If it was yunxiuyi who had done such a thing, they would scold at most. After all, the image of yunxiuyi in their hearts was not good.

And the last time she was in Ningxue building, they were tired of the toss and turn of fried rice.

But Luo Yan'er is different. How much they admired her before, how much they despised her now.

Originally Luo Yan'er despised them. They could also say that the goddess should have been cold, but now they think it's her posturing. Even her sister has been harmed. What else can't she do?

It's never too big for the onlookers. Before Luo Rou's mood is stable, sarcastic remarks come from outside, "I think it's self inflicted."

"Usually Miss Luo Er is so arrogant that she lashes people with her whip when she has nothing to do. Many people have suffered a lot."

"Yes! That's why the wicked have their mill. "

The last word that came was, "I had a bad temper, but now I'm not even clear. I'm afraid I can't get married in my life! Hateful and pitiful

Luo Rou was already on the verge of collapse. She was stimulated by these people and threw the whip wildly, beating the young master and Mrs. Li unconscious.

Only in this way can not vent her anger and grievances.

Luo Rou suddenly burst into tears. How proud she used to be, how humble she is now. She covered her face and cried as if she was going to exhaust all her strength.

When she was tired of crying, she looked up at the group of people who laughed at her, only to find that they still did not have the slightest sense of guilt. Instead, she stared at her naked body and daydreamed. For the first time, she felt that human nature was so thin and cool.

She took a few deep breaths. Her voice was no longer as sharp as before, full of despair and exhaustion. "Luo Yan'er, I hate you so much."

A word finish saying, bean big teardrop drop by drop again, cry soundless however.

"You are smarter than me, more beautiful than me, more likable than me. You are better than me in everything. You have been loved by everyone since you were born. I envy you, but I never want to hurt you, but you... But you... "

Looking at such Luo Rou, Luo Yan'er is also flustered, "elder sister, it's not like this, you listen to my explanation."

"What's the use of explanation? It's all destroyed. It's all destroyed by you. " Her whole life was completely over, completely over.

She also looks forward to love, she also wants to get married and have children!

Luo Rou closed her eyes in despair.

"Yo, my Ningxue building is not so busy today! What are you doing around here? Look at this one with two eyes

A smiling voice interrupts Luo Rou's sadness, and then a graceful woman comes over with all kinds of manners.

Her voice is soft and clear, very beautiful, just a few words will attract everyone's eyes in the past.

"How can sister Zhong Li be in Ningxue building tonight?"

The woman's face is goose fat, her lips are cherry like, her eyebrows are ink like, and her spirit is autumn water. She is so tender and delicate.

A lotus colored skirt, in this colorful, appears particularly eye-catching fresh run, straight as rain hit Bihe, fog thin isolated mountain, unspeakable ethereal light, that "giggle" laughter, more people add a kind of unspeakable feelings.

This woman is the owner of Ningxue building, named Zhongli Ningzhi.

"Oh, young man, what are you saying? Can't I come to my own place? If you don't come all the time, all the girls in my building will be abducted by you. "

A few words immediately make everyone laugh, the atmosphere is not happy.

While talking and laughing, Zhong Li Congzhi has entered the room and saw Luo Rou frowning slightly on the bed. Then he went to pick up the clothes on the ground and put them on her.

Luo Rou's mood is already irritable. She is even more upset by the laughter of these people outside. She tears off her clothes and throws them on Zhong Li's face.

Zhong Li was not angry either. Instead, he advised, "it's useless for you to let me get angry, but it's cheap for the wolves outside. After watching for a long time, you saved a lot of gold coins."

Luo Rou thinks so, and quickly covers herself with a quilt.

After calming Luo Rou, Zhong Li's Congzhi looks at Luo Yan'er. His eyes are sharp, and Luo Yan'er's eyelids jump suddenly.

"Miss Luo San, it's not the first time you've been picking on my snow tower, is it?"

It happened that she was not there last time, so she didn't investigate. This time, she even dared to make a comeback. When she was such a bully?

Zhong Li's manner is vigorous and resolute. Although she smiles when she meets people, she is extremely ruthless in handling affairs. So far, no one in Dongyue Empire dares to openly fight against her.Not only that, she is also Bai Xiaosheng of Dongyue empire. Here, even Junlin has no secret.

People in high positions care about their reputation, so Zhong Li, who has all kinds of information, is like a person holding their throat.

Luo Yan'er has always been a pure and kind-hearted image, but in fact, no one knows what kind of person she is better than herself, so she is more flustered in front of Zhong Li's Congzhi for fear that she will expose herself.

"Sister Zhong Li, it's us who disturb the business of Ningxue building. I'll take my second sister back now."

People are taking the initiative to go back, and Zhong Li's Congzhi will not stop it, but at last he still reminds Luo Yan'er, "Miss Luo San, I'll send you a message."

"Sister Zhong Li, please say it."

"I'm not a good place in Ningxue building. You've been here again and again. People who don't know think you're here to pick up work! You don't care about your reputation. I smashed the signboard of Ningxue building

Luo Yan'er listened to Zhong Li's words, his face turned red and white, but he couldn't get angry with her, so he had to nod, "what Zhong Li's elder sister said is."

At this point, Luo Yan'er has not forgotten to recover her image of many years of operation. She goes to the bedside and wants to take Luo Rou home with her, but the other party doesn't appreciate her at all.

Over there, Luo's sisters are still confronting each other. Here, Zhong Li walks to Yun Xiuyi and looks at her with great interest.

It took quite a long time to say, "the Luo family are not unjust to the silly girls. With the intelligence of the girls, they have been hiding their grievances. But I still advise you that if you often walk by the river, you can't get wet shoes."

Although the farce of Ning Xue Lou has come to an end, it is still not over.

Yun Xiuyi thought that someone in the Yun family would not agree with her, but she didn't expect that person to be so impatient and even collude with Luo Yan'er.

From Ning Xue Lou back to Yun's house, she didn't rush back to her small yard, but turned around in Yun's garden.

It's just a circle, and we've got a lot of clues.

First, the two little servant girls showed off each other happily. Today, my wife was in a good mood and gave me a lot of good things. Then I met a servant who came back from outside, holding a luxurious coat. He said that his wife was going to inspect the shops tomorrow, and the special person made the clothes

A series of things are telling cloud Xiuyi, Qin Yuman blatantly want to solve her.

Waiting for her to return to the small yard, the scene in front of her was calm as cloud, and Xiuyi was furious. She saw that Qingyao was tied to a pillar, and a servant girl was slapping her hard.

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