Qiaomen painting halberd, the next million wells, Jinbi tower leaning. Shimmering chariots and horses, endless stream of pedestrians, the glorious empire of Dongyue.

A prosperous city and half a smoke City, how many people drunk in the fairy.

Zhuque street is still very busy. Passers-by come and go in a hurry and gather in the same direction. It's yunmoxuan, the medicine store that is about to open today.

Thanks to the fame of the exchange meeting between zhulanglou and Tianji Pavilion, the opening of Yunjia medical center has triggered a grand occasion of empty streets.

Early in the morning, the people of the cloud family were not ready, and there were many people outside the medicine hall, all of them came to watch the excitement.

But when the cloud family moved out a wooden card with the words "half price of all pills three days before the opening", the hearts of these squatters to buy pills immediately began to move.

You know, if they want to speed up their cultivation, they have no shortcut but to work hard and try again.

Ordinary people have no channel to buy pills at all, and even if they have them, they can't afford them. Now the cloud family sells them at half price. If they bite their teeth, they may be able to afford one and a half pills.

When it's time to open, Yun Jinyan, the head of the cloud family, arrives. Junfu, the seventh prince, and junshaoqin, the fourth prince, also come. Even the chief pharmacists of zhulanglou, Wen Xun and ye Xingming, all come to join us.

Originally, this lineup has shocked the people present. Before the opening, Jun Jinyao, the only disciple of Tianji Pavilion master, also appeared.

When everyone was surprised, they found that Yun Xiuyi, the eldest lady of the cloud family, didn't show up.

When yunmoxuan finally opened, the people outside the museum immediately rushed in. The people who bought medicine bought medicine and watched the excitement. However, what shocked them even more happened.

They thought the half price of the market price was very low, but they didn't expect that yunmoxuan even set the base price very low. An ordinary pill is equivalent to the price of a typhoid.

These people are crazy!

No matter what their purpose was at the beginning, as long as they entered the pharmacy, they all became crazy to buy pills, while those who didn't take money to go out regretted their intestines.

Everywhere to find someone to borrow gold, or run home to get money, and then come back in a hurry, for fear that a step late, all pills sold out.

After watching the whole process, Wen Xun took a pill and studied it in his hand. He said to Ye Xingming quietly, "this pill is common. It's because of the addition of black JiaoMu that it has aura."

Just finished, ye Xingming took him back, "don't worry about the herbs. As long as you have aura to assist in cultivation, it's a good pill."

Wen Xun thinks it's right. Anyway, it's not selling fake medicine.

"I'm afraid the Yuns will offend a lot of people by setting up such a precedent. The market of pills and herbs will be in chaos during this period of time! It's you. You don't care about anything. How can you promise that cloud Xiu clothes will flow this muddy water? "

"Anyway, it's idle to be idle in zhulanglou. Let's join in the fun! What's more, no matter how big a mess I've made, can't you help me carry it? "


The two people here talk quietly, but there is trouble outside.

When everyone was shopping for pills, a man full of blood fell from the sky and hit the ground. They were shocked by the sudden scene and stopped their actions one after another.

Soon, the people of the cloud family recognized that the bloody man was Yunxi. Without time to ask what happened to him, Luo Heng came in.

"Let that little bitch come out and see me."

Luo Heng's hair was scattered, his eyes were dull, and even his clothes were wrinkled.

Wen Xun said in Ye Xingming's ear again, "this man is possessed. It's estimated that there will be a bloody storm. Let's stay away from each other, so as not to bring disaster to the fish."

Afraid of affecting other guests, Yun Jinyan rushed out and said, "Luo Heng, today is a good day for our cloud family. Don't pester us."

Before the words were heard, Luo Heng, who suddenly rushed forward, slapped him.

At this time, Junfu and others came to stop him. However, Luo Heng didn't listen to the advice. Who would kill who? For a moment, yunmo Xuanli was dead and injured. One moment it was still very busy, and the next moment it became a Shura hall.

When Yun Xiuyi arrives, Yun Moxuan is already bleeding.

She stood motionless, her cold breath was dense, her killing spirit was growing, and her eyes were as deep as a pool, as if they were staring at the dead.

Luo Heng see cloud Xiu dress, immediately throw away the person in the hand, "you this small cunt is willing to appear finally!"He ran over madly and ran straight to Yunxiu's forehead with one palm. Yunxiu's side body flashed and his figure disappeared in the same place. Luo Heng turned around to look for him. She immediately forced him in front of him and locked his throat.

Anyone who has seen Luo Heng can see that his mental state is not right. It should be that he was distracted during convalescence and became possessed.

If at ordinary times, with the strength of cloud Xiu clothes, she would not be able to kill a first-order spirit. But now, maybe, she split to Luo Heng's life gate.

"This palm is for the cloud family to return you."

The words finish is a palm again, "this palm is to return you for these innocent people."

Then another palm, "this palm is you bullying me and insulting my cloud family."

Three palms down, Luo Heng is dying. He vomites blood on Yun Xiu's face. "Son of a bitch, why do you want to kill me? Sooner or later, I'll kill all of your cloud family.... "

Before I finish, my head has already gone out.

Blood gushed like a spring in a flash, smearing the skirt cuff of Yunxiu's clothes, but she didn't care at all. She walked over Luo Heng's body and walked directly into yunmoxuan. She said to the people, "today, everyone's medical expenses and pension are all borne by my cloud family."

"Brother Heng

All of a sudden, there was a sudden roar behind Yun Xiu's clothes, and then there was a terrible spirit power.

She turned to block, but she was not as good as Luo Rui. "Boom -" the ground where she stood was deep in a big pit. Luo Rui was lower than Luo Heng, and his spirit power was even more terrible than Luo Heng.

Without waiting for Yun Xiu's clothes to escape, another wave of spirit power came towards her. In an instant, her clothes were cut by the spirit power, and her skin was bleeding gradually.

Ye Xingming stands beside him in a hurry, but he can't do anything to help him, and Wen Li beside him is also worried.

Here, Luo Rui is angry. His eyes are full of killing intention and a fatal blow. Yun Xiu's clothes are imprisoned by his spiritual power. It's inevitable that he will die under Luo Rui's hands.

At this critical juncture, Jun Fu drags the injured body to help Yun Xiuyi block the fatal blow and protect her behind.

Although Luo Rui is angry, there is still a trace of reason. Seeing Jun Fu resist his fist, he will stay in bed for many days and dare not be presumptuous any more. But also fierce stare cloud Xiu clothes, if the eye can kill, afraid is cloud Xiu clothes has died several times.

Luo Rui's fist directly shattered Jun Fu's internal organs. He fell at the foot of Yun Xiu's clothes, his face as white as paper, as if he had lost all his anger, but his face still had an uninhibited smile.

"You owe me at last this time!" Then he was unconscious.

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