Yejunlan is a very responsible person. Since he promised yunxiuyi that he would send her to manghuang, he tried his best to find out who was going to manghuang in the stone city, and planned to dredge the relationship and let him take yunxiuyi with him.

After many inquiries, ye Junlan finds out that Shiyan, the Lord of stone city, is going to manghuang in the near future, so he immediately takes Yunxiu clothes to the Lord's mansion.

Before entering the main residence of the city, yejunlan still said, "the atmosphere of manghuang is not right during this period. All kinds of people in and out are very strict. Don't say anything later. You must listen to me."


Rare cloud Xiu dress so obedient oneself, night Jun Lan some angry glanced at her one eye, thought she how can't always so obedient? But after getting along for a day or two, he got used to her. He raised his chin in the direction of the city Lord's mansion and went in first.

Compared with the noise of the night mansion, the atmosphere of the city Lord mansion is very depressed. They don't meet many people all the way, and it's hard for them to see the figure. However, those people are carrying something to wipe the shoulders of Yunxiu's clothes and yejunlan.

Cloud Xiu clothes slightly side head, more than light sweep past, unexpectedly saw a huge fish tail, line of sight up again, but can only see the white cloth covered above.

What is that? Fish? It feels like it's not.

See cloud Xiu clothes face dew doubt of looking at just walk past of that group of people, night Jun Lan don't understand of ask a way, "have what good-looking?"? Although the chimaera is beautiful, it looks better in the water. The one just now has no aesthetic feeling, but the smell is very strong. "

The mackerel? It's a chimpanzee.

It is recorded in ancient books that there are sharks outside the South China Sea. They live like fish in the water and do not waste their weaving achievements. Their eyes can shed pearls when they cry. Fishtail human body is called the supernatural of mermaid.

The South China Sea should refer to the continent of the infinite, that is to say, manghuang is in the south of the continent of the infinite, and manghuang is also in the far north for the Empire of Dongyue. It can be seen that the world is really a circle.

The cloud Xiu clothes one side follows in the night Jun Lan after death to continue to move forward, one side inquires to ask a way, "the shark person why can appear here?"

"You don't know, Shiyan is very fond of shark beads. This time he went to manghuang to send a group of excellent shark beads."

Voice down they have come to the main hall of the city Lord's mansion, night Jun Lan is about to remind cloud Xiuyi arrived, the latter suddenly pulled his arm to stop him to move forward, until night Jun Lan to one side, cloud Xiuyi and carefully look forward.

I saw a man and a woman sitting in the front main hall. The man's thick eyebrows and square face should be Shiyan, the leader of the stone city in the mouth of yejunlan.

Yun Xiuyi is not interested in it, and her eyes quickly move away from him. Then she looks at the enchanting woman in red sitting next to the man. After repeatedly confirming that she is not dazzled, Yun Xiuyi pulls a veil from the heaven and earth cauldron to cover her face.

Shuimurong? Isn't she dead? How can you be here?

At the moment, the girl in red not far away smiles and frowns. Her color is so rich that it seems to be a flower of wealth in the world. She can't find the holy and elegant spirit of lightness.

"What's the matter?" Night Jun Lan lowered his head to see two eyes cloud Xiu clothes to pull own hand, joyful of ask a way, "don't you change an idea don't want to return to mang Huang?"? Are you going to stay with me? "

When the line of sight moves to the veil that cloud Xiu clothes just cover, night Jun Lan again "Yi" a, "well, why do you cover your face?"

Before getting the answer from Yunxiu, shuimurong in the main hall has found two people here. She looks at the man beside her, and the man immediately gets up and walks over.

After waiting to see the night Jun Lan, he immediately said, "it's Jun Lan. Can you deal with your father's affairs?"

Ye Junlan ignored the topic about his father and said, "this is the cousin I mentioned to the city master. Please help me send her to Mu's home. As for the city master's request, I will agree to it all. How about three shark beads?"

"Cousin?" Shiyan stares at Yunxiu clothes and suddenly laughs. Then he looks at yejunlan vaguely, "if you can make Junlan so big, you must be more than a cousin!"

The night Jun Lan didn't deny, on the contrary follow Shi Yan's words way, "how does the city Lord care about my private affairs?"

"I'm talkative. Since Junlan is so cheerful, I have no reason to regret. I'll leave for manghuang tomorrow morning. I'll send her to manghuang then!"

"Then my cousin will trouble the city master. She must be sent to Mu's home safely."

"Jun Lan is polite. I will do my best to take your advantage." Wait for night Jun Lan and stone rock trade to finish, water wood Rong also walks toward this side.

Her eyes always fell on Yun Xiu's clothes. When she got to the front and back of Yun Xiu's clothes, she asked with a smile, "why do I look familiar with this girl? Have we met? Is it in manghuang? It's somewhere else! "Yejunlan is not a fool. He looks at shuimurong and the veil on Yunxiu's face. He immediately realizes something. Then he turns to Shiyan and asks curiously, "city master, who is this?"

"Let me introduce you."

Shiyan smiles brightly and introduces yejunlan to shuimurong. "Water right envoy, this is yejunlan. He is the pillar of our stone city. Even I have to rely on him to enjoy my food." Shiyan laughs and turns to look at yejunlan.

"This is the right envoy from manghuang. This time I'm going to manghuang with her."

"Right envoy? Is the right envoy of Sihe Bahuang a woman Night Jun Lan has interest to see water wood Rong two eyes more, can't help smacking tongue way, "now this woman a more than a fierce ah!"

He met this one two days ago, but he didn't expect to meet the second one so soon. What's more interesting is that there seems to be a lot of connections between the two people.

"No! Now shuiyoushi's position in sihebahuang is equal to that of Beigong zushi. Junlan should be in the opposite camp! " Shiyan said these words with deep meaning, and the implication is very obvious.

But he was fooled by yejunlan again, "how can I not understand what the city master said? You know that I've been bothered a lot recently. If I'm free, I won't drag the city master to send my cousin back to Mu's home. I haven't been to Mu's home for a long time. "

"Mujia? The Mu family of Mu Chusheng? "

Hearing shuimurong's words, Shiyan immediately said, "isn't that the Mu family! Mr. Jun Lan is the nephew of Mr. Mu Chusheng. You two need to walk around more in the future. Maybe you will have a chance to cooperate! "

Then he looked at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes again. "Shuiyoushi thinks Miss Mu looks familiar. I think she must have met her in manghuang."

"Maybe!" Knowing that the woman was Mu Chusheng's daughter, shuimurong gradually put away her doubts. "Since we are going to go to manghuang tomorrow, Miss Mu should go back to clean up first."

"Yes! Have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow will be full of twists and turns. " See off night Jun Lan and cloud Xiu clothes before Shiyan still don't forget to remind them, "Jun Lan young master must be on time."

"Don't worry, Lord."

Wait until leave city Lord mansion, night Jun Lan says immediately, "how many secrets do you have after all?" Don't give cloud Xiu clothes the opportunity of denying, night Jun Lan continues a way, "since can be on four in eight waste of right make, explain she has super strength, won't easily recognize wrong person."

Four in one and eight wasteland? From Zhong Li's Ningzhi, Yun Xiuyi only knew the general situation of manghuang, and knew nothing about which families and schools there were.

But if she directly asked yejunlan, yejunlan would immediately know that she was not a man of manghuang, so yunxiuyi changed the way and asked, "what did the city master mean by standing in the right camp just now?"

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