"Nangong Jin, pay attention to your words." Mo Xi Lou's face sank in an instant. He went to Yun Xiu Yi's side, raised his hand to wipe the blood from her mouth, and asked Nangong Jin, "Why are you here?"

"I......" see Mo Xi Lou to this person's attitude, Nan Gong Jin how dare to say the real reason, but really angry.

"If she is really Li Luo, she is my brother's wife. How can she entangle with you? Xi Lou, you must not be deceived by her! "

"She's not a pear drop."

If Nangong Jin heard this sentence before today, she might be very happy, because it means that Li Luo is really out of her mind and will never appear in front of her again in this life.

But if because she is not pear drop can be unscrupulous around Mo Xi Lou, she would rather she is pear drop!

During the conflict of interest, Nangong Jin insisted, "my brother will never easily admit that Li Luo is wrong, unless she is like I said, at the same time playing with you and my brother."

Mo Xi Lou doesn't want to argue with Nan Gong Jin about these meaningless problems. He takes Yun Xiu Yi's hand and finally warns, "no matter why you appear in the mountain, I won't care about you this time. If you still have evil thoughts about her, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Xi Lou!"

After such a long time, Nangong Jin didn't expect to meet Mo Xi Lou again. She was scolded by an unimportant woman. She came forward to hold Mo Xi Lou's arm, but he avoided her easily.

She had to withdraw her hand and continued, "my brother is looking for her everywhere. If you let him know that you two are together, there must be conflicts. Do you want that to happen again?"

Nangong Jin said, then red eyes, "you and my brother I don't want to lose, I finally hope you back!"

In the face of the beauty of pear blossom with rain, Mo Xi Lou didn't have half a pity heart, coldly responded, "don't have, talk about what to lose."

From the beginning to the end, Yun Xiuyi stood beside Mo Xilou without a word. No matter Jianjia in the past or Nangong Jin at the moment, Mo Xilou's way of dealing with them is not to let them think about themselves at all.

Although some heartless, but always better than in the future tangled, only add trouble, this with the idea of cloud Xiuyi.

"Xi Lou..."

Unable to find a breakthrough in Mo Xi Lou, Nangong Jin turns to stare at Yun Xiu Yi, "don't think your plot can succeed. Sooner or later, I will tear your hypocrisy and let them see you clearly."

As soon as the voice fell, she saw Mo Xilou walking forward with Yun Xiuyi's hand. She didn't even say goodbye to her. She was so angry that Nangong Jin stamped her feet in the same place, but she had nothing to do.

On the way down the mountain, Yun Xiuyi asked curiously, "you and her..." after she asked this, Mo Xilou answered first.

"Just knowing." Finish saying Mo Xi Lou still don't forget to add a sentence, "I only because you have moved ordinary heart."

In the past, Yunxiu would think of Su Mei. This person knew that she was glib, but now she went to see him. His green silk was flying in the snow, and his frost like side face made people unable to move their eyes.

Feeling the temperature from her hands, Yun Xiuyi gladly accepted this sentence. She responded in her heart that I was only moved by you.

After going down the mountain, moxilou takes Yunxiu's clothes and goes straight to sihebahuang. Their purpose is very clear. Manghuang is the channel connecting Dongyue and Langxie sword in Ye Ling's hand.

Mo Xilou's initial plan is to suggest that Yun Xiuyi continue to impersonate Miss mu, because her identity as Miss Mu has been confirmed by Mu Chusheng. No matter Beigong Jue or shuimurong, they will not doubt it and can make good use of it.

The purpose of pretending to be Miss Mu's is to sneak into sihebahuang through Beigong Jue. If yunxiuyi clearly says that he is on his side, Beigong will never refuse.

When Yun Xiuyi successfully sneaks into sihebahuang, moxilou will also hide in the dark to help her.


Four in one and eight barren. Yunxiuyi stands alone at the entrance and asks to see beigongjue. Just as the two guards at the entrance prepare to send her away, a horse's hoof sounds from far to near. Before yunxiuyi turns around, he hears the two guards calling, "left envoy of Beigong."

Hear "North Palace left envoy" cloud Xiu dress this just turned around, she respectfully bent over salute, very pious call a voice, "North Palace left envoy."

The North Palace has noticed cloud Xiu clothes for a long time, the eyes can't help but flash a doubt, "how can miss Mu be here?"

Yun Xiuyi looked up and said with a smile, "last time the northern palace envoy personally sent me back to Mu's home, I'm very grateful. I specially came to the door to thank you. I hope I didn't disturb the northern palace envoy."

"No way!"

Although Beigong Jue was puzzled, he didn't refuse Yunxiu clothes. He dismounted and invited, "Miss mu, come in with me!" Cloud Xiu clothing after nodding, very harmonious to follow in the North Palace Jue body, into the four eight wasteland.Sihe Bahuang is composed of Sihe palace and Bahuang hall. The Bahuang hall is divided into Bahuang left hall and Bahuang right hall. The Bahuang left hall is in charge of Beigong Jue, and the Bahuang right hall is in charge of shuimurong.

On the way to the left hall with Beigong Jue, Yun Xiuyi unexpectedly meets two familiar faces, Gong Yan and Luo Lang.

I didn't expect that after they escaped from the limitless land, they came back to the wild land. After thinking about it, I felt that it was reasonable that they must be sheltered by shuimurong now!

Seeing Gong Yan, he naturally thought of the hatred of killing his father. A trace of killing intention flashed in Yun Xiu's eyes and soon hid in the bottom of his eyes.

"Northern palace envoy, who is this?" Gong Yan came over with Luo Lang, and his eyes only stayed on Beigong Jue for a moment, then fell on Yunxiu's clothes.

Because of the change of Rong Yunxiu's clothes, he was not afraid of the other side's gaze, and always lowered his eyebrows. On the contrary, the North Palace never bear to return a way, "who is she, I need to report to you?" A word immediately made Gong Yan's face very ugly, but he dared to be angry.

After a long time, he spoke again, but his tone was extremely humble. "I've overstepped it. I hope that the left envoy of the North Palace won't worry about it with me."

It seems that Beigong Jue doesn't want to take care of Gongyan, so he goes away with Yunxiu's clothes.

Looking at their back, Gong Yan gritted his teeth in anger. "I'd like to see how long he can be proud." Then he looked at Luo Lang beside him, "is the right envoy in the palace?"

"It seems that I was called to Sihe Palace by the Lord early in the morning, and I don't think I have come back yet." Knowing that Gong Yan was in a bad mood, Luo Lang comforted him, "we don't have the same opinion with him. When we attack Dongyue and Wuji, we'll see how he still works."

That's right. When they successfully occupied Dongyue, he would no longer have to suffer from these cowards“ Let's go. Let's go back to the temple and ask the right envoy to come back. "

Beigongjue and yunxiuyi arrive at the left Hall of the eight wasteland without saying a word. After beigongjue asks yunxiuyi to sit down, he politely greets Mu Chusheng, and then asks, "is there anything else besides thanking Miss mu?"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from Beigong Jue, Yunxiu simply opened the door to the mountain road and said, "to be honest, there's one more thing I'd like to ask for this visit to the left envoy of Beigong."

"What's the matter?"

Yun Xiuyi hesitated for a long time before he said, "since I nearly died in the mountains last time, I thought that if I had some force, it would not take me so much effort to stop the carriage, so I thought... Wu Xiu, I hope to get the guidance of the left envoy."

"Do you want Wu Xiu?" Beigong Jue heard that he was surprised to see Xiang Yunxiu's clothes. In manghuang, women's status is extremely low, and there are few martial arts practitioners.

He didn't look down on the little girl in front of him. He just felt that she couldn't bear the pain. But this thought just flashed in his heart. He thought of the scar he had seen in the palm of the little girl that night. Maybe it would be a good material to teach her well.

It's rare for Beigong to hesitate. However, looking at Yunxiu's clothes, he can't make a decision.

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