Looking at the breathless Jinli in front of him, Gongyi dye ink really felt a headache. He said earnestly, "you should also know my identity. After seeing all the flashiness in the world for thousands of years, I have no love in my life."

"I know you don't want to ask, but didn't you tell me that the Lord of the land doesn't want to ask! He can marry sister Yun. Why can't you? "

Gongyi ran Mo didn't expect that Jinli would take moxilou as an example. For a moment, he didn't know how to refute it. After a while, he pointed to his legs and said, "are you sure you want to live with a person with a disability on both legs for a lifetime?"

"If you agree, of course I would like to live with you all my life."

After all the words that had been held in his heart for a long time, Jinli felt comfortable. At the moment, he looked at Gongyi dyeing ink with a sad face.

"Don't make up these excuses, young master. I just want a word. Anyway, I'm going to leave you. If you say you don't want to see me again, then I won't come to change my mind any more, so you don't have to feel burdened. "


Gongyi ranmo didn't expect Jinli to be so stubborn. On the one hand, he didn't want to hurt her, on the other hand, he felt that he couldn't delay her.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "I've never had the idea of spending my life with anyone. Maybe you'll figure it out after you leave the land of divine change for a while. Maybe, as I said at the beginning, you're just used to relying on me. "

Rao shijinli is stupid enough to understand Gongyi's meaning. She thought she would cry bitterly after being rejected by the young master. However, at this moment, she only feels that her eyes are very dry.

"I see."

Jinli wants to say something that doesn't matter. She wants Gongyi ranmo not to care about it. But she can't say anything when she opens her mouth. Finally, she can only turn around and walk forward.

Not far away, she saw a familiar figure in the corner. Not far away, nalandot laughed awkwardly at Jinli, "are you... Are you ok?"

Voice falls, she feels that she asked a nonsense, where does Jinli look like it's ok now!

She quickly ran over to hold her, rummaged and thought about the reason to take Jinli away from the place that made her sad. "Today, Mrs. Qingyao made a lot of snacks. I left you a few pieces. I'll take you to have a taste."

Jinli looks at nalandot. She doesn't agree or refuse. She leads her to go forward. She doesn't even know how to leave the palace.

Nalandot was worried that Jinli would follow her, but she didn't expect to see such a scene. In fact, she should turn around and leave, but her legs seemed to be nailed to the ground.

In the end, she chose to stay. She was afraid that Jinli would not be able to bear the blow and what happened.


When she got to nalandot, she first took Jinli and sat down. Then she hurried to get the snacks. Then she didn't know what to say.

"Did you hear that?" The brocade in bitter astringent smile, "pour to save me to explain with you again."

"It turns out that you were crying because..." nalandot sighed. He didn't know how to comfort Jinli. Then he suddenly realized the truth.

"You don't go to talk to the young master because I told you to give yourself a chance and don't let yourself regret it..."

Speaking of this, nalandot suddenly covered his mouth. It turned out that she was the culprit! Why did she say that to Jinli? Now, Jinli is so sad.

"It's none of your business. He just... He just doesn't like me... "

Jin Li finished saying this sentence and finally cried out. She lay on the table in front of her and buried her face tightly in her arms. She was shaking all over.

She doesn't blame anyone, nor nalandot, nor Gongyi. They don't make any mistakes. It's all her own fault.

Jinli cried for a long time. Nalandot sat quietly on one side, followed her back with his hand, and sighed as if he had been lovelorn.

When Jinli is tired and has no strength to cry, she stops. She lies on the table and doesn't move. Nalandot thinks that she may be too tired to fall asleep. As soon as she takes a piece of clothes and puts it on for her, she hears Jinli say in a very light voice.

"I'm ok... It's OK. I didn't want to leave the changing world. Now I don't seem to have any reason to stay here."

"Young master, he..." nalandot wants to tell Jinli that Gongyi ranmo is gentle, but it's not easy to get in touch with him. In the past, it was even more difficult for her and yun'er to see him than the master of the realm.

How can such a bad elder easily accept a little girl's love?But on second thought, the young master is really different from Jinli, but it should be just because Jinli has the same predictive ability as the young master!

"In fact, if you think from another angle, you won't be sad. You see, even if the young master refuses you, he won't accept other women! In this way, you are the only woman who is closest to you! You are the most special to me

Nalandot doesn't know what she's talking about. She just wants Jinli to be a little happier now. Don't go too far.

Who knows Jinli listened to her words and suddenly raised his head, "you just said that I am the most special to you?"

Without waiting for nalandot to answer, Jinli digested this sentence. Yes, the young master said that he would not be indifferent to love until he saw all the flashiness of the world.

That is to say, even if you don't accept her, you won't accept other women.

That means that she can still stay with you. In fact, Jinli cried so sad not only because she was rejected by Gongyi ranmo.

It's because she's going to leave you. She'll never see you again. At the thought of this, she couldn't help feeling sad, and even regretted why she wanted to express her mind. She was struggling and contradictory in her heart, and could only vent her anger by crying.

Just now, she suddenly figured out that even if she didn't stay with him as a companion, she would never want to leave him. She wanted to stay.

But... She has already said that to the young master. Would it make the young master hate her to stay?

"I mean..."

Nalandot was stunned when she saw the light in Jinli's eyes. She vaguely guessed what Jinli was thinking. She was so flustered that she tied her tongue. "I mean he won't like anyone!"

If you can fall in love with any woman, how can you be lonely for thousands of years? In narandot's cognition, the master and the master are the same kind of people.

As for the master falling in love with sister Yun and marrying sister Yun... How many women like sister Yun can exist in this world!

Nalandot doesn't want to attack Jinli, but he's afraid that she's addicted to it. Long pain is better than short pain! She was just about to wake her up.

Then listen to Jinli say, "I know, I don't expect him to like me, I just want to stay with him."

Jinli said with a sigh, "but now I have to leave the realm of divine change for a period of time. When the young master forgets it, we will come back. Then we will treat it as if nothing has happened."


Seeing that nalandot wanted to dissuade himself, Jinli took her hand and laughed, "I'm measured! I want to be very clear. I've been alone for so long. Now I've got another one around me. I'll let him spend some time. I can't bear to let him become a person again. "

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