There is no day and night in the realm of divine change. The sun and stars are always hanging in the sky at the same time. Yunluo was very uncomfortable at first and didn't know when to rest.

After a long time, he couldn't bear it. He was shaking around in front of nalandot with a pair of huge black eyes all day.

"Dor, I'm sleepy."

Nalandot is holding a snack ready to find Yunxiu clothes, was stopped by Yunluo halfway, not angry said, "sleepy go to bed, I have no time to play with you." With that, she bypassed Yunluo and went on.

"Are you going to my sister's? I'll go with you. " Yunluo followed nalandot dejectedly after catching up.

"Aren't you and yun'er also human beings? How can you adapt so well? There are Jinli and aunt Qingyao. They have nothing at all

Nalandot glanced at Yunluo beside him as he walked. Since Yunluo had lost all his good feelings for Yunluo, nalandot looked at him everywhere. It was clear that there was no deep hatred, but it was like eating dynamite.

"Who knows what's the matter with you? Maybe Jinli is younger and lady Qingyao is older! As for me and yun'er, we've been here since we were young. Of course, we've been used to it for a long time

So she means that the stronger she is, the more she can't adapt to the changing situation? Is there such a strange reason?

While speaking, they have arrived outside the palace where yunxiuyi and moxilou live. As soon as nalandot enters, nalanyun calls her.

"The Lord and his wife haven't got up yet! Put the cake here first

"Not yet?"

Yunluo looked back at the bright day outside and tried to say something. It seemed that the sentence "three poles in the sun are still sleeping" was not suitable for here. After all, twelve hours a day in the realm of divine change is a scene of three poles in the sun.

Who knows that he just choked this sentence back, but nalandao said, "Yuner, do you find it? The Lord and his wife have been getting up later and later. "

"How many times have you been warned? Don't worry about the master and his wife! Want to go back to the limitless continent again? "

"I said it casually." Nalandot pursed his lips and muttered, "my wife used to get up very early. Recently she is tired of practicing. I'm not worried about her health, so I'll ask more questions!"

After that, nalandot looked at Yunluo with a shocked face, "can't madam adapt to the changing situation? That's why work and rest become chaotic? "

"What are you talking about? I don't think my wife's work and rest are chaotic. She wakes up at the same time every day for more than a month. " Nalanyun said and looked out of the hall. But these days, he got up later and later. Was nalanyun right?

When nalanyun was thinking about whether to go in and have a look, moxilou appeared behind several people, "Why are you standing here? What's up? "

See Na LAN cloud and Na Lan Duo hesitant to shake head, Mo Xi Lou says again, "have nothing to then go elsewhere! She's still sleeping

Hearing this sentence, Yunluo, who had never spoken, picked his eyebrows. "Brother in law, did you do something to your sister! How come she can eat and sleep, but I can't adapt to the changing situation? "

"Something has been done."

After hearing this, Yunluo's eyes brighten. He just wants to ask that Yunxiu's clothes have come out. Xu Shi just gets up with some fog in her eyes. After a light sweep, several people go straight to the table and sit down. Nalandot immediately goes to put the snacks in front of her.

"Madam, this is what I just made. Try it. I specially put the sauce made of Osmanthus in the middle. You will like it very much."

Yun Xiuyi looked at the dish of cakes. The shape was very beautiful. She could still smell the fragrance of osmanthus. She said "hard work" and picked up one piece. She took a small bite in nalandot's expectation.

After tasting, Yun Xiu clothes said to the point, "delicious."

Then he took a second bite. After hearing this, nalandot immediately showed a smile, "if madam likes, I'll cook it for her every day." See cloud Xiu clothes really eat also sleep, Na Lan Duo before worry suddenly all disappeared.

But... Yun Xiuyi is still chewing the cake in her mouth. She is full of sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, but I don't know why she has a sense of nausea.

Looking at nalandot's happy appearance, she couldn't bear to make her sad, so she forced the nausea down.

It was as if she had to fight against her. As soon as she was pressed down, she could not help but vomit. Nalando's smile on her face immediately froze. She turned her lips wrongly. It was clear that she had tasted it... It was not bad

"Sister Yun, if it's not delicious, don't eat it!"

"It's not your reason." Cloud Xiu dress is tangled reaction how so big, Mo Xi Lou and cloud Luo all surround come over.Cloud Luo worries of ask a way, "elder sister, you can't obviously don't adapt here but have been enduring not to say?"? I said it! I'm the only one who can't get used to it. "

"Sick?" Mo Xi Lou said these three words, her brow has been completely twisted to one place, it seems that their little girl has never been sick, is it really like Yunluo said that she is not adapted to the changing situation? Fortunately, he has something to take her away these days.

Cloud Xiu clothes looked up for a while these two people, very calm said, "not sick."

She knows medicine. Even if she didn't know what was going on at first, she should know now, but... She doesn't know how to tell Mo Xi Lou and Yun Luo.

When the atmosphere in the palace was extremely depressed, Xinyue came, "Why are you all here?" Xinyue jumps over and climbs to yunxiuyi's leg to sit down. When she sees the sweet scented osmanthus cake on the table, she happily picks up one.

Nalandot is about to stop Xinyue from telling her that it's not delicious. Xinyue has quickly wiped out a whole piece and reaches for the second one.

After finding nalandot's face shocked and looking at himself, Xinyue carefully takes back her hand and asks.

"What's the matter? Can't you eat it? "

"No, don't you think it's not delicious?" After seeing Xinyue's confused shaking her head, nalandot's expression is even more confused. She looks at Xiang Yunxiu's clothes wrongly. She doesn't know why she doesn't like the cakes she makes.

Cloud Xiu clothes saw an eye, Na Lan Duo said to heart month solemnly, "heart month, you have younger brother and younger sister quickly."


This words, including heart month, everyone is a face of doubt, finally or heart month first reaction, "brother and sister?" Her eyes slowly moved to the belly of Yun Xiu's clothes. It took her a long time to digest the sentence, "mother said..."

"Sister, I'm going to be an uncle again?"

In fact, during this period of time, Yunluo and Qingyao knew the identity of Xinyue, but they habitually regarded her as their first niece, so they added the word "you".

"Sister Yun is because..." nalandot was surprised and happy. "It turns out that the cake I made is not delicious! So... "

She grabbed nalanyun's arm excitedly. "Yuner, do you hear me? Sister Yun, she... Madam, she... Is pregnant with a baby. "

It's a rare time for nalanyun not to feel that nalanyun is making a fuss. She holds nalanyun's hand with a smile, "I know, I know."

All of them were happy. Only one of them had a strange look on his face. He wanted to have a world of two with his little girl first, and then he thought about having a baby. How could he get married so soon

At this moment, Mo Xi Lou began to reflect on himself. After getting married, was he too unrestrained? That's when a little baby comes out and disrupts his plan.

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