The fox finally couldn't hold back a paw and patted the bird's head. "You used to kiss me when my mother kisses me, but now I call you mother. You have to follow me. Do you want to have trouble with me?"


"Because of this, I feel like I'm a family with you," he said innocently

"You..." irrigation of this sentence immediately let the fox speechless, "I call mother because... Forget it, later have a chance to explain to you slowly!"

Douguan didn't care much about the fox's words. He ran to yunxiuyi and said, "yunxiuyi, you have a baby! When he was born, he could let me hold him... "When he talked about half of the irrigation, he stopped for a while," I can't hold him either. "

Yun Xiu clothes slightly bent down to hold irrigation, her eyes fell on the bare side of irrigation body, if only injured, she can heal.

It's a pity that it has no wings. "When the time comes, I'll let you jump on him and hold him."

"Yes, yes! Then I'll... "

Irrigation suddenly became a little embarrassed, "then I... Can also call you mother!" Without waiting for Yun Xiuyi to reply, he said, "before, we agreed that we would never separate. If you became my mother, would we not separate?"


Hear cloud Xiu clothes very simply agreed to irrigate, unimaginable hope to her, "you also too good to talk now!"

"Stupid." The fox scolded Guanguan and deliberately didn't look at the broken wing. How painful the little broken bird should have been at that time! And as a bird without wings, how does it live these years!

Also it heart big unexpectedly still before that pair of silly appearance, seem to still don't care.

"Well? Why can't I feel it on you... "The word" demon power "didn't come out. My intuition told him that something was wrong with the fox.

If before, fox heard this sentence may be sad, but after such a long time, she did not care.

So he said frankly, "can't you feel the Demon power? At that time, the wound in the magic way was too heavy, and the Demon power was gone for no reason, but if it was gone, it would be gone! Fortunately, I protected you and nalandot. "

"So it is!"

Irrigation thought, fortunately it did not say why its wings will disappear, otherwise the fox and cloud Xiuyi should be sad.

At that time, after the fox escorted him and nalandot out of the magic way, he was worried that the fox and yunxiuyi went back to look for them. The wings were cut off at that time. He fainted in pain at that time, and now he always has the illusion of pain!

"That you return to demon world this time is..."

"Originally, I was cultivating the Demon power in the demon world. If I want to restore nature, I still want to return to the demon world."

"Oh, I see. I have long expected that you will definitely return to the demon world one day, so I have been waiting for you in Yiwang mountain, and finally let me wait for you. "

Guanguan tilted his head and thought for a while, then yelled at his bird friends in the tree.

"Come on, tell us that our king of ten thousand demons is back! Let's welcome you. " Then he looked at the fox and said, "everyone is waiting for you to come back."

"Don't... Greet..." she hasn't gone yet! The fox was about to stop the birds, but they had already gone a long way.

"How can we not meet! You are the king of ten thousand demons. " Douguan thinks that he knows fox well. She is arrogant and invincible. When she comes back to the demon world, she would like all the demon people to meet her. But now she is shrinking.

She must have lost her inferiority because of her Demon power. How can the king of ten thousand demons feel inferior! It's trying to give her the best.

Not long after the friends of irrigation birds flew out, there was a large group of birds circling on Yiwang mountain one after another. The scene of hundreds of birds singing was very spectacular. After a while, the ground began to shake.

"It's coming, it's coming."

Douguan excitedly looked into the distance and said to the fox, "the demon king is still very famous."

At this moment, fox is more excited than irrigation, vaguely nervous. She is very afraid that everyone will be disappointed with her and dislike her when they know that her Demon power is all gone.

With all kinds of feelings, the trees nearby fell down one after another. With the roar, the demon people knelt down in front of the fox. Their devout and respectful eyes seemed to scratch the fox's heart with sharp blades.

"Demon king, you are back at last!"

With a shout, all the demon people opened their mouths one after another, "we knew you would come back. Welcome the demon king back to the demon world.""Welcome the demon king back to the demon world!"

"Welcome the demon king back to the demon world!" One voice after another has been spread far, far away. Fox never felt that the demon world was so important to her. Before, she was too lawless and didn't care for them.

She tried to hold back her tears and said in a voice familiar to the demons, "I am back."

With these words, she turned her head and looked at Yunxiu clothes and irrigation standing behind her. She thought that her strength was only Yunxiu clothes and irrigation. It turned out that the whole demon world was her strength.

After a period of time Fox and irrigation will stay in the demon world, originally cloud Xiuyi also want to live in the demon world for a period of time, but Mo Xi Lou won't let it.

In his words, the atmosphere of the demon world will affect the child's innate character. If you are not careful, you may have a pair of ears or a tail. At that time, Yun Xiuyi will really be Xinyue's sister.

Although he said these words in a joking tone, the fox was taken seriously. She also felt that the evil spirit of the demon world was too strong for raising a baby.

Even if Yun Xiuyi tells her it doesn't matter, she has to force Mo Xilou to bring her back to the realm of divine change.


When yunxiuyi and moxilou return to the realm of divine change, Gongyi dye ink has arranged everything properly. The fairy girls everywhere make the realm of divine change lively.

Days have been so peaceful, to the cloud Xiuyi about to give birth that month.

As if they were going to the battlefield, everyone began to get nervous. Qingyao, Yunluo, nalanyun, nalandou, and even Jinli no longer adhered to Gongyi dye ink. They ran to Yunxiu clothes every day.

Even if these people are nervous, they are always calm. The Lord of the realm is nervous. He almost keeps his feet by the side of Yun Xiu's clothes.

As long as the eyebrow of cloud Xiu dress is slightly wrinkled, he can be so nervous that his heart immediately hangs up. It's painful and funny to see in the eyes of cloud Xiu dress. She comforted Mo Xilou that she knew medicine, and her attainments in medicine were not bad.

Even in childbirth, she has a way to save herself and her children.

I thought Mo Xi Lou would be a little more relieved after hearing her words. As a result, when he heard the word dystocia, he was even more flustered. He not only stood by Yun Xiu's clothes, but also let Gong Yi dye Mo go to the human world to find many experienced midwives.

For a moment, all of us are ready to win this hard battle.

Xu Shi Mo Xi Lou's action was too big. Before the child was born, Fox and irrigation came to the state of spiritual change, and then Zhong Li's Congzhi and Su Zixiang also came.

Finally, even Qingxu God and Ziwei Xingjun lived in the realm of God change, saying that they wanted to protect the emperor.

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