In the face of sudden changes, Qin Yuman is scared to struggle a few times, but she can't escape at all. At the moment, she doesn't care about her image and starts to scold.

"Little bitch, give you some color, you really take yourself seriously! Look at the people here. Which one looks up to you? But it's just a waste. You want to make waves in the cloud house, or even ride on my head. I think you're tired of it. "

"Yuman, shut up."

Yun Jinyan wants to rush to block Qin Yuman's mouth, but he doesn't dare to get close to Yun Xiuyi.

And Qin Yuman is still not fatally said, "smell your body's powder, and go to the snow building! You're old enough to go to that place every day and hang out with men. "

Since Qin Yuman took the initiative to mention the Ningxue building, he saved Yunxiu clothes from asking, "how can I get to the Ningxue building? Shouldn't you know the best?"

Qin Yuman's eyes twinkled. He thought of Luo Yan'er's promise that he would never betray her. He said, "don't talk nonsense. I don't want to get involved in the dirty place like Ningxue building."

"But Luo Yan'er told me..."

Cloud Xiu clothes deliberately stopped, Qin rain man suddenly urgent, "Luo Yan son with you say what?"

"What are you nervous about?"

Listen to cloud Xiu dress is deliberately frightening her, Qin Yuman and restore calm, "I can nervous what? It's you who have ruined the reputation of the cloud family in three days. It's hard for our cloud family to improve. We can't make any other mistakes because of you. "

"Hard mouth?"

It's doomed to be unreasonable to talk with some people who are not correct in their three outlooks. Although it's not advisable to fight violence with violence, sometimes it's the most direct and effective way.

Without waiting for Qin Yuman to continue his sophistry, yunxiuyi makes a great effort at his feet, only to hear a dull sound of "clatter". Qin Yuman at her feet screams like a pig, and his face is immediately covered with sweat.

She wanted to move her body in horror, only to find that she could not control her body except the pain. "What did you do to me?"

"I just broke my spine. Don't worry, I won't die."

"Ah --"

Qin Yuman screams like crazy. Is her spine broken? Can't she walk all her life? She is not a lifetime can only be paralyzed in bed, "cloud Xiu clothes, I want to kill you."

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

Yun Jinyan, who had been standing on one side, closed his eyes and said to Yun Xiuyi in a very sad tone, "that's enough!"

"Enough? She wants our mother and daughter to die. If my mother and I hurt her today, you should have killed her a thousand times! Yun Jinyan, don't forget how the cloud family came to this day. Since I can make the cloud family prosperous, I can also make the cloud family die. "

Next to the old man also want to denounce a few words, looked at the foot of the cloud Xiuyi Qin Yuman, and looked at the corner of the unconscious man, immediately did not dare to make a sound.

"Not yet? Do you want to experience blindness? "

The tone of cloud Xiu dress doesn't have the slightest sense of joke, Qin Yuman just want to fight to kill, now immediately dispirited down, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't bully your mother while you're away."

"What else?"

Qin Yuman knows that Yun Xiuyi is about Ning Xue Lou, but once she confesses, she has no status in Yun's family. She doesn't want to give up any of them.

Seeing that Qin Yuman didn't know how to repent, Yun Xiuyi walked slowly in front of her, squatted down and looked directly at her, "you don't want to say that."

Qin Yuman thought Yun Xiuyi was going to let her go. As a result, when her eyes hurt, the world suddenly became dark. She screamed again, "master, my eyes, I can't see, I can't see anything."

"Ah Yun Jinyan sighs. What can he do? He is also afraid of death!

Without anyone's help, Qin Yuman finally opened his mouth, "I'm really wrong. Luo Yan'er forced me. She said that if I didn't send you to Ningxue building, she would make it difficult for me. I have to deal with the cloud family. I'm also thinking about the cloud family!"

Qin Yuman's reasons are not convincing at all. It's not a day or two for the Luo family to deal with the Yun family. Besides, Luo Yan'er forces her to see her!

If these elders were afraid of Yunxiu clothes and didn't dare to help before, now they are completely cold.

Usually Qin Yuman is just domineering at home. After all, he teaches some humble people a lesson! It's not enough, but she conspired with the Luo family to murder her own people.They can't understand or forgive this.

And where is the snow tower? Just like what Qin Yuman said just now, she even sent Yunxiu clothes to the place where she felt dirty.

Now that she has come to this end, it can only be said that she is to blame.

When yunxiuyi was going to finish the work, someone rushed to report, "the master, the eldest lady, the emperor sent a message that tomorrow he would hold a banquet in the palace to celebrate the return of the ninth princess. Let the master and the elder sisters be present."

At this time, Junlin held a banquet to celebrate the return of the ninth princess. It's not true to mediate the relationship between the cloud family and the Luo family.

Originally, the cloud family did not have a good climate, so he could safely put the cloud family in the first family position. Now the cloud family is gradually rising, and even the Luo family has suffered twice and again.

If the development is allowed to continue, there will be a bloodbath in Dongyue empire. No country can stand such a toss, and Junlin certainly will not want things to go that far.

"Go back to the people, I and the owner will be on time for the dinner."

At the end of this episode, Yun Xiuyi turns his attention to Qin Yuman again.

She looked at the people on the ground who were already in a daze, and felt that it would be cheaper for her to die like this, rather than let her live in such pain.

"Come on, take the wife to the forbidden area. No one is allowed to see her without my order."

Yun Jinyan's mind at this time is all in tomorrow's Palace Banquet, and he doesn't raise any objection to Qin Yuman's disposal. Naturally, those old men don't dare to say anything.

When Qin Yuman is taken away, Yun Xiuyi sweeps his eyes at those kneeling accomplices, "drag them out, and don't treat them. My pills can be fed to dogs, but they won't be wasted on the white eyed wolf."

With a few words, the accomplices didn't dare to beg for mercy and honestly let others drag them out.

After this event, the cloud family finally see who is the master of the cloud family, admire the cloud Xiuyi at the same time, but also more afraid of her.

When yunxiuyi came back to the yard, Qingyao had already fallen asleep. She was so sleepy that she wanted to go to sleep immediately.

However, before touching the bed, he saw Mo Xi Lou Old God sitting on the bed, with his hat thrown aside. She walked over and didn't worry about the difference between men and women. She fell down and went to sleep.

Mo Xi Lou doesn't care about her, and a trace of spiritual power from her fingertips is swimming on her.

"The fire of Queling has been trying to break through the ban since it was attacked last time. You should always take zhurong's fire with you, just in case."

Cloud Xiu dress "Er" a, even eyelid all didn't lift.

Last time in Jiufeng, yunxiuyi suddenly vomited blood, which was caused by the fire of bird plume.

As Mo Xilou said, the more powerful she is, the more difficult it will be to control the fire. The fire of the bird plume is transformed by Zhuque's divine consciousness. She has her own consciousness. How can she be willing to be imprisoned all the time?

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