Since yunxiuyi got pregnant, Qingyao tried to make all kinds of delicious food for her. But yunxiuyi always ate less, so these delicious food went into Xinyue's stomach.

In the past few months, Yunxiu clothes not only did not gain weight, but also reduced it more and more. On the contrary, she fattened Xinyue for a whole circle.

On this day, Xinyue was wolfing down Qingyao's newly made Hibiscus candy cake. He listened to Yunxiu's clothes and said, "I'll send you back to the demon world!"


Xinyue has no time to swallow the sugar cake in her mouth, and she is eager to open her mouth, choking and coughing. Cloud Xiu clothing stretched out her hand and patted her back, continued to say, "the way to restore your demon power has not been found, maybe you should go to the demon world to have a look."

"That's what it means As if relieved, Xinyue patted her chest several times, "I thought you had a baby to drive me away!"

Maybe it's because she has been called the mother of yunxiuyi all this time. Xinyue really regards her as her most important person in her heart. To be fair, she doesn't want to leave yunxiuyi, but it's really not a long-term plan.

"The choice is up to you."

Cloud Xiu clothing touched his stomach, "while I am now convenient, I and Mo Xi Lou can accompany you to the demon world, and then I am heavy, the child was born, there will be many obstacles."

And these days, she obviously felt the power of the emperor in her body, which seemed to merge with her body bit by bit.

She was a little worried. She was afraid that as soon as the child was born, the gods and immortals in the fairyland would come back to her. At that time, she didn't know what was going on.

Xin Yue tilted her head and thought for a while, which is really such a truth, "if you and Mo Xi Lou are not afraid of trouble, send me back to the demon world! I haven't been back for a long time

Mentioning the demon world, Xinyue is filled with strong guilt. She, the king of ten thousand demons, has been away from the demon world for so many years. I don't know whether her identity is recognized by the demon world. No one can recognize her now!

"Back to the demon world?"

As soon as nalandot and Yunluo came in, they heard Xinyue's words. Nalandot walked a few steps to Xinyue's side, shocked and said, "you have to leave the realm of God change, too!"

In the past, she and yun'er were the only people in the realm of divine change except the master and the son. At that time, she didn't feel lonely, but now she is afraid that the realm of divine change will become as lonely as before.

Jinli has already left the realm of divine change. If Xinyue leaves again... Nalandou just thinks about it and feels his nose is sour.

"Don't cry! It's not life and death. "

Heart month nervous looking at nalandot, "I'm the king of ten thousand demons, how should also go back to see how the demon world is! Otherwise, how irresponsible

"Will you come back then?"

"Of course!" The heart month will be full of sugar cake dregs of small meat hand cover cloud Xiu clothes belly, "I also want to see my brother and sister look like! How can we not come back? Moreover, this time back to the demon world, there is a very important thing to do. "

Speaking of this, the smile on Xinyue's face suddenly coagulated, and it took a long time for you to say, "I don't know whether the little broken bird is dead or alive now. I want the little demons in the demon world to look for it."


At the beginning, Yunxiu first protected the fox, Guanguan and nalandot in the magic way. Later, the fox sent Guanguan and nalandot out. Because of this, nalandot left the magic way undamaged.

In principle, irrigation should not be injured, but in the past few years, there has been no news, and it has not come to them.

Nalandot sighed long, "then you must let the little demons in the demon world look for it well."


Yunxiuyi has always been an activist. As soon as Xinyue agrees, she comes to moxilou to discuss the matter of going to the demon world. At first, moxilou mentioned it to her, so as soon as she opens her mouth, moxilou understands everything and immediately sets out to set the departure date and route.

The day before leaving the realm of divine change, Mo Xilou went to find Gong Yi to dye mo.

In the past, he could say he would leave. Now that Qingyao and Yunluo are here, he has to explain Gongyi a little more and ask Gongyi to transfer back the Xiantong and xiane who were sent away before.

Nalanyun and nalandot are still young, and Qingyao has always been in poor health. When the baby is born, he is worried that everyone will be in a hurry. So now he will deploy more people to come back and arrange everything in advance.

Looking at Mo Xi Lou like this, Gong Yi Ran Mo couldn't help laughing, "it's like being a father, like that.""I see that you are too busy to find something for you."

Mo Xi Lou did not point to a word immediately let Gongyi dye Mo slightly frown, "how idle? Hasn't that been the case all these years? "

"That's before. Your little tail was noisy behind you for a long time. I'm not used to leaving suddenly." Speaking of this, Mo Xi Lou can't help but say a few more words, "when you come, you'll settle down. Sometimes you'd rather let it go than resist it too much."

Gongyi ranmo and moxilou have known each other for a long time. I'm afraid they can't even remember what they said. Many times, even if they don't understand what they said, they can immediately understand each other's meaning.

"It's not resistance."

Gongyi dye ink eyes out, I don't know what to think, "I just chose a good way for everyone." He said, putting his hands on his legs, "what's a disabled person like? She'll meet better people in the future. "

"You don't resist her, but you resist yourself."

After Mo Xi Lou finished this sentence, Gongyi ran Mo didn't respond for a long time. Seeing that he didn't want to speak any more, Mo Xi Lou sighed slightly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to persuade him, "when you can accept yourself, you can accept her. Try to accept it


At the same time, Jinli, who lives in the limitless continent, counts her fingers every day. She plans to wait for sister Yun to give birth to a baby before she goes to the land of divine change. At that time, you should almost forget what she told him!

But at the thought that there are still several months left for sister Yun to give birth to a baby, Jinli is so upset that he can't stop scratching his hair and wants to scratch himself bald.

"How did your hair offend you?"

Gu Nanxu is about to leave Fuli palace to go to the God of water and moon. He sees Jinli walking up and down the corridor with her hair in her hand.

Hearing the sound, Jinli immediately stopped ravaging her hair. She turned around with a guilty heart, "brother Nanchu, you want to go out!"

"Yes! Would you like to go with me? Let's relax. " The girl seems to be out of her wits when she comes back from the state of divine change. I don't know what stimulation she has received in the state of divine change before she becomes like this.

"No, no, No

As soon as she heard that Gu Nanchu wanted to take her out, Jinli kept waving her hand to refuse. Her careful thinking must not escape Gu Nanchu's eyes. What if he knew that she liked Gongyi and didn't let her go to the magical state?

She can't risk it!

So Jinli resolutely refused, "I won't make trouble for Nanxu brother. Nanxu brother should go to check the stability of nighttime bead! This is a matter of infinite importance. "

Just go to have a look, not to mention anything big, but look at the little girl's attitude, make it clear that she doesn't want to go with him, Gu Nanchu didn't ask, "if you have anything, just go to Tianshu and Yaoguang, don't hold it in your heart."

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