Cloud Xiu clothes heart is startled, immediately ran to the rock above, but all around except the rock twigs is covered in the snow, where there is Mo Xi Lou figure!

Just as Yun Xiuyi was about to continue to search along the way down the mountain, a familiar voice came from his ear, "looking for me?"

"Where have you been?" Before she turned her head, Yun Xiuyi blurted out this sentence. At the same time, she was relieved. She turned her head and saw Mo Xilou staring at her blankly. Her face was both surprised and happy.


It's rare to see Yun Xiu's clothes in a bad mood. Mo Xi Lou is in a good mood for no reason. When he thinks about it carefully, he feels that his attitude is not correct. So he held up the hare in his hand and said, "I'm afraid you're hungry. I'm going to hunt some game. I can't bear to disturb you because of your concentration."

Then he said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't leave you even if I lose myself."

On the way to hunting game, moxilou finds a cave to take shelter from the wind. After taking Yunxiu's clothes with him, he takes the initiative to light a fire to roast the hare, while Yunxiu's clothes sit by and watch him quietly.

It's freezing in the wild.

It is clear that before today, yunxiuyi still felt extremely barren. Because of Mo Xi Lou, it was no longer difficult for her. She was shocked by her own idea and felt more secure than ever before.

The fragrance soon overflowed the cave. Mo Xi Lou tore off a leg thoughtfully and breathed for a while before handing it to Yun Xiu Yi. "It's light and I'll make do with it."

Cloud Xiu clothing took a bite, actually feel very delicious.

She raised the corner of her mouth and laughed. This kind of mood is very wonderful. I don't know if she has fallen. I hope Mo Xilou will be with her all the time. It seems that it's a good thing to open her eyes and see him every day.

Mo Xi Lou looked up and saw that Yun Xiu's clothes were smiling, as if it were the warm sun in the winter, which finally revealed the clouds. He also followed the rising of the corners of his mouth.

The heart is like a double silk screen with thousands of knots in it.

Despite the wind and snow outside the cave, the cave is intertwined with feelings like cotton wadding. Two people who do not know what the truth is, two people who are also lonely and pure, are slowly approaching each other step by step after experiencing countless hardships.

When I first met Mo Xi Lou, I felt that Yun Xiu's clothes were very similar to him. He stubbornly guarded himself against others. If he didn't meet each other, they would have been trapped in their own world!

After spending three whole days in Mt. gyanzi, yunxiuyi completed what others might take three years to complete, and successfully broke through to the seventh level martial arts master.

To make sure that she has the ability of self-protection, Mo Xilou does not directly take Yun Xiu's clothes down the mountain, but uses her own strength to refine yuan baby like nothing for her. Even if she can't wake up the silent spiritual power and soul power, it can make her martial arts practice easier in the future.

It's still the edge of the cliff. In the snowflakes, Yunxiu clothes and moxilou sit on opposite knees. The two lights of gold and red gather around them.

Cloud Xiu clothes eyes closed, eyebrows slightly frown, seems to bear some kind of inhuman pain.

As the golden and red lights became more and more intense, their figures were caged in the aperture, and they were almost empty, leaving only two shallow shadows.

As soon as the beads of sweat appeared on their forehead and face, they suddenly condensed into snow-white crystals because of the extremely low temperature. Gradually, a thick layer of snow accumulated between their shoulders and hair. However, they seemed to be asleep and still.

In the white snowflakes, a golden baby on the top of yunxiuyi's head is spinning rapidly, and the red rosefinch phantom is flapping its wings.

The red light around Yuanying is suddenly strong and weak, accompanied by a sudden surge of strange power. The rosefinch and chaos in Yunxiu's clothes wake up at the same time. They are intertwined and flying towards the air, tossing freely on the thick clouds.

With a red and a gold figure intertwined and separated, cloud Xiuyi felt the strange force that had surged up before and wrapped himself tightly.

She suddenly opened her eyes, the corners of her mouth overflowed with thin blood, and her eyebrows also frowned more tightly, but even if she was in pain, she did not dare to act rashly, for fear that it would affect Mo Xi Lou on the opposite side and make him be attacked by this force.

Breathing gradually unstable, chest began to rise and fall, cloud Xiu clothes take a deep breath, again slowly closed his eyes.

She focused her attention on reinforcing the prohibition of the fire of bird plume, and let herself continue to follow the rhythm of Mo Xi Lou to control Yuan Ying who had already left.

After the pain of remoulding gradually dissipated, Yunxiu felt extremely comfortable, as if she had gained a new life. In this kind of smooth muscle and bone, she even broke through under the condition that both spiritual power and soul power were suppressed! And spiritual cultivation and soul cultivation broke through at the same time.

Before he came to the far north, yunxiuyi spiritual cultivation was a second-order spiritual cultivation, and soul cultivation was a third-order great soul master.Now the spiritual cultivation has been successfully promoted to the third level spirit, which is still a cross stage breakthrough away from the Holy Spirit. But what shocked her is that the spiritual cultivation has been directly promoted to the third level spirit.

Feeling that Mo Xi Lou took back the power to protect her, Yun Xiu Yi suddenly opened her eyes and asked, "what's the matter? In the past, even rosefinch could not explain the reason for the fusion of soul power. How come now spiritual cultivation and soul cultivation suddenly share the same level? "

Mo Xi Lou slowly opened her eyes, not to mention that the rosefinch could not explain clearly, even he did not know the reason. Maybe the existence of this little girl was a strange number.

"Since we don't know the reason, let's take it as a good thing! You can save a lot of energy and time by upgrading yourself to a higher level. "

Yun Xiuyi agrees with this. When she returns to Dongyue, she can't continue her soul cultivation, because Dongyue has no Soul Eater at all and can't get the soul yuan.

If double cultivation can be promoted at the same time, it means that as long as she carries out spiritual cultivation, soul cultivation will also break through together.

It's a good thing for her. Just like the fusion of soul power, it not only makes her Yuanying stronger, but also gives her more cards, which will give her more protection.

Without waiting for Yun Xiuyi to digest the news completely, a clear female voice suddenly rang out not far away, "Xi Lou, how can you be here?"

Cloud Xiu clothes turn a head to look, then see a dead tree covered with white snow standing a woman in red, unexpectedly is the princess she met in the magic palace before, that is Nangong Chen's sister.

What's up with you? Listening to this extremely intimate address, it seems that the princess and moxilou are old acquaintances.

The woman then jumped down from the tree and quickly came to Mo Xi Lou. First she was surprised, then she was happy. "I thought I would never see you again."

The joy she couldn't hide in her tone was quite different from the arrogant and arrogant one in the magic palace. Unable to wait for Mo Xi Lou's response, the woman said to herself, "that's right! Now that my brother has come back, of course you want to come back. At last they are all back. "

When the joy of meeting was a little lighter, she finally glanced at the cloud Xiuyi beside her, and asked with disdain, "Xi Lou, how can you be with her?"

In fact, the princess of the magic palace appeared in the mountain of guayan Zi, in order to get rid of Yunxiu clothes.

Along the way, she has been paying close attention to her whereabouts, but lost all the news after Yunxiu was taken to manghuang by beigongjue.

It's not easy to find her again, but I saw Mo Xi Lou, which I haven't seen for more than ten years. Although more than ten years is nothing to them, she seems to have been waiting for a long time. Think of here, she very disgusted to cloud Xiu clothes way.

"My brother said that you are Li Luo! It's all right for you to lead my brother. Even Xi Lou won't let go. What do you want to do? "

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