When Gu Nanchu arrived at the God of water and moon, there was already a man there. He stopped and stood in the same place. After looking at the man's back for a while, he walked slowly with flowers on the ground.

Tuonan Gong Chen's blessing, was already a ruins of the God of water and moon, now a land of strange flowers and plants, Sha is good-looking.

"Here we are."

For the arrival of Gu Nanxu, nangongchen is not surprised, extremely natural greetings will no longer speak, and Gu Nanxu has long been used to nangongchen appear here. To be exact, he hasn't left since yeshizhu was here.

Gu Nan Xu went to Nangong Chen, followed his line of sight, looked at the night bead with a slight light in the middle of the pool, and said casually, "my little cousin just came back from the land of divine change."

Hear a few words of the realm of God change, Gu Nan Xu obviously feels the Nangong Chen's body slightly stiff on one side.

In the invitation list of yunxiuyi and moxilou getting married, only nangongchen didn't attend, and even didn't send a word of blessing.

Others may not understand him, but Gu Nanchu, who is not familiar with him, knows his mind. He doesn't want to see Yun Xiuyi marry Mo Xilou, or he doesn't want to see Yun Xiuyi at all.

"She said Xiuyi was pregnant."

The realm of divine change has never been in touch with the outside world. If it was not for Jinli's return to the limitless continent, Gu Nanchu would not have known the recent situation of Yunxiu clothes.

"She's pregnant?" Nangong Chen murmured a word, can't hear too big mood ups and downs, his line of sight has never left the pool of night beads, after a long time said, "since has become a relative, pregnancy is also a matter of course."


"The first time we met was in the catastrophe more than 3000 years ago." Gu Nan Xu is just ready to open his mouth, and then Nangong Chen takes the lead.

His topic suddenly jumped from cloud Xiuyi to pear drop, "she was originally the pear drop fairy beside the emperor. After the emperor sealed the three realms of immortal, human and hell with the spirit, she was also seriously injured."

At this moment, Nangong Chen has completely regarded Gu Nanxu as the object of his talk, and his tone is so calm that he seems to be telling other people's stories.

"I took her back to the magic palace, and it took a lot of effort to save her, because she couldn't go back to the fairyland. After that, she stayed in the magic palace."

"At that time, I didn't treat her mercilessly, and I didn't pay too much attention to her. I even knew that my sister bullied her, but I turned a blind eye to her. Later I remembered that I was too unkind and cruel to her."

"In order to repay my life-saving kindness, Li Luo has always kept herself by my side as a maid, because she didn't care, so I went with her."

Xu is at that time get along with the picture all appeared in the brain, Nangong Chen's eyes slightly empty, "later, I used to have her around, where will always take her in the side, but just stop here."

"In the war more than 3000 years ago, although I saved Li Luo's life, her body fell ill, and I didn't know it all the time."

Nangong Chen suddenly stopped, he slowly turned his head to look at Gu Nanxu, look very sad.

"I often think that if I cared a little bit about her at that time, I would have noticed that her health was going from bad to worse, and would not have let her die in front of me like this."

"It's said that we only know how to cherish when we lose it. I didn't expect that such a ridiculous thing would happen to me."

Speaking of this, Nangong Chen turns his eyes back to the night bead, even if it has been so long, the regret in his heart is still not resolved.

Nangong Chen didn't go on talking. The God of water and moon suddenly fell into a long period of silence. He could only hear the "rustle" sound of the wind blowing through the ancient trees from time to time.

Later, Gu Nanxu had heard of it when he was in zhulanglou. Because she can't accept Li Luo's death, Nangong Chen forces a wisp of her soul to deposit in a divine beast, which is killed by Mo Xilou.

Now think carefully, at the beginning Nangong Chen at all costs and Mo Xi Lou decisive battle, should not just because he killed the beast.

Because he hated himself, he was not only blaming Mo Xi Lou, but also blaming himself.

After a long period of silence, Gu Nanxu asked in a low voice, "so many years have passed, do you know what your feelings for Li Luo are?"

Is it love? Or guilt? Or both.

Because of Gu Nan Xu's question, Nangong Chen's face is unpredictable. He can't wait for his answer. Gu Nan Xu said, "you don't have to answer me." In fact, hesitation and uncertainty have already represented the most real thoughts in his heart.

Compared with Nangong Chen, he may be lucky! At least he knows his mind and will not be shaken by anything or anyone."What are you going to do?"

Finish saying own business, South Temple Chen active inquiry asks a way, "know clearly have no chance, you still want to continue to wait?" Even after waiting for this life, I will not wait for the person I want to wait for, even if there is no hope.

"Not waiting."

Gu Nanchu doesn't feel that he is waiting for anyone. He just gives his heart to someone and can't take it back. Without his heart, he can't fall in love with another person. "Originally, I didn't intend to put anyone in my heart. She was an accident."

It's a wonderful accident.

He thought it was hard for him to fall in love with someone, until this accident broke his understanding of himself. Even if he couldn't have her, he would be happy just to like someone.

"She's doing well now." Gu Nan Xu suddenly laughed, "what I hope is that she has a good life."

If this words say from other people, nangongchen may feel a bit hypocritical, but at the moment hear Gu Nanxu say so, he also followed to laugh.

"I didn't expect that there are people like you in this world."

The two people look at each other and smile, the ancient trees and flowers everywhere, the pool and the night beads, the sun and the two men with refined appearance, everything is very beautiful.


Gu Nan Xu just returned to Fuli palace, he heard Tianshu say a guest came to find Jinli, a man in a wheelchair.

Tianshu also said that Jinli didn't want to see the man at first. As a result, before he could convey her meaning to the man, she ran out by herself, which was really confusing.

When it comes to the wheelchair man Gu Nan Xu Li, even though he thinks of Gongyi dye ink, he just doesn't understand why he would come to Wuji land to find Jinli in person.

Does it have something to do with Jinli's sudden departure from the realm of divine change? Has it to do with her obsession?

If you think about it more carefully, Gu Nanxu will be able to figure out the reason, but because the other party is Gongyi dye ink, he did not study deeply, and did not intend to ask.

Just tell Tianshu to prepare the guest's residence and then go to deal with other things. As for Gongyi ranmo, he will take the initiative to come to him after dealing with Jinli. At that time, he will know the purpose of his visit to Wuji continent.

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