Looking at nalandot's happy smile, Jinli whispered, "envy..." and then added a sentence in his heart, especially envy! After admiring her, she said with emotion that now she has only the share of admiration.

Nalandot didn't notice the abnormality of Jinli. She thought that she wanted to meet her sweetheart soon, so she comforted her.

"Don't envy me. When fate comes, you will have it. At that time, you must firmly grasp it. It's better for me to talk with Yunluo watch first!"


Jinli looked at nalandot's big round eyes and said, "it was you who told yunluobiao first? Oh, my God

A large part of the reason why she and nalandot are the same at first sight is that their personalities are very similar. Although they are careless on the surface, they are actually very timid.

It's hard for Jinli to imagine that nalandot, who always quarrels with Yunluo, would take the initiative to show his heart to him, "I suddenly feel that I don't know you, but it's amazing. I admire you very much. I wish I had half your courage.

"Oh! It was an extraordinary time. "

Nalandot still feels very scared when he thinks about it. If xiaoyaozi is not dead, if junjinyao is not here, she and Yunluo are likely to be unable to leave Tianji Pavilion safely. Even she doesn't know why she was not afraid of death at that time.

"It's good to say so."

Nalandou took Jinli and walked forward, saying, "although if Yunluo didn't like me, I would be ashamed to find a hole to go in, but the moment I said it, I felt that the big stone on my chest was suddenly gone."

"If he really doesn't like you, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to meet again?" After asking this question, waiting for nalandot to answer, Jin Li was inexplicably nervous.

"It should be embarrassing!"

Nalandot thought a little for a while. "It's going to be awkward at first, but it won't be easy without saying it! No matter how to weigh, I should still choose to say it! I don't want to regret it in retrospect. "

"Don't want to regret it?"

"Well, it's a chance for myself."

Talking here, Jinli's inner world has changed a lot, and she doesn't want to regret it. Before, she was afraid that the young master would ignore her and never see her again when he knew what he wanted, but now

Anyway, she is going to leave the state of divine change. Whether she will come back or not, and whether she can see the young master again are all unknown.

If so, is it possible for her to summon up the courage to show her mind like dor? Even give yourself a chance, don't let yourself regret in the future.

"Dor, I've decided!"

Jinli suddenly stopped, a look of death, straight see nalandou face doubt, "decide what?"

"You'll soon know." Before taking advantage of this little courage to disappear and change his mind again, Jinli can't wait to run to Gongyi ranmo, "duo'er, I have something to do. I'll explain it to you slowly when I have a chance."

"Ah..." what else did nalandot want to say? Jinli ran out quickly, and soon disappeared in front of her eyes.


"Young master, I have something to tell you."

As soon as Jinli enters Gongyi's palace where she lives, she looks for him everywhere. Finally, she sees him by the pool at the back of the palace. Without waiting for Gongyi to speak, Jinli says something like this. She wants to break her own way and force herself.

Because of running too fast, Jinli's face turned red, and her eyes were crying red before. Now she was standing in front of Gongyi dye ink, and she looked rather pitiful.

Gongyi was puzzled in his heart. How did the little girl become like this after a while? He didn't ask in detail. He just nodded and said a few words, "you say, I listen."

"I... I..."

After seeing Gongyi dye ink, the courage that she finally accumulated disintegrated bit by bit. Jinli held on to her clothes with chagrin. "I... I want to say... I..." before she said a few words, she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.

"Don't worry, speak slowly."


After waiting for a long time, Jinli still can't say a complete word, Gongyi is also very patient, and wants to say something to eliminate her tension, "is it because of leaving the state of divine change? Or divination? Whatever it is, I respect your decision. "

"Not..." Jinli from the beginning of avoiding Gongyi's eyes to staring at him, mood also slowly calm down.

She admitted heartily, "I'm really hiding from you these days, but it's not because of the revelation."After saying the beginning, Jinli's mood became more and more stable. "I'm sad now because I don't want to leave the land of divine change. I don't want to leave the childe's side." With the last sentence, Jinli's eyes were red again.

There is something wrong with Jinli's words. Gongyi ranmo didn't understand what she meant for a moment. He didn't hide from him because he didn't want to leave Shenbian, because he didn't want to leave him? What does this little girl want to say?

"You don't have to be afraid to hurt me. Since I have decided to speak, I am ready to be rejected by you." With that, Jinli lowered his head.

He looked pitiful and humble as if waiting for a sentence.

The more she listened, the more confused Gong Yi Ran Mo became. He even doubted whether he had been in the state of divine change for a long time, and some of them could not keep up with the thinking of these children.

"Why should I hurt you? Why refuse you? " Gongyi thought about what Jinli had just said and continued to ask, "since it's not because of revealing the secrets or divination, why do you want to avoid me?"


Jinli looked up at Gongyi and said, "because I like you."

"Like me?" Gongyi was slightly stunned and then laughed, "don't you like it? Do you still hate me? What's the matter with you little girl? "

"I'm not making a fuss. I'm not a little girl. What I say is that women like men, and I want to be with you forever! Do you really don't understand or don't want to hurt me

Hearing this, the smile on Gongyi's face finally faded away. His brow slightly twisted. When did the little girl have this idea for him?

"So you're avoiding me because you like me?"

See Jinli nodded, Gongyi dye ink, this just suddenly realized, finally want to understand why she recently this period of time is always strange, originally is such a reason.


I wanted to say something to relieve her, but Gongyi didn't know how to say it. After a long time, she said, "maybe it's because you've been with me these months that you have a sense of dependence on me, which leads to your wrong judgment."

"It's not like that!"

After hearing this, Jinli was more and more aggrieved. "The young master always treats me as a child. I'm not a few years younger than sister Yun. I'm as old as Yunluo and yunerduoer. Why can't the young master treat me with the same attitude?"

"I'm very clear about my thoughts and my mind. I'm not afraid that the young master will refuse me. I'm ready to be rejected. But you can't deny that I like you! "

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