Luo Yan'er doesn't miss any chance to slander Yun Xiu's clothes, and Luo Rui doesn't stop her this time.

"No palace of life?"

Jun Jinyao is a few years younger than Yun Xiuyi, and he was sent to Tianji pavilion to practice with xiaoyaozi. Naturally, he doesn't know about Yun Xiuyi.

She was only surprised at the fact that there were no people in the palace of life in the world. Apart from sympathizing with yunxiuyi, there was no other place to dislike her. "Would you like to go to Daiyunshan with us for training? If you want to go, I can protect you. "

To turn talent, none of these people present can match Jun Jinyao. He is already a first-class spirit Master at the same age as Zuo wanwan. Luo Yan'er is just a little witch in front of her.

"I can protect you" this sentence, if it is said from others, is a bit of a joke, but it seems very sincere to her.

Because of this sentence, Yun Xiuyi had some good feelings for her.

During this period of time, she was busy with the affairs of yunmoxuan, and she didn't go to Daiyunshan for some days, so she nodded to junjinyao and expressed her willingness.

Luo Yan'er thought that she just wanted to stimulate Yun Xiu's clothes. Unexpectedly, this fool really agreed to go to Dai Yunshan with them for training. Did she think her magic skills were useful in front of the ghosts? I'm looking for death.

But since she wanted to die, of course she would not stop her.

"Sister Xiuyi, you won so many animal yuan in the last hunting competition. I'm afraid no one in Dongyue empire can do it. This time you'll let us have a long experience!"

"Hunting competition?"

Jun Jinyao asked curiously, "I seem to have heard about it." So she just didn't expect cloud Xiu clothes have no life palace, be Luo Yan son such a remind, immediately also interested in.

Seeing Luo Yan'er's blatant provocation to Yun Xiu's clothes, Su Zixiang doesn't mean to help at all. He wants to see how the black hearted woman should deal with it.

Just thinking about this in my heart, Yunxiu began to fight back, "I thought you would not have the heart to go to Daiyunshan."

The place like Ningxue building is mixed with good and bad people, and the speed of spreading news is also very fast, so these people on the scene all know what happened to Luo Rou last night.

I also know that Luo Yan'er colludes with Li's son to give Luo Rou two pills of Xinmian, which leads to her kidney loss and humiliation.

Now the cloud Xiu clothes such a remind, see Luo Yan son's eyes also can't help strange up, this Luo family teach out of the children seem not how character.

By cloud Xiu clothing stab pain, Luo Yan son gas straight stomp.

It's a pity that even Luo Rou insists that she did it. She can't explain it at all. In addition, the young master Li testified that she couldn't wash it.

"Come on, Yan'er, don't show your face again."

Luo Rui scolds. Luo Yan'er bites her lips and stares at Yun Xiu's clothes. Because of this slut, she is scolded by her father.

Su Zixiang thought that this girl is not much smarter than her elder sister. She has suffered twice and again in yunxiuyi, but she doesn't have a long memory. She wants to challenge her with her own cleverness. And even if it's provocative, at least we should be more skillful!

This Palace Banquet experienced many twists and turns, and finally passed without danger.

Su Zixiang wanted to send yunxiuyi and yunjinyan back to Yunjia, but yunxiuyi said that he wanted to visit Junfu, so he left them in the palace.

Wait for all to scatter, Mo Xi Lou just arrive cloud Xiu Yi side.

He saw the interaction between yunxiuyi and suzixiang all the time. He was used to the coolness of yunxiuyi. It was the first time that he saw her smile so many times and knew that she could have so many expressions.

Don't say that other people think the relationship between her and Su Zixiang is unusual. Even he thinks he has missed something.

"Are you familiar with Su Zixiang?"

"Not familiar."

The tone of cloud Xiu clothes is still cold, or even a little more distant than before, "didn't you advise me to come closer to Jun Fu before? Now it's more helpful to be close to Su Zixiang. Shennong Ding and medicinal materials are available. "

Although Yun Xiuyi's words are OK, Mo Xilou doesn't want to hear them.

What he had been worried about came ahead of time. Yunxiu's clothes became more and more difficult to control. With all kinds of people around him, he was no longer needed.

"Su Zixiang is not as simple as you think. You'd better stay away from him."

Cloud Xiu clothes while walking side head to see Mo Xi floor, he seems to talk a little more today, "we are just trading relations, you seem to manage a little more."

"Your life is mine." The subtext of Mo Xi Lou is that you even have my life, not to mention your people?Yunxiuyi felt that moxilou was so overbearing for the first time. At this time, he was like a child who had been robbed of candy. He was in a bad mood!

And Mo Xi Lou also felt that something was wrong with him. Maybe he was the only one around Yun Xiu Yi all the time. Suddenly, he was uncomfortable with someone else. After he thought about it, he immediately returned to normal.

"I mean, suzixiang is more complicated than Junfu. It's easy to lose money when you deal with him."

On this point, Mo Xi Lou was worried too much. It was su Zixiang who was worried about the loss. After they were calm, the conversation between them was not so naive.

"The Luo family has already laid hands on Junlin. When Junlin is dead, they will certainly support junshao Qin. At that time, the first thing the Luo family will deal with is the cloud family."

"You mean Junlin poisoning?"

Yun Xiuyi nodded, "Xiao fengran, in order to avoid suspicion, controlled the dosage of kissing, otherwise Junlin could not stand and leave Zhaohe palace. But now that they have moved their hands, it will not be long before the king comes. "

"So you are in a hurry to find Junfu now?"

Mo Xi Lou suddenly felt that he was not right, but also very naive.

He thinks that he knows yunxiuyi, but because she smiles at other men a few times, he loses his square inch and thinks that she is no longer under his control.

Now it seems that she is the same one, and everything is based on interests.

"Jun Lin can't die for the time being. Even if he dies, he can't let Jun Shao Qin succeed him. Do you think there are other people who are more suitable for the position of new emperor besides Jun Fu?"

Mo Xilou also agreed with this. He had said that Junfu was one of the few upright people in Dongyue empire.

When he arrived at Junfu's bedroom, he was leaning on the bed to drink medicine. His face turned pale and his mental state was not good. When he saw Yunxiu's clothes coming, he laughed.

"Heartless girl, I've been hurt so badly for you, and you know how to come to see me!"

Cloud Xiu clothes ignored Jun Fu's complaint, walked over and pulled him rudely, slapped him on the back, and immediately let him vomit all the medicine he had just drunk.

The maid in waiting to clean up the medicine bowl was shocked, "come on! There are assassins. "

In an instant, a group of armed bodyguards rushed in outside the palace, holding spears to surround yunxiuyi and moxilou, forcing them away from Junfu.

Jun Fu finally stopped coughing, immediately out of a voice to stop, "all back down, they are not assassins."

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