After entering the demon world, Xinyue's mood obviously becomes a little anxious. On the one hand, she has not returned to the demon world for a long time. On the other hand, she is worried that the demons in the demon world will not accept becoming the king of ten thousand demons.

The more she walked forward, the more she felt resistant. In the end, she was lying on the shoulder of Mo Xi Lou.

Because of pregnancy, Xinyue hasn't let yunxiuyi hold her for a long time. However, at this moment, she wants to be willful, so she turns her head and looks at yunxiuyi pitifully.

Cloud Xiu clothes see through her mind, take the initiative from Mo Xi floor to her arms, without saying a word to hold her to continue to go forward.

As if the embrace of cloud Xiu clothes has a sense of security, Xinyue's inner anxiety eases a lot. She tired of crooked circle cloud Xiu dress neck hang on her body, "mother..."

"Well, I am."

Just a few words can make Xinyue calm down completely. How can she be afraid to see her demons?

The headquarters of the demon world is on Yiwang mountain. When moxilou arrives with Yunxiu's clothes and Xinyue, it seems that there is no living creature in the mountain, which makes Xinyue's heart panic again.

Is it difficult that she hasn't been in charge of the demon world for a long time, leading to all her demon people... Xinyue doesn't even dare to imagine

At this time, not far away came several voices, one of which was vaguely familiar, which made Xinyue feel confused.

"I have a very close relationship with the king of ten thousand demons. Why don't you believe it?"

"I'm still a relative of the demon king! Do you believe it? "

"Come on, come on, stop it."

"I didn't make a scene. It's about the demon king. I'm tired of hearing that. I don't know when our demon king will come back."

Hear here cloud Xiu clothes bosom of heart month more not calm, she pulled cloud Xiu clothes clothes, "mother, did you hear? Irrigation, they just mentioned the name of irrigation. " Heart month said, then turned the body to the front of the tree.

After seeing a bird like a dove and a dove, he exclaimed excitedly, "little broken bird, I know you are not dead."

Suddenly I heard other voices. The birds chatting in the tree flew away in a panic, leaving only the dove like bird standing on the branch.

His eyes first fell on Xinyue's face, then on moxilou's face, and finally on xiangyunxiu's clothes.

"I'm dreaming

Irrigation said to himself, for a long time there was no action, after a long time, it just mechanically shook its feathers.

However, before it had any further action, all the birds that had gone before came back, and they complained to each other, "how can you just run for your own life and forget to irrigate?"

"Irrigation, are you ok?" The birds saw Guanguan standing there motionless, so nervous that they kept hopping beside him.

"I'm not scared to be silly!"

Then they crowded to the side of the irrigation, arched its body and slowly moved toward the trunk. Seeing that it was about to sink into the branches and leaves, the irrigation suddenly struggled for a while, and the birds were unprepared. They watched the irrigation fall, "plop" and fell under the tree.

Not far away, the three men in yunxiuyi noticed that irrigation was missing a wing, and the body on one side was bare, and there was nothing.

Xinyue breaks away from the embrace of Kaiyun Xiuyi and runs towards douguan quickly. In the process of running, Xiaowa's body gradually turns into a fiery red fox.

"Little bird, where are your wings?" Heart month heart is very uncomfortable, but pretending to be easy to tease way, "is it difficult to be roasted to eat?"? Who is so kind! I baked only one wing. "

"You bully me as soon as you come back."

Irrigation wronged Ba Ba got up from the ground, "I think every day when I can see you, you can't say something nice!"

"I haven't been able to do that for such a long time! How dare you talk back to me

"I didn't."

It seems that everything has not changed at all, just as a fox and a bird were laughing and fighting behind Yun Xiu's clothes at that time. However, only they knew that everything had changed in their heart. "You didn't come to us because you lost your wings?"

"Yes! If I can still fly, no matter how far I am, I will go to you "You don't know how hard it is for me to get back to the demon world," he said

Irrigation said then toward the tree waved the only wing, "fortunately met them, I can return to the demon world."The birds in the tree wanted to come down to rescue and irrigate, but when they saw the fox, they stopped their claws one after another. They looked at each other and did not dare to move, just like irrigate just now.

"Come down quickly!"

See its bird friends silly standing there, irrigation again waved wings, at the same time not angry said, "you are not always don't believe that I and the king of ten thousand demons have life friendship! I'll introduce you now. "

Then he shook his feathers a few times, and the bird's head was high. However, before long, the fox patted him with one paw.

Irrigation reflexively with a wing to protect the head, to cloud Xiuyi yelled, "you quickly tube her!"

Fox remembers that when she bullied douguan before, douguan always hugged her head with two wings. Now when she saw this picture again, she felt sad.

"What are you afraid of? I won't hit you. "

The fox's paw did not fall on the head of irrigation, but slowly opened in front of it. At the moment, a small medicine bottle was lying quietly on the fox's meat mat. Irrigation quickly recognized, "this is the beauty pill made of xuanmi!"

"I know you can't forget it."

The fox disapproved and handed the small medicine bottle to the irrigation, "Nah, I've kept it for you for a long time."

"Wow! Give it to me Douguan happily took over the small medicine bottle, because it had only one wing. It could only bite the cork open with its beak, and then take out one and throw it into its mouth.

At the moment when Yangyan Dan melted in his mouth, he kept shaking his feathers happily, "I'm so happy! You don't know, I haven't eaten sugar beans for a long time, even the most common sugar beans. "

"I'll ask my mother to make many sweet beans for you, so that you can't eat them all."

"Yes, yes!..."

Wait... Irrigation suddenly Leng Leng, "what did you just say? Mother It doubts of move vision to cloud Xiu clothes, "why do you want to call cloud Xiu clothes mother?"? Then I'll call Yunxiu mother, too. "


Douguan noticed Yunxiu's stomach at this time. What did it see? What's wrong with it? I haven't seen Yunxiu clothes for several years. I'm so fat! No, no, she has a baby? Irrigation and slowly moved the line of sight to stand on the side of cloud Xiuyi Mo Xi Lou.

Great! The progress of their relationship in those years made him and fox distressed for a long time. Unexpectedly, they even had children when they met again.

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