Junfu, junshaoqin and junjinyao are taken back by people from the palace. Yunxiuyi leaves Ye Xingming to deal with the bodies of the unfortunate victims, while he takes the injured people back to Yunjia.

After returning to Yun's home, she settled down some slight injured people, then took Yunxi and yunjinyan back to her small yard, and ordered no one to enter.

As soon as the door was closed, Yun Xiuyi's hands were sealed and his mouth was full of words. With the transformation of the atmosphere in the room, a series of strange characters floated in the air, as if they were alive, entwined Yun Xi and Yun Jinyan tightly.

Those characters emit a weak golden light, and regularly spiral around Yunxi and yunjinyan.

Yunxi and yunjinyan, even in the state of dying, can feel the body like rebirth, all the bones and skin are healing frantically.

The pain gradually disappeared and the breathing was much smoother than before.

When those strange and mysterious characters gradually disappeared, Yunxi and yunjinyan gradually regained their consciousness. At the first sight, they saw that Yunxiu's mouth vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The two of them wanted to hold back the pain and check the condition of her injury, but when they got up, they found that they seemed to have no injury, and their bodies were lighter and more comfortable than before.

They two in the heart doubt, but more tighten Zhang Yunxiu clothes, quickly jump up, ready to help her.

But was cloud Xiu clothes raise hand to stop, she wiped the blood of the corner of the mouth, still calm without wave, "cloud ink Xuan there are many things to deal with, you don't have to care about me."


Yun Jinyan still wants to insist, but he is stopped by Yun Xiuyi's eyes. Subconsciously, he is afraid of Yun Xiuyi, so he doesn't say more.

As soon as yunjinyan and Yunxi leave, the last trace of strength of yunxiuyi is finally exhausted, "bang -" the whole body hits the ground.

Floating life is like a dream. How happy is it? Life is like a play when there is no ashes.

In the 21st century, yunxiuyi's medical forbidden skill is called "Floating Life ember". When it reaches the Ninth level, it can reorganize the human skeleton and skin, and when it reaches the twelfth level, it can bring the dead back to life.

Life is death, and death is life.

Those who practice the twelfth chapter of "the ashes of Floating Life" can not only bring the dead back to life, but also kill people invisibly. But before cloud Xiu clothing does not use a ray of aura to solve Luo Heng, rely on is "Floating Life ember".

When Mo Xi Lou came in, he saw Yun Xiu's clothes lying on the ground like a lifeless doll.

His heart "clattered" for a while, immediately rushed to pick her up, but the cold touch in his arms made his heart beat violently.

For the first time, Mo Xi Lou knew what kind of mood panic was.

There's no time to think about why this kind of emotion came into being. He holds Yunxiu clothes in one hand and transports spiritual power to her body. I don't know how long it takes for Yunxiu clothes to show a trace of blood.

When Yun Xiuyi woke up, he found himself lying on the bed, so quiet that he could hear insects outside the window.

She gathered a little aura and found that her injury had been healed. It should have been moxilou. It was strange that he would wait for her to wake up before, but today he didn't know why.

Because of the disaster of yunmoxuan, Zhuque street, which used to be very busy, suddenly became deserted.

Outside the devastated yunmo Pavilion, there are several families of the victims who come to sacrifice. The burning flames seem to be their anger, and the floating paper money represents their helplessness.

People are killed by Luo Heng. How can they find Luo's theory.

If it was in the past, they would certainly transfer their anger to the cloud family. But this time, the cloud family suffered more casualties and losses than they did.

Even so, Yun Xiuyi, the eldest lady of the cloud family, paid them a lot of gold coins and specially asked the pharmacist of zhulanglou to treat them.

Yunjiaren to righteousness, where they want to make trouble again, the only thing they can do is to put some sacrifice outside yunmoxuan.

However, the good deeds of the cloud family won the hearts of the people of the Dongyue Empire, but made the people of the Luo family more angry.

Just deal with Luo Heng's affairs, Luo Rui will find Zuo Qiumeng and Jun Shaoqin to discuss.

Luo Rui smashed his fist on the desk in the Luo family's library. "It's only because we are raising tigers. We think that the cloud family is a bunch of losers, but in the end, they've made an army of them."

"Brother Luo Rui, what's the next step?"

"The emperor is partial to the cloud family everywhere. It is clear that we will not move the cloud family. As long as the emperor is there for one day, we will not be able to eradicate the cloud family."

When Luo Rui said these words, he glanced at Jun Shaoqin who had been silent."Don't forget, even if the emperor is gone, there is still a seventh prince! It can't be what you want. " At the moment, Zuo Qiumeng is quite calm in his analysis.

"Then let them disappear together."

Finally, Luo Rui said to Jun Shaoqin, "Your Highness, now we are in the same boat. You should also see that the waste of the cloud family is very close to Jun Fu. I don't need to say more about who they support."

Jun Shaoqin of course has long seen that the relationship between Yun Xiuyi and Jun Fu is unusual, otherwise Jun Fu would not protect her like life.

But although he thought that one day he would be irreconcilable with Junfu, he didn't want to kill his father and regicide.

"The cloud family and Junfu naturally can't stay, but the father and the Emperor... Maybe the father and the emperor are just thinking about the credit of the cloud family and waiting for him..."

Without waiting for Jun Shaoqin to finish, Luo Rui angrily interrupts, "wait, wait, I've been waiting for 15 years. Fifteen years ago, the cloud family all died."

For fear that Luo Rui would say something more extraordinary, Zuo Qiumeng glanced at Jun Shaoqin nervously and continued to persuade him, "brother Luo Rui, don't mess up because of the cloud family. It's only a moment of good luck. How big a storm do you think the cloud family's rubbish can cause? "

Luo Rui certainly won't calm down because of Zuo Qiumeng's one or two painless words, "the people of the cloud family must die, and our plan must be advanced."

Do not give Zuo Qiumeng the opportunity to persuade, more do not give Jun Shaoqin the opportunity to retreat.

Luo Rui leaves the study with a big stride, leaving Zuo Qiumeng and Jun Shaoqin in a dilemma, unable to calm down for a long time.

Not only the two people in the study are full of thoughts, but Luo Yan'er, who has been hiding outside the study and eavesdropping, is more complicated.

Originally that night in Ningxue building, she can take Yunxiu clothing's life, but was fooled by her words and let her go.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. If she had died in Ningxue building at the beginning, there would have been no such things later. She would not have lost the competition to that waste, and uncle Heng would not have died in the hands of that waste.

At the moment, Luo Yan'er is so angry that his facial features are twisted together. How ferocious is it? A trick is forming in his heart.

Where falls must climb up, she and the cloud Xiu clothing that trash also must make an end in the freezing snow building. This time, she would never let her go alive.

Early the next morning, Luo Yan'er takes Luo Rou to the cloud house to see how the cloud Xiuyi is injured.

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