Another idea came: worry about me?

Cloud Xiu clothes give him a, you think more expression, see he can still joke with her, then guess he should have nothing wrong, that day without saying goodbye, just to busy with other things.

The speed of the two people in the room was also fast. After a while, the Kung Fu was over.

"It's coming."

Yun Xiuyi whispered, which means to let Mo Xilou go quickly. However, the man came closer to her as if he was playing a trick. "Men can't stand this vivid picture of spring fragrance. You can't change your face. Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a woman."

"Do you want to check?"

This sentence Yun Xiuyi said very seriously, but it was not so serious in Mo Xi Lou's ears. It was full of provocation and provocation, and she had the answer in her heart. This person may not be a woman.

Not long after the two men on the bed were finished, the door of the box was kicked open. A woman dressed in fancy clothes burst in crying. When she saw the two naked people on the bed, she sat on the ground in anger.

"I knew you had come out to fool around again. You promised me that you would not come to Ningxue building." The woman cried with a runny nose and tears, sitting on the ground like a shrew pedaling her feet.

It's not hard to see that this should be a trick to catch a traitor in bed.

Can cloud Xiu dress don't understand is, this woman why don't rush past to grasp those two people's hair to beat a meal? What's the use of patronizing and crying here?

This woman is still crying, Luo Yan'er also followed to come in, she and this woman should know each other, immediately to help her.

"Mrs. Li, don't be angry. Maybe Mr. Li has something to hide?"

The woman sobbed and said, "what can he have to hide? This is not the first time he has come to such a place. He can't change his way of eating excrement."

"Maybe someone seduced Mr. Li on purpose?"

Luo Yan'er's insinuation and insinuation finally made the woman's attention turn to the woman on the bed. She got up from the ground and went to the bed and muttered, "how do I think you have some familiar faces?"

This sentence immediately made Luo Yan'er smile on her face, and she soon concealed it, "Mrs. Li, are you wrong?"

The woman on the bed pulled the quilt nervously to cover her face. No matter how Mrs. Li pulled, she didn't let go.

On the contrary, the young master Li on the bed is always with a face. He follows Luo Yan'er all the time, thinking: if Luo Yan'er stands here, who is the woman sleeping with him?

There was a doubt in his heart. Mr. Li didn't have time to get dressed. He also pulled the quilt with his wife to see who he was.

Luo Yan'er hasn't come out of the cabinet after all. He turned his head when Master Li got up and blushed with shame.

After a while, a man and a woman screamed, "how are you?"

Hearing these words, Luo Yan'er's heart finally steadfastly came down, and he didn't care about his shyness just now. He turned his head again and wanted to see the embarrassment of Yun Xiu's clothes at the moment.

As a result, she was scared to step back. How could it be Luo Rou?

She was annoyed at her carelessness and forgot that Luo Rou had been poisoned by her two hearts. Today, her mind was on Yun Xiu's clothes and she forgot to remind her.

But even so, the people here should be Yunxiu. She saw her carried in with her own eyes

Luo Yan'er can't understand it, but Luo Rou on the other side looks desperate. How can it be like this? How could this happen? Why is it her?

At this time, Mr. Li finally opened his mouth, "Yan'er, you said that I had a surprise waiting for me in Ningxue building tonight. How could it be Miss Luo Er? You know I'm in love with you. "

Luo Rou is not stupid. She immediately hears the meaning of Mr. Li's words, "please make it clear to me."

Mr. Li shrinks his neck in fear of Luo Rou's fury. He dares to continue to speak. He and Mrs. Li are also scared into silence.

Luo Rou picked up the whip thrown aside, slapped it on the edge of the bed and said, "what's the matter? Why did I become like this? Did you give me medicine? "

"Miss Luo Er, why should I give you medicine?"

Seeing that Mr. Li was not willing to tell the truth, Luo Rou whipped him with this whip. He only heard a cry, and his back burst into tears.

"I won't say, will I? I'll call you until you say so. "

"I said, I said."

The young master Li can't bear it just for a moment. However, Luo Yan'er didn't dare to let her speak. He immediately stopped him and said, "let's go back and talk about it. There are so many people here."On the surface, she is thinking about Luo Rou, but actually she is worried about her exposure.

But now Luo Rou where also attend to these, "I want him to say now." Voice falls, another whip is whipped on Li young master body, straight ache makes him howl.

"It's Yan'er who took two heart floss from me. I didn't expect to use it on you."

"Go on."

"Then it's like this. I really don't know how you came here. If you know it's you, I dare not eat bear heart and leopard gall!"

Hear here, Luo Rou also roughly clear the cause and effect, angry question Luo Yan'er, "you give me the medicine?"

Luo Yan'er denied with a guilty face, "it's not me."

Listen to these people grind haw for so long also did not get what result, cloud Xiu dress light cough a, try to cause their attention.

When these people succeeded in looking at her, they picked up the black cloth that had blindfolded her eyes before and asked, "where is this? Why am I here?"

In addition to Luo Yan'er, the others all look at Yun Xiu's clothes in confusion. When is there another person in the room?

"Are you here all the time?" Luo Yan'er asked first.

Yun Xiuyi nodded.

Luo Yan'er looks at Luo Rou and Yun Xiu's clothes. He is puzzled, but he can't explain it.

But Luo Rou suddenly realized, "I'll tell you why you took me to see Yunxiu clothes today. You poisoned the wine, didn't you? You didn't tell me when you knew I was poisoned? Luo Yan'er, what's your peace of mind? "

At this moment, no one cares what happened in the end, why the cloud Xiuyi that should be on the bed becomes Luo rou.

All they know is that Luo Yan'er has faked her own sister and colluded with others to tarnish her innocence.

The onlookers outside thought it was just an ordinary case of a female tiger at home, but the more they watched, the more wonderful the story turned.

Miss Luo and her married husband have been having an affair with each other. Unexpectedly, she is still her own sister Luo Yan'er.

And who is Luo Yaner? They are the goddesses in the hearts of the whole people of the East moon empire! How many people's dream lover, the result is just now, the goddess of human collapse.

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