At this time, many people found that the medicine juice that Jun Fu vomited onto the quilt turned black gradually, and immediately realized that the medicine he had just drunk was poisonous.

The maid in charge of decocting and taking medicine was so scared that she fell to her knees and said, "Your Highness, it's not a maid. She doesn't know anything."

You all step back! No admittance without my orders. "

When only Junfu, yunxiuyi and moxilou were left in the hall, Junfu said slowly, "do you know someone poisoned me?" Otherwise, how could it be so timely.

In fact, it's not true. She just smelled the medicine when she came in.

Yunxiuyi didn't answer this question, but told the truth about Junlin's poisoning. Junfu's face turned pale after hearing this, and then stared at Mo Xilou warily, "who is he?"

"My people."

Yun Xiuyi's answer is not the adopted son of Jimo family, but my person. Maybe she just wants Jun Fu to trust Mo Xilou, but these three words are very pleasant to hear in Mo Xilou's ears. Today, all the unhappiness is swept away.

Confirming the credibility of Mo Xi Lou, Jun Fu continued, "I don't want that position."

"If you don't want that position, you'll be dead."

Jun Fu grins bitterly. He has always firmly stated his position. He has no intention of becoming a king, but who wants him to be born in the royal family? No matter how true his words are, and whether his enemies believe them or not, he is a stumbling block.

"You didn't come to see me."

After the injury, Junfu didn't know much about the current situation of Dongyue empire. "You are afraid that the Luo family and junshaoqin are not good for the cloud family, so you want me to sit in that position?"

Since the words are all open, cloud Xiu clothes also don't hide Ye.

"Yes, now that the Luo family and Jun Shaoqin are our common enemies, both the cloud family and you need you to sit in that position."

"Do you know that my father wanted Jun Shaoqin to succeed to the throne, and all the troops in the palace were in his hands. I'm just a prince without power and power."

"I just want to confirm what you think."

Junfu was confused for a moment. He had always asked for himself regardless of the government. The world only knew that he was addicted to cultivation, but did not know that he was actually unwilling to get involved in these intrigues.

But now the enemy has extended his claws to him and his father. If he doesn't fight back, he will die.

He doesn't want to die!

Looking up again, Jun Fu's eyes were full of firmness, "may father Huang's poison be cured?"

"Yes." Cloud Xiu clothes throw to him black and white each a medicine bottle, "white cure your wound, black solution his poison, owe your favor already return."

Obviously is indifferent words, but let the gentleman help tight heart to ease some.

I thought that the girl still had no conscience, and that the hero's saving beauty should be put on other girls. She had been moved to agree with each other for a long time. She was very good, and she had given up all the favor she owed you.

"Since the Luo family is going to make a drastic cut, we can also take the opportunity to get rid of them. Don't be in a hurry to detoxify the emperor. It won't be too late until he shows his true colors. As for you, you can continue to pretend to be ill. "

As early as in the hidden fog forest, Junfu knew that Yunxiu's clothes were not simple. Now she was not surprised when she met with something, and she was resolute in dealing with it. She was once again convinced.

With these words, Yun Xiuyi no longer stayed, and left Jun Fu's palace with Mo Xilou.

When you get to the outside of the hall, Mo Xi Lou says, "I'm afraid you've already scared the snake by forcing out Jun Fu's poison. In two days at most, Luo Rui will do it. Do you want to go to Daiyun mountain?"

"Go, it's time to tell Junfu. He who wants to be the master of the East moon has no courage and can't do it for a long time. It's you... "

Cloud Xiu dress looked at two eyes Mo Xi floor, this person recently appeared in front of the number of people seems to be more, he should not want to expose himself, also don't know recently in what evil.

Before a word is over, Xiao fengran and Luo Rui are found in the pavilion not far away.

Xiao fengran sits on one side and looks at Luo Rui with a smile. He seems to be in a good mood, while Luo Rui stands on the other side with a long sight and doesn't know what he is thinking.

"Father, when he dies, I can go back to Luo's house, right?"

Because Luo Rui's back is facing Xiao fengran, she can't see him frowning at the moment. She is still immersed in her own fantasy.

"After returning to Luo's home this time, Feng ran would never leave his father again."

Not far away eavesdropping cloud Xiuyi suddenly remembered what Mo Xilou had said before: don't think Xiao fengran too complicated, just know that her happiness, anger, sadness and happiness are all due to Luo Rui.Before, yunxiuyi only thought that their father and daughter were affectionate. Now, seeing Xiao fengran's face full of young girl's nostalgia, he vaguely guessed something.

Afraid that Luo Rui will find them, Mo Xi Lou's brush sleeve hides their breath.

"When Xingchen takes those children to Daiyunshan, you can do it. I will solve Junfu personally. When Yaner and the fourth prince come back, everything will be settled."

Luo Rui has been waiting for this day for 15 years. Now success is just around the corner. Although he is very confident, he is still uneasy.

And the source of this indistinct uneasiness is the waste cloud Xiuyi of the cloud family.

"What will father do with the cloud family?"

"Without the protection of Junlin, the rubbish of the cloud family is a group of headless flies. I will instruct the fourth prince to put them all to death according to a crime name. As for the little waste of the cloud family, Xingchen won't let her leave Daiyunshan alive. "

Hearing that Luo Rui had arranged for him and all the members of the cloud family, Yun Xiuyi didn't care at all. After all, the Mantis was behind the Yellow sparrow.

The next conversation was all about nutrition. Yun Xiuyi didn't want to listen any more, so he left with Mo Xilou.

The next day, at dawn, a group of people had assembled. Xingchen took Jun Jinyao and others to Daiyunshan to begin this training.

Most of the people here came to Daiyun mountain for hunting for the first time. Excitement completely replaced tension, and they were curious about all the new things along the way.

And with the escort of Stardust, there are Jun Jinyao in front of the ghost beast, so these people are more confident.

Yunxiuyi and moxilou are still at the end of the team. With so many people in, it's not convenient for them to pick up the leak.

At this time, Xiao fengran should have taken action. Before long, Junlin will be poisoned.

Look at these people who have been raised in the greenhouse since they were young. If they know that the Empire of Dongyue is going through an unprecedented disaster, do they still want to have fun.

"We used to work together in the hidden fog forest, but now we come to Daiyunshan, we still work together. How boring! Why don't we split into two teams! "

When they arrived at the foot of Daiyun mountain, Luo Yan'er's mind began to move again.

"Good! Then I'll be with elder stardust. "

"I want to talk to elder Xingchen, too."

All these people are timid and cherish their lives. They choose Xingchen one after another. Only Jun Jinyao stands up and says, "I'll take another team. Sister Yun, you're with me. Who else will come?"

Where the cloud Xiuyi is, he naturally goes. Mo Xi Lou moves towards the cloud Xiuyi and tells Jun Jinyao that he will join in.

Luo Yan'er had already guessed that Yun Xiu's clothes would be with Jun Jinyao, and immediately raised his hand, "I choose nine princesses."

After a while, everyone was divided into teams, only Zuo sangyan was still struggling.

According to the truth, Zuoli has already chosen Xingchen, and he should follow the past. Strangely, he is in a dilemma.

Until Jun Shaoqin impatiently reprimanded him, he slowly went to the cloud Xiuyi next to her smile, said, "I choose nine princess."

His smile immediately aroused the laughter of these young boys and girls, one by one joked, "brother sang Yan, I can't see that you usually don't say a word. You like Miss Yunda!"

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