It's easy for moxilou to bring Jinli to Gongyi for dyeing ink. In less than half an hour, Jinli stood in front of Gongyi honestly, but moxilou didn't stay for a moment.

"Young master... Are you looking for me?"

"Well." Gongyi ranmo looks at Jinli and ponders for a long time. He is trying to find a breakthrough that can be accepted by Jinli. "Have you practiced well recently?" Then Gongyi dyed ink and motioned Jinli to take up a hexagram in front of him.

Jinli doesn't have the mind to divine now. As soon as she sees Gongyi dyeing ink, she is absent-minded. She has been dawdling for a long time, but she doesn't take the next step.


Seeing her frowning, Gong Yi suddenly realized, "are you afraid of being attacked, so you don't want to do divination?" After that, he sighed, "I know you still believe in the Lord."

Gongyi ran Mo said to Jinli earnestly, "that's right, revealing the secret will be backfired. My legs are really abandoned because of the hexagram more than 3000 years ago, but it's only limited to that kind of hexagram. Can you understand what I mean?"

"I see."

Jinli is out of his mind. Gongyi shakes his head. "If you don't want to, I won't force you. It's all up to you." Then he said, "since you don't want to learn, you don't have to hide from me any more."

"I didn't..."

These three words are very guilty in Jinli. It turns out that the young master saw that she was hiding from him, and... "I didn't want to learn."

With that, Jinli sacrificed his soul power and divined a hexagram before Gongyi dyed his ink face. Because it was just a simple divination, it didn't take too much time and effort, and the result came soon.

After the hexagram came out, Gongyi ran Mo glanced at it. His expression didn't change much. On the contrary, Jinli seemed to have collapsed. How could it? Is she wrong about the hexagram? Just when Jinli wants to find out what went wrong.

Gongyi dyed ink and said to youYou, "it's time for you to go back when you've been in such a long time." He forgot that there was a family in Jinli.

"Do you want me to go?"

"No, I hope not." Gongyi ran Mo pointed to the hexagram, "it's the hexagram that says you will go."

Jinli tries to find a trace of reluctance from Gongyi's ink stained face, but at last he drops his hand in disappointment. He doesn't like her, so why not?

Knowing that Jinli was not abandoned, Gongyi continued, "besides me, it took more than 3000 years for a person with predictive ability to come out. Personally, I don't want you to be abandoned. If there is any disaster in the future, even if it can't be changed, let's prepare in advance."

"I'm not going to waste it." If you don't want me to be abandoned, I will practice well all the time.

Maybe this is the only connection between us after we leave the realm of God change“ Can I see you again in the future? "

When she said this, Jinli's voice was mixed with crying. She could not help but didn't turn away. She wanted to listen to the childe's answer before she became embarrassed.

"Of course I can. I'm half your master anyway."

Master... These two words hurt Jinli's heart again. In the eyes of the young master, she is always a junior, and she will never be regarded as a woman who can like each other.

"I see."

At the moment before the tears burst, Jinli quickly turned around and said, "during this period of time, the young master has taught me a lot. Even if I leave the land of divine change, I will never forget the young master. I hope I will have a chance to meet him in the future."

With these words, Jinli ran out, leaving Gongyi with a blank face. But she left the state of divine change for some time. Why did the little girl look like she was dying?

Jinli ran for a long time. She looked back and confirmed that the young master would not see her. Then she squatted down and began to cry.

Just as she was out of breath, nalandot's voice came over her head, "Jinli?" Nalandot first gave a puzzled cry.

Then he asked nervously, "what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? "

Hearing nalandot's voice, Jinli immediately wiped the tears on her face with her sleeve. She lowered her head and waved her hand, "I'm ok. I'm ok. Don't worry about me."

"The voice cried dumb, how to still have nothing to do?"

Nalandot squatted down and held Jinli's shoulder, "what happened? Tell me about it. I still want to come to you after I'm busy, but I see you crying like this. Please tell me and we'll solve it together. "

"It can't be solved.""Tell me first!" Nalandot coaxed Jinli patiently, "how can you know it can't be solved if you don't say it?"

Although knowing that nalandot can't be solved, Jinli is eager to find someone to talk to, "I just divined a divination for myself. I'm going to leave the realm of divine change soon. I'm going to leave you."

"Out of the realm of divine change?"

For a moment, nalandot didn't understand Jinli's words. After a while, he asked, "what does it mean to leave the state of God change?"

"I'm going back to the infinite."

"Leave the realm of divine change and return to the infinite continent?" Nalandot asked again. After seeing Jinli nodding her head, she patted her on the shoulder helplessly, "what else should I do! Yun'er and I often leave the realm of divine change to return to the limitless continent! "


Jinli looked at nalandot with red eyes, "you and yun'er are the masters of the realm. It's right to come to God to change the realm. I'm not who. How can I say that? What will I do next time? "

"No conscience." Nalandot points Jinli's head with his index finger. "We have taught you for so long. Why are you not who? Besides, we are still good friends! Besides, you are familiar with the Lord and his wife. Of course, you can say that you will come soon. "

After a huge tear rolled down in Jinli's eyes, she wiped it carelessly, "really? Can I still come here? "

"Of course!"

When Jinli's mood finally settled down, nalandot was finally relieved, "you talk about you, such a little thing can cry like this, if you really divine some bad hexagrams in the future, what should you do?"

"I don't cry because of this..."

Jinli is so embarrassed that she doesn't dare to see nalandou. If Duoer knows that she wants Gongyi, she will be skinned.

"Not because of it?"

"Well, well, don't talk about me." Afraid of what he accidentally said, Jinli quickly changed the topic, "in fact, I went to see you before, but I saw you and Yunluo..." Jinli red eyes and laughed, "I didn't mean to disturb you."

When nalandot heard Jinli's words, he immediately blushed, "why don't you call me! Yunluo... Oh, I don't know how to... "

"Don't be nervous! It's not a bad thing. "

Jinli grabs nalandot's hand. "How nice it is for people who are in love to be together. Others can't envy it."

"There's nothing to envy. You don't know how annoying Yunluo is. He always teases me and teases me, but... I don't know what's going on. I just like him. I think I've been planted in his hands all my life."

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