Night Jun Lan observed cloud Xiu clothes for a long time, always don't understand why she must leave, even if he has promised to give her a lifetime of stability, can't shake her determination.

"Don't you know that almost all the properties in stone city belong to our night family? If you come to night house, no matter what you do in the future, you can have a smooth passage, or you still don't believe that I won't hurt you! "

In yejunlan's cognition, people are all born for profit. If that person refuses you, it means that you don't give her enough temptation and confusion.

So he said, "if you don't want to stay by my side, I can let you be my concubine, so you are the right night family."

Night Jun Lan this sentence surprised that woman to stare big eyes, want to know that they these women who can buy and sell at will are inferior to even the servant girl of big family, let alone extravagantly ask night Jun Lan such personage to give them a title.

Think cloud Xiu dress also be startled so just didn't respond, that woman quickly pulled to pull her sleeve, "quick promise! Don't make yourself regret it. "

Because of the words and deeds of yejunlan and the woman, yunxiuyi understands the current situation in the stone city. I'm afraid that the woman has no status here. She can not only trade freely, but also be abused to death.

Want to understand these, she understood night Jun Lan and this woman why can say these words, just understand return to understand, she absolutely can't agree.

Yun Xiuyi didn't like to reason with strangers, and he never thought he was the Savior. He needed to do his best to change these people's distorted ideas.

"I understand the kindness of Ye Gongzi, but I can't comply with your kindness."

As the richest inheritor of night family in stone city, ye Junlan has been sought after by many people since childhood, and has never been treated like this by a little woman.

His face changed again and again, for cloud Xiu clothes again and again and again refused very frustrated, plus rare have his favorite woman, did not expect to be a salt and oil not into the master, in the night Jun Lan not give up the plan to add chips.

The woman standing next to yunxiuyi suddenly shakes, then falls down with a pale face. Fortunately, yunxiuyi catches her quickly.

Cloud Xiu clothes holding the woman half squat on the ground, she simply looked down, found that it was anemia caused by malnutrition, plus tonight is the night Qi abuse hit, and follow her to escape, at the moment finally can not support.

"Can you give her a rest with you?" See this woman actively ask oneself to help, night Jun Lan immediately gladly agreed.

After the woman was brought back to the night home and placed on the bed, Yun Xiuyi took out a clotting pill to feed her.

Soon after taking it, the woman's complexion recovered a lot. When she got better, she immediately asked in surprise, "what kind of panacea did you just give me? I don't feel dizzy at all

"That's the clotting pill."

Cloud Xiu dress hasn't yet answered night Jun Lan to help her answer instead, just his facial expression at the moment is very strange, afterward quality asks a way, "who are you after all?"? With the clotting pill? Also will coagulate pill to give a woman to take easily

The first two questions are still normal. At last, the eyebrows of Yun Xiu's clothes are slightly frowning. "Why can't coagulation pills be taken by women?"

As if cloud Xiu clothes asked a very stupid question, night Jun Lan laughed twice, "in the stone city medicine Dan medicine has been more valuable than human life, home no root, even men can't eat blood clotting pill this expensive medicine."

A listen to say cloud Xiu clothes just gave her the pill is very valuable, that woman flustered immediately got up, anxious blame cloud Xiu clothes way.

"I'll be fine after a while's sleep. How can you give me such expensive medicine?"

At this moment, Yun Xiuyi has been too lazy to entangle with these two people in this problem that she doesn't need to entangle at all, so she chose to keep silent.

At the same time, I also analyzed in my heart that since the idea of son preference in stone city is so deep-rooted, it must not be much better in manghuang. If she falls into the hands of the crafty and petty people again, I'm afraid she won't be so lucky as this time.

And just now yejunlan said that in the stone city, herbs and pills are more valuable than human lives, which shows that the stone city is short of materials and not all of them are as rich as the night family.

I'm afraid the whole North Pole is very poor! Although it is not absolute, it is not totally unreasonable. People can do anything in extreme difficulties.

Presumably this is another reason why Ye Ling wants to occupy Dongyue! In order to satisfy his ambition, he must lead manghuang out of this predicament.

After passing all the dangerous situations that he may face in his mind, Yunxiu's clothes fall on yejunlan.Even if her cultivation is successful today, it will take a lot of time to go to manghuang on foot. I'm afraid that when she gets to manghuang, Dongyue has already been occupied by Ye Ling. How can she find any channel?

After thinking for a long time, Yun Xiuyi asked tentatively, "do you really want to return my favor?"

"Of course!" Night Jun Lan very solemn nod promise way, "I night Jun Lan a word since out Sima hard to catch up, you have what request to open up."

Then he reminded, "don't mention leaving the night house any more. I can promise you anything but that."

"Well, if you really want to thank me, send me to manghuang! It shouldn't be difficult for you. "

"Manghuang? What are you doing in that place? "

Asked after the night Jun Lan and noticed where not quite right, his brow a Cu suddenly angry stare to cloud Xiu clothes, "send you to manghuang is not to leave the night home?"

Around and around, he still can't keep this woman! If Jun Lan was only interested in Yun Xiu's clothes and thought she was very special, Yun Xiu's clothes had successfully aroused his desire to conquer. He looked at Yun Xiu's clothes for a long time without saying a word.

"If your reason for going to manghuang can convince me, I will agree to send you. On the contrary, if you can't, you have to stay at night. You can't go anywhere

Why go to manghuang? If he wants to listen to the reasons, he can make up a lot of them.

Although I don't know the way of night Jun Lan's brain, cloud Xiu clothes still very cooperate with the answer, "I go to manghuang is to find a person and a place, this matter is very important to me."

"A man and a place?"

Yejunlan soon thinks that yunxiuyi is likely to be the daughter of a wealthy family who lost her family. Otherwise, she will never take out a blood clotting pill, and she doesn't feel like she was born in poverty.

After pondering for a moment, yejunlan suddenly realized, "you are a wild man. No wonder you have to go to a place more vicious than the stone city."

Seeing that the reason he deliberately created for seeking relatives has been accepted by yejunlan, yunxiuyi asks again, "are you willing to send me?"

"Since I'm reunited with my family, of course I won't interfere! But I can't personally escort you to manghuang. Give me some time and I'll arrange it as soon as possible. "

"Well, thank you very much."

Cloud Xiu clothes originally thought that night Jun Lan was determined to get rid of his father, which should be a difficult person to deal with. Unexpectedly, his mind was more simple than he imagined. In a few words, he believed her words and even agreed to her request.

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