aware of the cloud Xiuyi action, specially close to asked a, "cloud girl, what happened?"

"Nothing. Let Yunluo be careful."

Although nalanyun doesn't know why Baiyun Xiuyi said such a word, he still obeys and conveys the meaning of Yunxiu Yi to Yunluo. After hearing this, Yunluo became nervous and paid close attention to the wind and grass all the time.

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