Cloud Xiu clothes back to the room, Mo Xi Lou unexpectedly leaned on the bed and fell asleep.

His sleeping posture is extremely lazy. His hands are as gentle as jade. His black hair is scattered but messy, which adds a bit of evil spirit.

Cold moon cold China, bright moonlight wantonly sprinkled on him, as if reincarnation.

The white brocade robe is loose and drooping, revealing the delicate clavicle on one side. It has a certain charm. It can make white wear out the evil charm and make it public. I'm afraid he's the only one.

Although the picture in front of me is not real, it makes Mo Xilou smoke more ambitiously. It turns out that he will also fall asleep!

Yun Xiu's clothes were in a trance for a moment, and his palms had spiritual power. He tried to cover the disturbing picture with the quilt, but he didn't control his power well, so he hit Mo Xi Lou and covered his face.

The person under the quilt wriggled for a while, and then saw Mo Xi Lou lift the quilt and looked at Yun Xiu's clothes in confusion. Her eyes looked like the little rabbit she had just given to Su Zixiang today.

"Come back!"


She took back her mind and went to the alchemy furnace. She threw some herbs into it and added black Jiao wood powder. Then she told Mo Xi Lou what she had done in the workshop.

Mo Xi Lou thought, "even with Fang Lou as a backer, it's impossible to make millions of gold coins a month. It seems that you are ready to give your life to Su Zixiang."

"The cloud family now has 24 shops, each with an income of more than 40000. Since Su Zixiang has agreed to cooperate, he naturally wants to make good use of it. "

Looking at the confident appearance of the little girl, she should have figured out the countermeasures.

The next morning, there was a long line outside the shops of the cloud family. Passers-by were puzzled and asked each other. Then they knew that the cloud family had set up the backer of fanglou.

They didn't believe it at first. When they saw the shopkeeper of fanglou busy in the biggest shop of the cloud family, the voice of doubt disappeared.

Then he began to wonder how capable the cloud family was, and asked Su Zixiang, who was hard to deal with, to agree to cooperate with them.

What's more, we have to wait for an hour or two to buy what they want, depending on the speed of the team. Is it so good?

With more and more curious people, the platoon gradually grew up and made several bends in Zhuque street.

It seems that the people of the cloud family predicted that there would be so many people in advance, and they even prepared the braided rope to separate the crowd clearly.

In order to make it convenient for the people who come here one after another, they specially send someone to hold up the sign at the end of the team, which is novel and at the same time makes everyone feel that the cloud family's behavior is extremely intimate, so naturally they have a good impression.

Yunxiuyi and moxilou stand on the balcony of the second floor, quietly enjoying the scene downstairs.

"How did you come up with the idea of hiring someone to pretend to be a guest?"

This method is not what she thought, net red effect! In the 21st century, it has been used up, that is, to make use of the famous people to publicize, and then to hire some people to line up, so as to attract them by human curiosity.

But now the situation has exceeded yunxiuyi's expectation. Fanglou has contributed a lot. After all, it has a reputation and its quality is recognized by everyone.

If there is no square building, just queuing up, maybe these people think that the cloud family is making a mystery.

"Don't think about it." Plagiarized.

Mo Xi Lou was proud of Yun Xiu's clothes, but he didn't think about it elsewhere. "This man is attracted, but can you guarantee the quality of Yun's shop?"

"Although Yun Jinyan has low talent in cultivation, it doesn't mean he is stupid. If there were no Luo family against him, maybe he would be as rich as Su Zixiang. Don't worry! He is more nervous about the survival of the cloud family than anyone else. Naturally, he does not dare to relax the quality of the shop. "

On this day, the cloud family had a good harvest.

Not only one of the main shops was overcrowded, but other rice shops, wine shops, salt shops, tea shops and flower shops all made a lot of money.

Because of the guarantee of commodity quality and reasonable price, the reputation of Yunjia shop spread in Dongyue empire.

People who have bought it also begin to understand Su Zixiang. It turns out that he is the one who really understands the business opportunities. He chose to invest in cloud home. I'm afraid he has to count money to be soft!

Those who haven't bought one are looking forward to queuing up. They want to see if the things of the cloud family are so popular.

When it's time to close in the afternoon, the line outside the shop is still very long. The cloud family can't bear these businesses, but they remember what Yun Xiuyi said.

We have to close as soon as it's time."Sorry, the chimes have been sold today. Please come back tomorrow."

Hearing this, people who didn't buy it complained, "why don't you prepare more! It's not like we don't pay. "

"I'm really sorry. In order to make up for our shortcomings today and celebrate the reopening, we have prepared 100 small gifts for you."

As soon as the voice of the cloud family's staff fell, they rushed over like crazy and knocked him upside down. Almost in the blink of an eye, a hundred gifts were snatched away.

In the evening, Yun Jinyan came to the small yard to find Yun Xiu's clothes. He was so happy that he couldn't shut his mouth.

He put the account book in front of her, "Xiuyi! Today, twenty four shops have earned 30000 gold coins. In the past, when the business was at its best, it was only 40000 or 50000 gold coins a month

Twenty four shops made 30000 in total? Cloud Xiu clothes quickly calculated in the brain, a month conservative estimate is 900000.

It's 100000 gold coins short of the agreement with Su Zixiang.

"Not enough. Second uncle, another counter will be added tomorrow. The two counters will pay and pick up the goods respectively. Some brand goods will be ready in advance, but the closing time will remain unchanged. "

Yun Jinyan thinks that the result has far exceeded his expectation. Unexpectedly, Yun Xiuyi doesn't think it's enough.

He wanted to persuade her not to be too impatient, in case it backfired, but when he came into contact with Yun Xiuyi's eyes, he didn't dare to put forward his opinions, so he choked back all he wanted to say.

It took a long time for me to suddenly think of something, and I looked more happy than just now.

"By the way, Xiuyi, as soon as I was happy, I almost forgot that a man who claimed to be a pharmacist of zhulanglou came to the Yun family to find someone, but he couldn't tell me his name. I thought that he should find you. When did you meet the pharmacist of zhulanglou?"

Zhulanglou and Tianji pavilion have the same status in Dongyue empire. One of them is famous for refining pills. Almost all the pills of Dongyue Empire come from here;

One gathered many talents of practice, and taught countless excellent leaders for all forces of the major families.

No matter who is related to these two sects, it is a matter of great honor.

After listening to Yun Jin's words, Yun Xiu's ears burst out. Didn't she let the pharmacist not have to come? And he hasn't arrived in three days. Why did he come in advance?

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