"Hungry or not?"

"Tired or not?"

These are the two most frequent words that Yun Xiuyi has heard since she was pregnant. Although she shakes her head again and again, Qing Yao and others are still happy to ask the same words. Knowing that they were concerned about themselves, Yun Xiu Yi went with them.

But these days

She obviously felt that the atmosphere around her was getting more and more wrong. As soon as she woke up every day, she had many pairs of eyes staring at her every move. This kind of feeling was like being peeped into her life from all directions.

What bothers her most is that the people around her are too nervous, which directly affects her mood. As the delivery is approaching, the baby who has been clever for several months is starting to make a fuss.

Yun Xiuyi just knew that she was pregnant, then she calculated the expected date of delivery, and her physical condition she knew better than anyone else.

No accident, she should be very relaxed, but now she has a question mark about this prediction, but she hasn't mentioned it to anyone.

It seems that I can't wait to come to this world to have a look. It's nearly 20 days before the due date, so my baby plans to meet you in advance. Even if you have been preparing for a long time, you are caught off guard.

On this day, Yun Xiu's clothes just finished his breakfast, and he felt uncomfortable.

At first, it was just uncomfortable, and soon it began to hurt. She got up and walked slowly in the hall, calculating the time and frequency of contractions.

Although yunxiuyi often takes a walk, it's the first time for her to walk back and forth in the hall so seriously. Mo Xilou immediately realizes that something is wrong and guesses something in her heart.

"What's the matter? What's wrong? "

Cloud Xiu dress looked up at him one eye, said lightly, "today should be able to produce."


If Yunxiu clothes didn't take back his sight, he would see our Lord suddenly shake at this moment. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he didn't recover from the news for a long time.

Wait until the mood is a little more stable, Mo Xi floor immediately came over, he carefully hold cloud Xiu clothes, look slightly nervous, "do you want to go to bed?"

Although Yun Xiuyi had told him before that walking more was good for childbirth, looking at her frowning and moving back and forth, Mo Xilou was really worried, "does it hurt? Shall I take you to bed? "

"No pain."

Yun Xiuyi puts her hand in the palm of Mo Xilou's hand, and half leans on him to walk slowly. She seldom shows a little girl's posture with Mo Xilou, which makes their relationship less interesting, but Mo Xilou never complains.

Before, she always thought that Mo Xilou had such a character, but during this period, his nervousness and uneasiness overturned her understanding of him.

Cloud Xiu clothes this just understand, originally he has been cooperating with her!

"It's a little painful, but it's tolerable." She said, holding Mo Xi Lou's hand tightly again, "you go with me for a while, there is still a period of time to leave, and then let them come." Finally, she added, "too many people make a lot of noise."

"Well, you must tell me if it hurts so much."

About more than two hours later, cloud Xiuyi asked Mo Xilou to help her lie down on the bed, and told him that he could let the midwives come.

All the people who got the news ran over in a panic. As soon as she saw Mo Xi Lou, she asked nervously, "isn't it more than half a month? How can we get ahead of time? How is Xiuyi now? "

"The midwives are all in there. They'll be fine."

Mo Xilou's words are not only comforting Qing Yao, but also comforting himself. He then moved his eyes to the palace gate. No one noticed that his fingertips trembled slightly, and even there were some fine beads of sweat between his forehead.

When Jinli pushes Gongyi to dye ink, what he sees is Mo Xi Lou standing there like a stone. Knowing that he is nervous, Gongyi can't bear to make fun of him.

"Those wenpo have rich experience. You can wait to hold the baby!"

Hearing Gongyi's voice of dyeing ink, Mo Xilou suddenly turned her head and asked a irrelevant question, "does it take so long to have a baby?"

Gongyi dye ink slightly a Leng, "I didn't born, you ask me?"

"Yes, yes." One side of the green Yao heard their conversation, some excited said, "I was born Xiuyi full day and night, she this is where! If Xiuyi is with me, I'm afraid I'll have to stay up for a few more hours. "

It was very painful before. How many hours will it last? At the moment, Mo Xi Lou's eyebrows had been completely twisted to one place, and his face was dark.Just as he was about to enter the palace and guard by yunxiuyi's side, a vision suddenly appeared in the sky.

First, countless colorful birds circled above the realm of divine change, and the colorful feathers dyed the clouds with various colors. Then the four spirits appeared in the clouds one after another without the call of cloud clothes.

Qingxu Shangshen and Ziwei Xingjun just came to see this scene. When they were feeling that it was a sign of good luck, they heard the cry of a baby in the temple.

With the sound of crying, the colorful birds in the sky are singing one after another, as if in some kind of solemn ceremony.

"It's the emperor! The emperor is back. "

Qingxu God excitedly held Ziwei Xingjun's hand. "This child was born with the emperor's yuan Shen. It turns out that she is the next emperor!"

Ziwei Xingjun's mood is no calmer than Qingxu Shangshen, "I see and feel it. The emperor has finally come back!"

As soon as the child was taken out, Qingyao and others surrounded him. Wenpo said happily, "Congratulations, it's a gold medal."

When all the people gathered around wenpo to look after the children, Mo Xilou ran into the hall in a hurry.

On the bed, Yun Xiu's clothes and hair were lying there a little disorderly. The sweat on his forehead was not dry, but his face was pretty good, because it took a lot of effort to cover it with two red halos.

"See the baby?"

"I didn't see it."

Mo Xi Lou's reply didn't make Yun Xiu Yi surprised. She stretched out her hand to him, and he grasped it, "I'm ok, but it's a child..."

She thought that the spirit of the emperor was fusing with her body, but unexpectedly, she was fusing with the child in her stomach. No wonder she felt that the child was a little noisy during this period.

"How old is she, do you worry about her? If that's her destiny, let Qingxu take her back to the fairyland and keep her. " Anyway, his little girl doesn't like the excitement, "but your mother's side probably won't agree. Let's just do it!"

Listen to Mo Xi Lou very calm say this sentence, cloud Xiu Yi can't help but ask a sentence, "you don't like her? Or don't you like children? "

"Yes, but I like you better."

A word suddenly let cloud Xiu clothes heart ripple out a circle and a circle of ripples. Sending the child to the fairyland is just a casual joke of Mo Xi Lou, but this sentence "I like you more" can't be true any more.

There are trees in the mountain. The stars last night are just like you. There is only one you in the eyes of spring and autumn and heaven and earth.

[Fan Wai Wan]

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