Today's Palace Banquet is located in Zhaohe palace. The meaning of Junlin is obvious. I hope that the Yun family and the Luo family will not fight each other.

When Su Zixiang's carriage arrived at Zhaohe palace, it immediately attracted everyone to stop and wait.

In addition to Junlin's holy chariots and those empresses' Phoenix chariots and Luan chariots, even the prince and princess have to walk into the palace. Only the owner of the square, Su Zixiang, has the courage to make such a high profile.

Not only riding the carriage, the carriage is also extremely luxurious. The harness worn by these horses will be enough for them to eat and wear for a lifetime!

After the coachman stopped the carriage, two beautiful maids pushed the door open. One placed a plum blossom stool, and the other spread a layer of plush blanket on the plum blossom stool, which almost scattered some petals.

In anticipation, Su Zixiang got out of the carriage with the help of a maid. Today, he was wearing a purple brocade robe, with all the dark lines outlined by gold wire and jade rings around his waist. It was really nice to hear.

His charming smile made all the eunuchs blush.

Not far away Jun Shaoqin and Luo Yan'er saw this scene. Although they had already seen it, they were indignant. "I don't know why my father invited him."

"Didn't brother Shaoqin hear about it? The emperor intends to match the ninth princess with the master of Su Fang. "

"What?" Jun Shaoqin was shocked, "how can this kind of person who only shows off his beauty and shows off his wealth everywhere deserve my ninth sister? Where did you get the grapevine? "

Xu Shijun Shaoqin has never lost his temper, Luo Yan'er's face shows grievances, "I also overheard what my father said."

Aware of the gaffe, Jun Shaoqin coughs awkwardly twice, then cuddles Luo Yan'er and coaxes him in a soft voice, "I'm dissatisfied with that man, not deliberately murdering you."

"Yaner knows." Say aggrieved drill into Jun Shaoqin bosom.

The two people here were glued to each other, but Su Zixiang didn't leave after he got out of the carriage. Instead, he stretched out his hand to greet someone.

When they realized that there were still people in the carriage, they saw a pair of white and slender hands sticking out of the carriage and falling into Su Zixiang's hand. When they were surprised that Su Zixiang was taking a woman to the Palace Banquet, the beauty of Yun Xiuyi came into sight.

The cool temperament actually brushed away the boredom of their busy day.

Cloud Xiu clothes in the carriage staring at Su Zixiang's hand for a long time, guess what he wants to do, thinking that he will not lose a piece of meat, lead!

Who knows holding a hand is not enough, Su Zixiang deliberately ambiguous to her ear, "smile."

She didn't know how to smile, but she was suddenly ordered to smile. She really forgot what it was to laugh, and it took her a long time to pull out a smile that was uglier than crying.

Su Zixiang next to him was holding a smile, a successful look.

After getting off the carriage, Yun Xiuyi immediately quietly shakes off Su Zixiang's hand, but always stands beside him. Anyone can see that the relationship between the two is not simple.

Jun Shao Qin and Luo Yan'er, of course, also saw Yun Xiu's clothes. They were surprised when she was with Su Zixiang. Then they thought of the cooperative relationship between Fang Lou and Yun's shop.

No wonder Su Zixiang helps the cloud family. It turns out that he has an affair with Yun Xiuyi.

Want to understand this, Luo Yan'er see cloud Xiu clothes eyes more vicious, want to her that flaunting face beat rotten, this waste unexpectedly quietly hook up with Su Zixiang.

Although Su Zixiang is not a member of the imperial family or the four families, he has a lot of money! Follow him for a few lives.

What is the virtue of Yunxiu's clothes? What is her qualification to live a good life?

Last night, Luo Yan'er went back to think about it carefully. He thought that it must be Yun Xiu's clothes. Otherwise, how could Luo Rou be in Ningxue building? And she didn't do anything?

Luo Rou cried all night last night. Her father and the elders of Luo family scolded her for the first time. She didn't sleep well all night. Yun Xiuyi was to blame for all this.


Luo Rou thinks of the ninth Princess again, and the murderous spirit in her eyes gradually turns into schadenfreude. Su Zixiang is the one that the emperor likes. He wants to be his son-in-law. How can yunxiuyi compete with the ninth princess?

Even if Su Zixiang didn't want to leave her, she had to be a concubine. What a humble thing it was to be a concubine in the East moon Empire, it matched the identity of Yun Xiuyi.

Until entering the Showa palace, the eyes on the clothes of Yunxiu and Su Zixiang did not diminish.

In addition to the four families, Su Zixiang is the only one in the palace banquet today. From this, we can see the importance that Jun Lin attached to him and the position of Su Zixiang in Dongyue empire.

Yun Xiuyi originally wanted to follow Yun Jinyan to sit at Yun's home, but Su Zixiang fished her out and threatened her with her eyes: you should cooperate with me.Cloud Xiu dress also don't wriggle, then with Su Zi Xiang went to his exclusive seat.

Their action naturally attracted the attention and attention of the other three families. All of them knew clearly, but none of them was broken.

Only Zuoluo was heartless and said, "Yunxiu clothes, you are too God! Don't you know that this man turns over his face faster than he turns over his book? I dare to be with him. " She expressed her admiration.

Cloud Xiu clothes didn't respond, Su Zixiang is in a good mood to take care of her, "little girl, know this Fang Lord turn over face faster than turn over a book, you still dare to speak freely?"

Zuo Qiumeng, the owner of Zuo's family next to Zuo, immediately apologized to him Then he glared at the left.

"Does the master of our workshop seem unreasonable?"

"That's it." Zuoqiong was indulged by zuoqiumeng and ignored his warning. "Sufang master is in such a good mood today that he won't get angry with one or two words, right! "Sufang master."

Zuo Chuan blinked at Su Zixiang with a smile, and continued to say to Yun Xiuyi, "I heard that you were kidnapped to Ningxue building last night. Are you ok?"


After hearing this, Su Zixiang was even more excited than Yun Xiuyi. "Who is so brave that he dares to touch the owner of this workshop?"

Next to the cloud Xiu clothes slightly can't hear of sigh tone, think this person played, result a look up and then saw Mo Xi Lou, and he also just looked toward them this direction.

Across the veil, cloud Xiu clothes can't see his present expression, but vaguely feel that he seems not in a good mood.

When everyone arrived, Jun Lin took Xiao fengran's hand and came over. He talked and laughed with Xiao fengran as he walked. It can be seen that he really likes her.

I don't know what Xiao fengran said in Junlin's ear, which immediately made him laugh.

At the beginning of the Palace Banquet, Jun Lin raised his glass and drank it as if he had deliberately adjusted the atmosphere. "Today's Palace Banquet is to celebrate Jinyao's return to the palace. It's a family banquet. Don't be restrained in front of me."

As soon as she finished, Jun Jinyao was surrounded by many maids. Today, she is wearing a light green long skirt with light rouge, and a pair of pear swirls appear on her cheeks.

The simple and elegant girl's bun is filled with step shaking, which makes it very lively.

She went to Junlin and Xiao fengran and saluted with dignity and cleverness, "Jinyao, please send her father's and Xiao's mother's greetings." Then he turned around and faced the families, "Jinyao has seen all the family owners."

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