In order to prevent the people of zhulanglou and Tianji pavilion from shielding their competitors, the names of the six ghosts had been written on the paper and put into the wooden box long before the competition.

Every time the list of ghosts and beasts is published, it is also the most exciting time of the exchange meeting.

All of them believed that Stardust would win. They still stretched their necks and waited for the result nervously.

The host randomly took out a piece of paper from the wooden box, and it took him a long time to open it. When he glanced at the paper, his expression suddenly stagnated. He couldn't believe it and looked at it again. After confirming that he was not dazzled, he looked at the boy in white beside him strangely.

Tangled for a long time to read out, "the first soul beast is - Fire beast."

As soon as the spectators were ready to cheer, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. Wait a minute. Isn't this firelight beast hunted by the pharmacist of the cloud family?

Everyone looked at him in surprise. This man is very lucky! He hit the right one by mistake, but I'm afraid the Five ghosts left have nothing to do with him!

The host drew a second note from the wooden box.

This time, his speed was faster than before, but when he saw the name of the beast on the note, he was so shocked that his pupils suddenly enlarged.

He looked at the boy in white next to him, looked at the confident Stardust on his face, and said with a very guilty heart, "the second soul beast - colorful snake."

Oh, my God! The pharmacist of the cloud family is so lucky that he even got two right.

This time, not only the spectators are not calm, but also the look of Stardust has changed. He stares at the host fiercely, as if to ask if he is wrong.

The host was so nervous that he wiped the sweat on his forehead. He didn't even dare to look at the stardust. He quickly took out the third note and summoned up great courage to read, "one horned goat."

what? The pharmacist of the cloud family was right three times in a row?

This shows that he has won half of the game. Even if the remaining three are all right, Xingchen is just tied with the pharmacist of the cloud family.

The people watching the battle seem to be more excited. They just killed Jun Jinyao yesterday. Could it be that today the pharmacist of the cloud family is going to make a comeback?

The hotter the atmosphere of the game, the more nervous the host felt. He even dared not take the fourth note until the spectators were worried.

Just when everyone had lost patience, a girl in a light green satin skirt came out from Tianji Pavilion.

But see her eyebrows curved, small nose slightly upturned, face such as white jade, face such as Chaohua, can such as stars pupil eyes, such as the Milky way.

Her dress is not so luxurious, only hanging a string of pearls in her neck, giving off a faint halo, which makes her more pink and jade.

This girl is the ninth Princess Jun Jinyao who just became famous in the first world war yesterday.

"Say a few words, and you'll be tickling."

She grabbed the wooden box in the hands of the host, and directly smashed it with spiritual power. The remaining three pieces of paper also flew into the air.

With a wave of her sleeve, the three pieces of paper were opened in the air at the same time, and the names of yingshengchong, Xuanfeng and Baihe were all caught off guard.

They were all stunned. Time seemed to stop, and there was a complete silence around them.

Finally, Jun Jinyao broke the silence, "I don't need to repeat the result! This -- "she turned her head and looked at Yunxiu's clothes," what's your name? "

"Cloud ink."

Jun Jinyao continued, "this yunmo won the third round of the competition. In this exchange meeting, zhulanglou and Tianji Pavilion won one game each and drew. OK, everyone go back early!"

After Jun Jinyao said these words, she wanted to send all the passers-by away, but they didn't move. They were all waiting to see the next good play.

Even if the third round of the competition was won by the pharmacist of the cloud family, it was still won by an overwhelming majority. I'm afraid the elder Xingchen's face has been completely lost. They have to see how the people of Tianji Pavilion will deal with the pharmacist of the cloud family.

Without waiting for the people of Tianji pavilion to act, the chief pharmacist of zhulanglou, Wen Xun, came out with an ancient sandalwood brocade box.

"Let's chase the waves! Specially prepared the prize for the third round competition

As soon as the words came out, everyone stared at the brocade box in Wen Xun's hand, thinking that it must be some magic pill.

The pharmacist of the cloud family made a lot of money this time!

Wen Xun walked all the way to yunxiuyi and handed the brocade box to her. He opened the brocade box and said.

"This is zhurong's fire. It's the best fire for refining pills. It's useless for those who were worried about winning the competition to take it. Since you are a pharmacist, I believe it will help you to a higher level."Zhurong kindling!

Yun Xiuyi took the brocade box to thank Wen Xun, and then said in a big voice, "in a few days, the cloud family medicine center will open. If you can come, it will be the honor of the cloud family."

Does the cloud family want to open a medicine store? Although their family now has pharmacists and the situation is getting better, can they afford the high cost of opening a pharmacy? Besides, no one should go to their home to buy pills!

Just as everyone was talking, ye Xingming also stood up.

"To tell you the truth, I have made an agreement with Yun Xiuyi, the eldest lady of the Yun family, that I will be sitting in their medical school in the future. Please remember to join us!"

Although it was a joke, all the people present knew that the people in zhulanglou decided not to make fun of it. They were surprised and curious.

I can't wait for the cloud family's medicine store to open, so I can join in the fun.

When yunxiuyi found moxilou, he stood beside a cliff, like a poppy in full bloom. At a glance, he was sinking and could not escape.

He stretched out his hand to straighten his long hair, which was disturbed by the wind. A stunning face appeared between the veil flying. Danfeng was weeping blood, extremely enchanting, and the smile on his lips was unparalleled.

Obviously, it's just a trading relationship, not only since when, they have been used to each other.

Cloud Xiu clothes walked over, straight to the point, "you knew Zhu Rong kindling?"

Mo Xi Lou does not deny, "every time you ascend a level, the fire of bird plume in your body will be stronger, and you may break the seal prohibition at any time."

"What does it have to do with Zhu Rong's kindling?"

"This zhurong fire is the purest fire in the world. In case I'm not by your side when Linghuo breaks through the seal, you can seal it again with zhurong fire, but it's only temporary."

"You don't mean that Linghuo can also be controlled. What kind of strength can control Linghuo?"

Mo Xi Lou didn't answer the question of Yun Xiu's clothes. Instead, he offered a ray of aura and untied the ban of the fire of the bird plume. Yun Xiu's clothes suddenly softened, and the aura in his body seemed to be humanized.

Mo Xi Lou is telling her with practical action that her current strength is far from controlling the fire of bird feather.

Then Mo Xi Lou made a seal with both hands, and sealed again the fire of bird plume in Yun Xiu's clothes.

After the end, he was still like every time in the past, as if he had made a breakthrough in his cultivation. His whole face was radiant and radiant.

But this time, Yun Xiu's clothes didn't feel as well as before. All of a sudden, her blood was churning, her throat was sweet, and she vomited a lot of blood.

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