Luo Rui and others all wave their hands to let Jun Jinyao get up quickly, and they still say something like "sacrifice one's life". These four masters are not stupid. They understand what Jun Lin means.

Junjinyao's action shows that Junlin attaches importance to the four families, but also warns them that he can give them all face, but they also need to know who is in charge of the East moon empire.

Zuo Qiumeng and jimochuan didn't care.

Yun Jinyan also holds a wait-and-see attitude.

No matter before or now, the cloud family is the first family of Dongyue empire. Although Luo Rui has tried every means to suppress the cloud family over the years, trying to drive the cloud family out of the Dongyue Empire, this fact can not be changed.

What's more, the cloud family is now developing in a better and better direction, and the Luo family can't help them, let alone shake the status of the cloud family.

With such an awareness, Yun Jin said that he drank wine with peace of mind.

Only in Luo Rui's heart, the warning is a warning! If Junlin is fair to the Luo family, why did he come to this point!

While everyone is drinking, Luo Rui winks at Xiao fengran beside Junlin. After receiving the instructions, Xiao fengran smiles brightly.

She's going to be free at last!

As soon as yunxiuyi pushes away the wine cup from suzixiang, she smells the smell of kissing. She looks up in the direction of the smell, and then sees Xiao fengran feeding a glass of wine into Junlin's mouth with a smile.

She looked at Luo Rui again, and saw that his eyes were full of cunning light. After Jun Lin swallowed the wine completely, her mouth raised a proud smile.

So fast?

She was familiar with the clothes of Yunxiu. After all, she had just refined the toxin of heartbroken herb some time ago, and it was a kind of poison mainly made of heartbroken herb. If she didn't treat it in time after poisoning, she would die of intestinal ulcer.

Xiao fengran and Luo Rui's movements were not noticed by others, and they were still happily drinking and chatting.

It was not until Junlin spoke again that everyone focused on him again.

"Sufang master hasn't got a wife yet. Is there a sweetheart? If not, how about being a matchmaker for you? " Jun Lin said to the side of Jun Jinyao smile.

Jun Jinyao immediately lowered her head in shame.

This sentence with this action, fool can see what is the meaning of Jun Lin, this is to recruit Su Zixiang to be their son-in-law!

But didn't Su Zixiang just come in with Miss Yun? I'm still sitting together now!

If it was in the past, they would surely feel that the cloud family is not worthy of Su Zixiang, but since the cloud family has gradually prospered, they feel that cloud Xiuyi is still very talented in business.

In addition, their cloud family has a lot to do with fanglou, so it's not unusual for Yunxiu clothes to be with Su Zixiang.

Now Junlin has opened a golden mouth to match Su Zixiang and Princess nine. I don't know if it was intentional.

Cloud Xiu clothes side head looked at the person beside, originally is to use her to block Jun Jin Yao, early know each other is Jun Lin, she should say five become just right.

"You have the money. Now the power is in front of you. Many people can't ask for it. I think the nine princesses look good and don't hurt you."

Yun Xiuyi deliberately teases Su Zixiang to avenge his teasing.

Who knows this person shamelessly put his head on her shoulder and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "you have to cooperate with me."

She didn't say she didn't cooperate.

Cloud Xiu clothes to avoid suspicion like Su Zixiang pushed away, and then always lowered his head, see in the eyes of others is a little girl shy appearance.

Su Zixiang also found the right time to open his mouth, "holy, to tell you the truth, I already have people in my heart."

He vaguely looked at the cloud Xiu clothes with his head down, "but still in pursuit. I'm afraid that the words of the Lord will scare her to never see me again."

Jun Lin's eyes wandered between Su Zixiang and Yun Xiuyi. His face was obviously dark. At last, he looked at Yun Jinyan again. He was so scared that Yun Jinyan's eyes kept dodging and didn't dare to look at Jun Lin's eyes.

And Su Zixiang and cloud Xiuyi trade he knows, early know Su Zixiang is to let cloud Xiuyi help him cheat Junlin, give him medicine he will not agree!

The whole palace fell into silence, and no one dared to express his opinion.

Luo Rui thinks that it's too early to poison. He didn't have to take such a risk when he knew there was such a case. He should wait for the cloud family to kill himself.

Luo Yan'er beside him couldn't hide his smile. Even the man of the ninth Princess dares to rob him. A fool is a fool. Can you expect her to be smart one day?Just when everyone was worried and schadenfreuded, Jun Jinyao stood up and said, "father, you're ordering Yuanyang again."

She has a wonderful smile and a shallow pear vortex on her cheek, which makes people who see her smile feel happy.

Junlin naturally couldn't resist her coquetry, and her face looked better. "Nonsense, how can you call it a mess? When did my father order? "

"You forget! Last time you said Chu Heng was good. "

Is it? Jun Lin thought about it. Why didn't he remember such a thing?

"Father, your daughter is so excellent that everyone loves her. How can she look like she can't get married in your eyes? I'm sorry to see you all in the future. "

While junjinyao is making a comeback, yunxiuyi whispers to Su Zixiang, "are you sure you don't think about it? The nine princesses have high EQ and IQ. She doesn't dislike you and should burn incense."

"If you want to marry me, I'll be a free and unrestrained master, so I don't want to be bound by others."

Junlin was amused by junjinyao's words, and the atmosphere in the palace became lively. Luo Rui and Luo Yaner were also extremely disappointed.

Jun Shaoqin has mixed feelings.

He doesn't want Jiumei to marry suzixiang, and he doesn't want yunxiuyi to have something to do with him. Although Luo Yan'er's appearance is already very outstanding, it always pales in front of yunxiuyi.

Cloud Xiu clothes don't like complicated decoration, more don't like heavy makeup, elegant jade face only painted light plum makeup.

Because of the cinnabar mole on the original clear and beautiful face, it is charming and enchanting, and can't move its sight any more.

At the thought that this woman has been pestering her for many years, but now she is nestling in other people's arms, Jun Shaoqin feels that the grassland above her head is more ugly than Junlin before.

At the end of the banquet, junjinyao made an invitation, and the elder Xingchen from Tianji Pavilion led the team to Daiyunshan for training.

First of all, we can ensure the safety of everyone with stardust elder.

Secondly, although Daiyun mountain is dangerous, it is a good place to upgrade their cultivation. Although the hidden fog forest can't go, their cultivation can't be abandoned.

Three to Tianji pavilion to recruit a group of new students, just let them in front of Xingchen show their faces, mix a face familiar, when the exam or add some extra eye fate.

In a word, all the children of the four families present are very happy to participate in this training.

"Princess nine, you don't know that Xiuyi's elder sister is born without a palace of life. When she goes to Daiyun mountain, she can't protect herself in case of danger. If we don't care for her, it will be miserable!"

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