The peach is young and bright. The son of Yu Gui is suitable for his family.

There is a truth in the death of peach. If you want to return your son, you should have his family.

Peach's young, its leaves Zhen Zhen. The son of a child should be returned to his family.

In the familiar picture, Yunxiu sits in front of the dressing mirror, with nalanyun and duo standing on one side.

The only difference is that this time Qingyao doesn't need Tang Yishuang to walk behind Yunxiu's clothes, and she doesn't need to grope to get the comb, and she doesn't need to worry about combing her hair more and more disorderly.

At this moment, Qingyao's mood is very complicated. It's a happy day for her, but her daughter thinks about her everywhere.

It's unlucky to shed tears on a happy day. Qingyao stifles her tears from her eyes. She holds the comb firmly and caresses Yunxiu's hair.

"A comb, comb to the end; Two combs, white hair with eyebrows; Three combs, combs to the children and grandchildren everywhere

This time, she can finally play the role of a good mother and make up for her daughter. After her hair is done, the two sisters, nalanyun and duo, paint red makeup for Yunxiu's clothes and wear wedding clothes.

"You can see for yourself whether the bride is beautiful or not."

Tang Yishuang stands beside Qingyao and whispers that this time she doesn't have to know whether her daughter is beautiful from others.


Qingyao is very excited to hold Tang Yishuang's hand. She never thought that she would be so happy.

Charming and charming, moving lotus slowly. She looks like Wang Yi and looks like a Chu girl. Like a flower, like the fragrance of jade; The color of the country is clear and the orchid is fragrant.

She seems to be the only one who has a unique style!


Seeing Qingyao happy, Tang Yishuang is happy for her from the bottom of her heart. Qingyao has suffered too much in most of her life. It's time for her to enjoy the happiness of her children. She just wanted them to stop suffering for the rest of their lives.

Because all the rituals were in the state of divine change, the link of marriage was omitted, and Mo Xi Lou and Yun Luo were steadfast for a long time.

In the distance, the red figure gradually became clear, like the dawn on the horizon, fainting, expanding, and then approaching, the face and eyes were full of festive colors.

With the help of nalanyun and nalandot, yunxiuyi goes into the hall step by step. Nalanyun first releases yunxiuyi, and then nalandot goes on for a few steps. When he comes to moxilou, nalandot puts yunxiuyi's hand in his palm with a smile.

Through the red veil and Mo Xi Lou, you can see Yunxiu's face with red makeup. He holds her tightly and brings her to Qingyao.

There was no one in charge of the ceremony. There was only one place next to Qingyao. All the rituals were simple. After the ceremony, yunxiuyi and moxilou invited everyone to the wedding banquet. Everyone's faces were full of joy.

After the wedding banquet, no one dares to make a bridal chamber. The elder dares not to be interested, while the younger dares not. So Mo Xi Lou leads Yun Xiu Yi all the way into the new house.

In the new house, Mo Xi Lou looked at Yun Xiu's clothes for a long time, "finally let me know what it looks like for my wife to wear wedding clothes."

At the moment, Mo Xilou is wearing a red black edged gold embroidered robe. He is as amazing as Poppy when he smiles. Danfeng is crying blood, enchanting and enchanting.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Yun Xiu's clothes into his arms. "I asked you a question a long time ago. Did your wife come up with an answer?"

Without waiting for Mo Xi Lou to say what the problem was, Yun Xiu Yi looked up at him and said, "I like you and I love you." A moment later she asked, "do you want to hear this?"

"I'll be very happy if you don't say the last one."

Mo Xi Lou then went to solve Yun Xiu's wedding dress. As a result, just halfway through the solution, there was a knock on the door. Then he heard Yun Luo's voice, "brother-in-law, it's rare for you to get married. Isn't it a pity not to make a bridal chamber?"

"You let them go."

Mo Xi Lou whispered in Yun Xiu Yi's ear, "they are more afraid of you. Your words are more useful."

Who knows cloud Xiu clothes turned to see eye room door, "I think cloud Luo said reasonable, since will everybody please come over, will let everybody enjoy."

"When did you talk so well?"

Since his wife said it was ok, how could Mo Xi Lou disturb his wife's interest? He took the initiative to put Yun Xiu's wedding dress back in order. Then he opened the door and said, "come in! You should know your sister's temper. Enough is enough! "

"Brother in law?"

Yunluo craned his neck to see the cloud Xiu clothes in the eye room, and said, "brother-in-law, your speed is too slow! Do you know that I bet with Su Zixiang... "Speaking of the middle, Yunluo suddenly folded his hands and covered his mouth.He laughed awkwardly twice, "we didn't bet anything, you go on, you go on!"

Yunluo said and took the initiative to help them close the door, until the sound of footsteps outside ran away from Mo Xi Lou, then he turned to see Xiang Yunxiu's clothes, "do you hear me? They don't think I'm slow. "

The voice falls ink Xi Lou then goes to a cloud Xiu dress to hold up, he action gentle put her on the big red happy quilt, "if I slow down a little more, that group of people outside should suspect I have a hidden disease."

Here Mo Xi Lou just bent over the lip of cloud Xiu's clothes and fell a kiss. There was a knock on the door again. "Do you think I should drive them all away?"

"It looks like they won't let you go tonight." This way of making a bridal chamber is unique.

"Mo Xi Lou!" This time, it was not Yunluo who knocked on the door, but Zhongli Ningzhi. Zhongli's speech was always direct. "Sufang Master said that as long as I disturbed your good deeds, he would give me 10000 gold coins."

Seeing that the people in the room didn't get angry, Zhong Li continued, "you know that the business of my Ningxue building is not good recently. If I don't make money, I won't make it!"

In the new house, Mo Xi Lou gnashed her teeth and said, "you shouldn't invite Su Zixiang. He has been unkind to you."

Cloud Xiu clothes suddenly think of a long time ago, Mo Xi Lou is very hostile to Su Zixiang, "he may not like me, but he is bored."

"Is it?"

Mo Xi Lou was silent for a while, and then said to Zhong Li Congzhi outside the door, "I'll give you 100000 gold coins. You'll watch Su Zixiang tonight."

"You..." is it necessary to be so rich?

"Good! Master Mo is really a pleasant person. No one will disturb you tonight. If anyone dares to come here, he will not get along with me! " After the clock left the voice of Congzhi, the door was quiet again.

As early as just now, Mo Xi Lou had already untied Yun Xiu's wedding dress. "With the clock away, no one will come."

"Or wait for them all to leave?"

At the thought of someone coming from anywhere and anytime outside, Yun Xiu's clothes were not stable. She pushed Mo Xi Lou away slightly, and showed her resistance to him very obviously.

Who knows Mo Xi Lou but can't help but say in her lip bite, "say good again endure one day, then can only endure one day again."

The sun is warm and the years are long.

[- end -]

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