Qingyao's face has been swollen to the point where she can't stand it, but Qin Yuman in front of her doesn't want to stop. Instead, he shouts angrily, "let me deliver the meal to you in person. Do you deserve it?"

Seeing that Qingyao was beaten ugly, Qin Yuman was very proud, "you can't expect that little bitch to save you. She's hard to protect herself now."

A word hasn't finished yet, then by the cloud Xiu clothes fan that moves from the courtyard door in an instant falls to the ground.

Just a fan makes Qin Yuman dizzy, and her teeth also drop two. She just wants to get angry, but she looks at Yun Xiu's icy sight and swallows her teeth with blood.

It took a long time to say, "Why are you back?"

"Shouldn't I come back?" Cloud Xiu clothes swept a circle of the presence of these people, scared them all immediately kneel to the ground, have called for mercy.

The cloud Xiu clothes turn a deaf ear to their entreaties, condescending looking at Qin Yuman, "untie my mother."

Hearing this, Qin Yuman immediately yelled to the people kneeling on the ground, "what are you doing! Why don't you put her down? "

Those people just got up in a hurry, and heard the voice of cloud Xiuyi, "did I let them go?"

Qin Yuman grits his teeth in anger, but he has no choice but to get up slowly and reluctantly go to Qingyao to help her untie the rope.

There is no bondage, green Yao body a soft will fall down, was cloud Xiu clothes quick catch.

"Xiuyi, are you back? Did you get hurt? " As soon as Qingyao comes into contact with the temperature of Yunxiu's clothes, she asks her anxiously, regardless of her injury.

When Qin Yuman told her Xiuyi never came back, her heart was cold.

Now her daughter has come back. Although it should be OK to listen to her voice, she is still worried. She touches her face with trembling hands and gropes on her body again. Only when she is sure that she is really unharmed can she feel relieved.

"I'm fine, mother. Take the medicine first."

Cloud Xiu clothes take out a pill to feed green Yao to take next, and will her heart after blocking in the chest congestion forced out, her face just a little better.

"Xiuyi, go and have a look at Yunxi. He's been protecting me just now, but suddenly there's no sound. Look for him there." Green Yao suddenly nervous grasp cloud Xiu clothes hand, "Niang can't see, you help Niang find that child."

Yunxiuyi found Yunxi lying on the ground not far away.

She patted the back of Qingyao's hand to reassure her. Then she gently sat on the ground and went to Yunxi to see his situation.

Qin Yuman is so cruel that he breaks Yunxi's ribs and makes him hurt to shock.

She put her hand on Yunxi's chest and only used the first weight of "floating embers" to wake Yunxi up. When Yunxi wakes up and sees Yunxiu's clothes, he cries.

"Miss, you are back at last! I thought I'd never see you again. It's my fault that I'm useless. I don't have the ability to protect my wife. "

"It's all right."

The understatement reassured Yunxi. He sobbed and wiped his nose and tears with his sleeve. "I'll be fine when Miss comes back." Then she thought of Qingyao and asked anxiously, "where's madam?"

Hearing their conversation, Qingyao in the distance immediately responded, "I'm here. I'm ok."

In the hall of Yun's family, Yun Jinyan sits there with a sad face. In addition, there are several senior elders with high seniority. In front of them, Qin Yuman and others kneel on the ground.

"You! What do you want me to say about you? "

Yun Jinyan is so angry that he shivers all over. In fact, Qin Yuman has complained about Yun Xiuyi with him in private during this period of time. He has also advised her many times to tell her that Yun Xiuyi is not what it used to be. He told her not to provoke her.

Who knows she said on the surface is good, but on the back she tied up Qingyao and beat her.

With the presence of Yun Jinyan and the elders of the Yun family, Qin Yuman's confidence is a little stronger. It seems that with them, Yun Xiuyi can't do anything about her.

She said to Yun Jinyan with an aggrieved face, "I don't dare to do it next time."

Yun Jinyan, of course, could not bear to be cruel to his wife, but now he did not dare to make a decision, so he had to throw the hot potato to the elders, "you first ask a few uncles what they mean."

Qin Yuman received the hint and immediately knelt down and moved to the elders, crying, "I really know I'm wrong, please forgive me."

During this period of time, Yun Xiuyi's contribution to the cloud family was in the eyes of these elders. At the beginning, they were still grateful. But after a long time, they felt that this was what she should do. After all, she was also a member of the cloud family and should have contributed to the cloud family.And a younger generation even let the master's wife kneel, it's not like words.

Gradually, the elders were all ready to move, winking at each other and opening their mouths one by one, "I said Xiuyi! Since the eldest lady is OK, it's better to forget about it! "

"Yes! Your wife knows it's wrong. I don't think it will happen again

"Hum!" Cloud Xiu clothes a cold hum, "if my mother has something to do, she still has life to kneel here now?"

"You --"

Seeing that Yun Xiuyi dared to talk back, one of the elders just wanted to get angry and was patted by the people next to him. Then he calmed down. "We know that you've been working hard for a long time, but Yuman is the wife of the master of the Yun family. How can you just deal with it?"

"You mean to let her go? When nothing happened? "

This person didn't seem to hear the meaning of the words of cloud Xiu clothes, continued to say, "you can think like this is right, a family should be harmonious."

Originally, Yun Xiuyi was still thinking that if these people directly dealt with Qin Yuman, she would not have to do it herself. But now, they are all a group of unfamiliar white eyed wolves.

In an instant, the air of killing rose in the hall. Yun Jinyan was surprised and immediately stopped Qin Yuman and begged, "Xiuyi, second uncle, please, forgive your second aunt this time!"

The next few people didn't know, so they just felt that Yun Xiu's clothes were too shameful and began to talk.

"You are too arrogant. You are just a waste without a palace of life. Your birth has affected the fate of the cloud family. The cloud family has been supporting you for so many years. You don't know how to be grateful. Instead, you will bite the hand that feeds you."

Yun Jinyan tried his best to wink at the man when he heard these words. They didn't see the deeds of Yun Xiuyi with their own eyes, so they were not afraid.

But did he see with his own eyes that Yun Xiuyi killed Luo Heng and pulled him back from the gate of death, as if nothing had happened? Where is such a waste in this world?

However, the man thought that Yun Jinyan meant to let him go on, and continued to talk, "today we are here to give you enough face, Yuman, you must not be able to move."

Voice falls, that person then connect chair to take tea table to fly to go out, mercilessly hit the wall behind.

People around have not yet reflected what happened, cloud Xiuyi has stepped on Qin Yuman, "you also think I can't move you, right?"

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