The night was as quiet as a pool of water, as if time had stopped. There was a long period of silence in the room until Mo Xi Lou thought Yun Xiu Yi was asleep.

But her faint voice came from her ear, "you saved me because of the fire of bird plume."

This sentence is a statement sentence, not a question sentence. Yun Xiuyi's tone is firm. Today, she still can't see the purpose of Mo Xilou. It's stupid of her.

Without hearing Mo Xi Lou's denial, Yun Xiu Yi asked, "if I am completely killed by the fire of bird plume, I will surely die. What about the fire of bird plume? Will it disappear? "

"I don't know."

"Oh Therefore, in order to ensure that the fire of Queling is safe, Mo Xilou must be concerned about her safety.

Clear what is the deal between them, cloud Xiuyi but down-to-earth some, "rest assured, I said, will live to complete the deal with you."

The next day, Yun Xiuyi and Yun Jinyan enter the palace as promised. When they arrive at the gate of the palace, they meet Su Zixiang, who is also invited.

Su Zixiang didn't treat them differently because of his cooperation with the cloud family. He lifted the car curtain and looked at the cloud Xiuyi contemptuously.

Without waiting for Yun Jinyan to say hello to him, he puts down the curtain heavily. It seems that Su Zixiang is in a bad mood today.

The driver of the carriage should have been instructed by Su Zixiang to speed up and drive towards the palace. As a result, he did not go far and stopped.

When cloud Xiu clothes and cloud Jinyan come near, Su Zixiang lifts the car curtain again, "come up."

Cloud Xiuyi looked at him and did not move further. Cloud Jinyan nearby coughed nervously and reminded her, "Xiuyi, Sufang is calling you!"

"I heard it."

How dare you ignore him? Originally, he was in a bad mood today, and Su Zixiang was even more depressed now. "Yunxiu clothes, you are killing a donkey! After using the building, they turn their faces and refuse to recognize people? "

Cloud Xiu clothes this just up his line of sight again, Su Zi Xiang thought she was aware of his mistake, but didn't expect her to say, "this metaphor is good."

Su Zixiang was stunned at first, and immediately jumped down from the carriage after reaction. "How dare you call the owner a donkey?"

"Sufang master, don't do me wrong. You said it yourself."

In fact, yunxiuyi is not a bridge over the river. Now Junlin has begun to be afraid of Yunjia. If she gets close to suzixiang, sooner or later, she will be on fire.

"You --"

As soon as Su Zixiang was ready to get angry, his voice changed, but he said, "the master of our workshop doesn't care about you, but since the master of our workshop has done you a favor, you must also do me a favor."

Early guess Su Zixiang entangled her abnormal, it is something to ask.

She doesn't have the reason why she doesn't take advantage of the cheap delivery. "Sufang master, although you did help the cloud family, my cloud family also gave back to the square building. It's not a debt to each other."

"Should you repay the favor of the owner?"

"Where is the friendship between us?"

See cloud Xiu soft and hard clothes don't eat, Su Zixiang squint long fox eyes, face cloudy and sunny uncertain, and next to cloud Jinyan nervous peek at him, East moon Empire who don't know Su Zixiang bad temper, a careless even don't know how to die.

He stood stiff and never said a word, for fear of harming his fish.

When the atmosphere became more and more depressed and everyone thought Su Zixiang's anger would explode anytime and anywhere, he even laughed.

"Black hearted girl, don't you just want to get some benefits from our master?"

Su Zixiang is not a simple person who can get to his present position. He also guesses the mind of Yun Xiuyi clearly.

"The owner of our workshop has just got an alchemy furnace, Shennong Ding. It's said that your pharmacist won zhurong kindling a few days ago. Combining the two, you can get three kinds of pills at your fingertips."

Su Zixiang said quite proud looking at cloud Xiu clothes, he does not believe she does not move.

The alchemy stove and fire that Yun Xiuyi used now were bought in the workshop, so Su Zixiang knew that she needed these things.

As Su Zixiang expected, she was really moved.

Up to now, the pills she made are no more than two grades, and they are all pills with ordinary effects. Naturally, she does not doubt her medical skills or her understanding of medicinal materials.

The only problem lies in the alchemy furnace and fire. Because the utensils are too common, the quality of pills is not high.

Although the heart, cloud Xiu clothes on the surface seems not for any lure or move appearance, since Su Zixiang mouth is Shennong Ding, that his bottom line is not just so."A master of Shennong dingsu Fang wanted to buy me off?"

"You --"

Su Zixiang has been determined that she will agree, did not expect her heart is even more black than he imagined, "cloud Xiu clothes, life is best to stay a line."

Unfortunately, there was no such sentence in her dictionary. Yun Xiuyi walked forward without hesitation, "Sufang master, the banquet time is coming, we should go."

See cloud Xiu clothes go so decidedly, Su Zi Xiang a bite teeth called her, "calculate you ruthless."

Although Su Zixiang was a little eccentric, his style of action was decisive, and Yun Xiuyi also made a direct request, "yunmoxuan's medicinal materials will be in the charge of fanglou in the future, and the cost must be less than 30% of the market price."

30%? Did she really think his money was coming from a flood?

"Twenty percent."

This is the limit of Su Zixiang. He is a businessman, and the price below the market has already broken the trade rules, let alone so much lower.

"Second uncle, let's go!"

See cloud Xiu clothes to go, Su Zixiang quickly called her, tone has not been so tough before, "twenty percent has been very low!"

As a result, the other party ignored him. He called many times and didn't turn back. Su Zixiang had to catch up with him.

"Deal! But if you mess it up, you can't get any money, and you have to pay for the mental loss of the owner. " He was very angry with her and suffered a lot in spirit.


After the agreement was reached, the two men immediately became calm and calm. "Don't you ask the owner what to do first?"

"No matter what, I will cooperate with Sufang master."

Of course, yunxiuyi hasn't been able to guess what suzixiang asked her to do. The only thing that can be determined is that suzixiang won't do anything that is not sure. Since he thinks she can do it, she has no problem.

Until Yun Jinyan followed Yun Xiuyi and Su Zixiang into the carriage, he did not recover from the shock just now.

what? Su Zixiang even promised to sell their medicinal materials 30% below the market price? This kind of pie in the sky happened in front of him?

Cloud in a face of fear to steal aimed at cloud Xiu clothes and Su Zixiang, his family this big niece is also too capable of it!

He was dizzy by the pie falling down suddenly. Yun Jinyan forgot that there was a hard fight waiting for him, and he was smiling all the way.

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