People who don't understand herbal medicine can't see the meaning of this, but yunxiuyi has been dealing with herbal medicine for decades. At present, he only thinks that ye Xingming is very naive.

Lingcao, shijunzi and hecaoya are all insect repellents. He is insinuating that Xingchen is a bedbug!

Compared with Daiyun mountain, Jiufeng Mountain is more precipitous and has more luxuriant vegetation. However, because it is the top of the decisive battle, the aura here is also mixed with the spirit of killing, so the ghosts and beasts bred are very fierce.

If you don't reach a certain level of cultivation, you are determined not to come here to hunt and kill the soul beast.

After the competition officially started, ye Xingming and the people from Tianji Pavilion went to release the animals. The whole process was very secret.

About half an hour later, yunxiuyi and Xingchen entered Jiufeng from two directions.

When the two sides enter the competition state, the elder Xiaojin of Tianji Pavilion will offer sacrifices to tianguangjing, so that everyone can watch the participants' movements.

It's also a magic weapon of Tianji Pavilion. It's kept by elder Xiaojin, one of the five elders. It's said that you can see every corner of the world without leaving home.

In Jiufeng, yunxiuyi and Xingchen obviously adopt different tactics.

At the beginning, Stardust quickly shuttled through Jiufeng, and then made marks on the ghosts that might be the targets. After searching for the ghosts, he compared the marked ones and killed the ones most likely to be the targets.

Just after half an hour, he had three animal yuan in his hand, all of which were high-grade animal yuan.

All the people who watched the battle were so impressed that they praised Xingchen for being extremely smart and able to think of such a fast and safe method.

And his strength can't be underestimated. To be an ordinary person, it takes a lot of time to deal with only one soul beast, but Xingchen easily solved three.

Look at Yunxiu clothes again. Compared with Xingchen's investment, she is a little careless.

It seems that he is walking leisurely in Jiufeng Mountain, without the tension of the game. The spectators guess that he has lost!

In fact, the surface of cloud Xiu clothes is really walking slowly, but the heart is calculating the whereabouts of ghosts and beasts.

It took only half an hour for ye Xingming and the people of Tianji pavilion to release the ghosts and beasts, except the time for their specific action.

Once and for all, it's about a stick of incense.

Jiufeng area is not small, only this time it is impossible to Jiufeng run all over, so it will narrow the scope of the search.

After determining the general location of the beast, Yun Xiuyi searched around and soon found a trace of human trampling, which proved that someone had come here not long ago.

She followed the trail to continue to search, and found not many, not many, just three ghosts left footprints.

With these clues, the next thing will be much easier, she quickly identified the target.

Fearing that the use of psychic power would arouse suspicion, she directly used the silver needle to seal the big acupoints of the spirit beast, and easily exploded the beast yuan of the three spirit beasts.

These three beasts are colorful snake, fire light beast and Xuan bee.

Although it is not a rare soul beast, it is also rare compared with the general soul beast.

After a little thought, Yunxiu decided that this was the work of Tianji Pavilion. After all, these three kinds of ghosts and beasts are not surprising, not like Ye Xingming's style.

Because ye Xingming and the people of Tianji Pavilion released the ghosts and beasts in different places, Yunxiu clothes turned to another place.

It wasn't long before she walked this time. She met a one horned goat in the middle of the journey. It was very young. In other words, other people would not pay attention to it at all, but yunxiuyi suddenly stopped.


Another name of the gentleman is goat excrement. It seems that ye Xingming deliberately put the three herbs on the short table.

Not only ridiculed Xingchen as a bedbug, but also despised him for not knowing medicine. He put the answer in front of him, but he still couldn't guess it. It was really stupid.

When ye Xingming stares at the one horned goat from Yunxiu's clothes, he immediately jumps up. He thinks no one can guess what his soul is! How did this man guess all of a sudden?

The man in Tianji Pavilion on the other side didn't look very well either.

When he saw the boy in white find the place where he released the beast, he thought he just happened to pass by, and then he happened to find some clues.

But when he solved all the five colored snakes, firelight beasts and Xuanfeng, he obviously couldn't sit still. He had found three of the six spirit beasts, which is equivalent to half of the win. It seems that it's not easy for elder martial brother Xingchen to win the game.Finding Ye Xingming's first ghost beast, he roughly determined the distance between the other two.

In addition to the two herbs of lingcao and hesao, it's not particularly difficult to find the remaining two ghosts.

Before long, yunxiuyi saw a white crane in a pool. He didn't even think about it, so he burst the beast yuan.

Here, people watching the battle through the skylight murmured, "how can this young man find some low age ghosts? He doesn't dare to fight against the spirit beast of high years

"I don't think the star dust elder will win this competition."

"It's hard for the poor Yun family to turn over. This time, they will be hit hard again. But I can't help it. No one in their family can do it. There's a waste without a palace of life! "

Smoothly put five beast yuan income heaven and earth Ding, cloud Xiuyi step more slowly.

As she walked, she was sniffing something, and she turned a corner from time to time, as if she could find the ghost beast by smelling it.

Ye Xingming, who was watching the battle here, was even more uneasy. He was surprised when he guessed that the two ghosts had already surprised him. Look at the current situation, did he even let the third one go?

While everyone's attention was in the sky, he quietly hid the three herbs on the short table.

It's not good if people think he's cheating for this person.

The spirit herb has a very special fragrance. Yun Xiu's clothes smell it with a try attitude. Unexpectedly, it really makes her smell the spirit herb.

Looking for the taste, I saw a echoing insect with the smell of vanilla.

Yunxiuyi wants to explode the beast yuan, so the responder calls out: old star dust, if you bully me again, your head will be crooked and your face will be swollen

As soon as these words came out, ye Xingming immediately lowered his head. This time, he lost his face.

Yingsheng insect is a kind of soul beast that likes to inhabit in the belly of human beings and also imitates human beings. It seems that ye Xingming scolds Xingchen in private.

Unfortunately, Xingchen can't hear these words, otherwise it will be very interesting.

Three hours later, Yunxiu clothes and Xingchen returned to the competition at the same time. Yunxiu clothes were spotless, as if they just went out for a walk.

But Xingchen is in a mess. It must be that the three ghosts behind are more difficult to deal with one by one. He spent a lot of effort.

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