"Hee hee, I thought you lied to me! I didn't expect that you were really from the cloud family? "

After ye Xingming was invited in, he looked around the room in Yunxiu's clothes. "You are too poor a young lady of the cloud family! It's more humble than our zhulanglou. "

Cloud Xiu clothes listen to this sentence is indifferent, she thinks this small courtyard is very good, but next to cloud Jinyan is very uncomfortable.

In the past, he disliked their mother and daughter and deliberately sent them to the most dilapidated yard of the cloud family. Now the situation has completely changed. He is ashamed and naturally feels that ye Xingming's words are very harsh.

However, without waiting for him to change the yard, ye Xingming continued, "but you are also powerful. You planted so many precious herbs in this broken yard."

He said, looking out, tut tut way, "that magic sunflower is not an ordinary thing."

Ye Xingming had no other meaning when he said these words. He was just jealous. "You don't know, we found a natural herbal medicine Valley in the hidden fog forest before. As a result, we let the wind out and let Xingchen take the lead."

This matter cloud Xiu clothes seem to have some impression.

"But it's useless for them to take them. It's a pity that they took the herbs."

Ye Xingming soon recovered as usual, "by the way, what do you want me to do at your house? Since you have saved my life, I can do one thing for you according to morality. "

If this sentence was heard before Dai Yunshan's night, Yun Xiuyi might still have half a joy.

But now as soon as she saw Ye Xingming, she thought of his noise and his failure to play cards according to the routine. It was definitely a time bomb to put this man beside her.

But the desire to open a hospital was very strong, and Yun Xiuyi was in a dilemma for a while.

See cloud Xiu clothes didn't respond for a long time, ye Xingming asked, "you don't have to be embarrassed, say again, you save me is not this purpose!"

This cloud Xiu clothes don't make a sound, anxious bad next to cloud Jinyan.

Although he was surprised that Yun Xiuyi had saved the pharmacist in zhulanglou, since he had already spoken, he would ask for something according to his words! Such as pills.

Even if their cloud family is not short of pills now, there is a pharmacist in it, but surely they can't compare with zhulanglou!

"Xiuyi! Someone else's pharmacist is talking to you! "

At the moment when the sight reaches Yun Jinyan, Yun Xiuyi finally makes a decision. Now, in front of her is the Luo family who wants her life, and behind her is the unreliable cloud family. Even if ye Xingming is an unstable factor, at most, the situation is a little worse than now.

It's not her style to be timid before she starts.

"I'm going to open a hospital. I'd like to invite you here."

"..." Ye Xingming didn't seem to have heard clearly. He leaned towards Yunxiu's clothes, "what do you say? Open a hospital? Are you going to die? "

Next to Yun Jinyan also nervous, "Xiuyi, opening a hospital is not a joke."

Because of everyone's cultivation, Dongyue Empire basically won't get sick. Even if it has some minor diseases, it can recuperate by itself.

Therefore, most of the hospitals here treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

And poisoning! Seriously injured! Or something.

For example, before Luo Yan'er was seriously injured, and this time Luo's family was drugged by Yun Xiu's clothes, Luo Rui looked everywhere for famous doctors to treat them.

Why are ye Xingming and Yun Jinyan so nervous! It's because doctors are high-risk occupations. If they don't cure the disease carefully, they will be killed by those big families. Compared with the status of pharmacists, they are getting worse day by day.

Knowing that they didn't understand what they meant, Yun Xiuyi had little patience to explain, "to be exact, it should be a medicine store."


Ye Xingming was even more surprised. "Are you going to compete with zhulanglou? And the time cost of refining pills is very high. "

He rarely explained the interests for Yun Xiuyi.

"The prices of herbs and pills in Dongyue Empire have always been exorbitantly high, and all the families have their own channels of purchase, so they won't come to you at all, while ordinary people can't afford a pill at all. Not to mention the high initial cost, you can't drive at all. Even if you do, it won't last long. "

Before these circumstances, cloud Xiuyi had already known, so she was more determined to open a medicine store.

"Don't worry, I have my own way. You just need to answer me, will you?"


The risk is very high!

In Dongyue Empire, pharmacist has always been a scarce profession, because there are too many conditions to be possessed, and there are only a few pharmacists who can enter zhulanglou. Now he has all his status.All of a sudden, let him start from the grassroots, to be honest, he is not so willing.

"Don't force it." See ye Xingming embarrassed, cloud Xiuyi initiative mouth gave him steps, in fact, she didn't want him to come.

"I will."

Ye Xingming raised his chin and said it absolutely, as if he was going to fight to death.

Although he usually has no face and skin, he still has the bottom line of life. People can save his life before. Even if he is allowed to die again, he must be willing to!

In fact, they think it's complicated.

Alchemy is nothing more than the need for medicinal materials, prescriptions, alchemy furnace, fire, and a master of both medicine and alchemy.

Two of the first four can be solved by money, and the other two can be solved by Su Zixiang.

For those two things that depend on money, I collected a valley of herbs in the hidden fog forest last time. They can't lack herbs in a short time.

In addition, the area planted in the yard can also be used for emergency at critical times.

As for the long-term plan for the future, yunxiuyi also considered that Dongyue Empire didn't have herbal medicine, but the price was high. When they opened the market of pills in the early stage, there were many ways to keep down the price of herbal medicine.

What's more, it can't be done. There are more square buildings! But there can buy everything in the world, the big deal is that she will deal with Su Zixiang again.

The second is the prescription.

During this period, moxilou has given yunxiuyi many prescriptions, including a variety of pills on the market.

Finally, pharmacists! Two ready-made.

So Yun Xiuyi thinks that although it really takes a lot of effort to open a hospital, it's not impossible to achieve it. Besides, why doesn't she do it for a huge profit? It's still her business.

Moreover, she believed that as long as the hospital was successful, one would be equal to the 24 shops, and the status of the cloud family in the Dongyue Empire would be stabilized.

"Make it clear first! I'd like to, but I'm only in charge of alchemy. Don't come to me for other things. "

Seeing Yun Xiuyi nodding without hesitation, ye Xingming continued, "and there will be an exchange meeting between zhulanglou and Tianji Pavilion in a few days. I want to attend, too. I can't get away from it for the moment."

She knew about it, and naturally would not embarrass him, so she nodded again.

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